The monkey was very happy, and the monkey was very happy.

"How is the hyperactive ape? Is there anything you don't understand?"

Lu Yuan sat down next to the hyperactive ape, smiling as he looked at the ape holding a book with the words "Art of War" written on it.

"I have learned a little."

Hearing the voice, the hyperactive ape closed the book, and wisdom flashed in his eyes, as if he had learned wisdom from the book.

"Oh? Where did you get it?"

Lu Yuan said with interest, looking at the burly hyperactive ape curiously.

Perhaps because of the sufficient food or some strange factors, the hyperactive ape is almost two meters tall, with bulging muscles, a burly figure, and a strong body containing terrifying power.

At this time, the book fell into its huge palm, and it seemed a little small. There was a sense of disharmony that a rough man was trying to read a book.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. The key to fighting is to understand the opponent's weaknesses, deploy strategies based on his weaknesses, and use anger to frustrate him, and humble him to make him proud." The hyperactive ape put down the book in his hand, looking like he had gained something.

"Fuck, it really read it?"

After hearing what the hyperactive ape said with a deep look on his face, Lu Yuan felt a little confused and felt a little shocked.

After saying "Fuck", he was happy for it. This hyperactive ape was smart from the beginning. I didn't expect it to be able to understand the art of war. It was really amazing.

"Have you ever thought of using these ideas in battle?"

"Yes, I also plan to use them on the stupid big guy." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yuan with a cautious look.

"Don't be wary of me. I will only do my best to help you two improve your strength in this duel. I won't tell you about Gyarados. Don't worry." Lu Yuan comforted. As a trainer, he would treat the two Pokémon fairly, even if Hyperactive Ape had not been in the team for a long time.

"I believe in the boss." Hyperactive Ape said that since being subdued, Lu Yuan's actions have been fair and impartial.

"Do you have any ideas? Tell me and I will help you think about it. I will also give suggestions to Gyarados."

Lu Yuan picked up the Art of War and said with a smile.

Based on the strengths and weaknesses of the two Pokémon, he proposed different battle plans and training plans to improve the two Pokémon to their peak state. He looked forward to seeing how they would perform in the battle of the one-month appointment.

Although they were taught by the same master, the methods and ideas they taught were slightly different, which has a very good comparison value.

"Know yourself and know your enemy. Shada is a water-type Pokémon, and the electric-type moves can do great harm to it, so I want to work on this aspect."

"Not bad, not bad, you also know about attribute restraint, and you can think of this." Lu Yuan praised, giving a thumbs up.

"That's all I know, so I need you to help me master the electric-type moves." Hyperactive Ape asked.

"Electric-type moves? You have already mastered the electric-type lightning fist, and have already mastered the electric-type energy. The next step is the advanced version of the electric-type moves. If you want, do you want to learn this 100,000-volt move?"

"Yes, then, do you have anything to add to my idea?" Hyperactive Ape asked. Although he could read books, he still felt that he was far less advanced than the trainer in front of him, especially the Pokémon that cultivated together, which was stronger and made it difficult for him to catch up.

Previously, it had read several books on skill cultivation, but its understanding was far inferior to the explanation given by Lu Yuan. But it didn't matter. If the trainer understood, it would understand. It would eventually fall on it, so Hyperactive Ape was not in a hurry.

The important thing was to read the Art of War, use absolute wisdom, defeat Gyarados, and take the position of the big brother.

Lu Yuan thought about it, combined with the advantages of Hyperactive Ape, and quickly gave his opinion: "You can use superpowers to assist the upgrade, and then bombard with lightning."

After that, Lu Yuan told the story and added many details, which made Hyperactive Ape amazed again and again. Is this the strength of an excellent trainer? In such a short time, he gave such a powerful battle method.

"Okay, the battle method is like this. Then we can specify training with this battle method. We can do this. First, train your aerial mobility, and then the electric attack.................."

After explaining the battle method, Lu Yuan also said that the battle method formulated a corresponding training method for Hyperactive Ape, which mainly revolved around flying and electric attacks.

After listening to this, the hyperactive monkey's eyes sparkled, and he admired Lu Yuan even more. He also made up his mind to read more books in the future.

The hyperactive monkey remembered that Lu Yuan was reading a lot, which was why he was so good.

If he also reads books, even if he is not as powerful as him, he should have 50% attack power.

"By the way, in addition to the electric attack moves, other things cannot be left behind. Gyarados is not an enemy, and there are more than one kind of real enemies."

Lu Yuan instructed.

"Okay, I understand, boss, don't worry."

Then he started training with great interest.

And Lu Yuan was not idle either, he also helped it master the moves, and moved out a set of equipment for training lightning to assist in the training.


The electric arc flashed in all directions, and the figure of the hyperactive ape shuttled through it, deeply experiencing the power of lightning and practicing moves.

Lu Yuan stayed at the scene, often giving instructions, holding a notebook in his hand, observing the movements of the hyperactive ape, and occasionally writing some records.

"It seems that this training method is also unique."

Lu Yuan touched his chin and observed the training of the hyperactive ape.


The surface of the hyperactive ape flashed with electric light, which was pulled by its arms and shot out, but dissipated in mid-air, failing to achieve the attack effect of 100,000 volts.

"Don't worry, how long have you been training?" Lu Yuan shouted, correcting his training method.

On the second day, Lu Yuan came to Gyarados's training room to watch Gyarados' training.

He would also provide Gyarados with a battle plan and give targeted training methods.

Lu Yuan did not hide anything from either of the two Pokémons, and did not favor either side. They acted according to their respective characteristics with the goal of reaching their peak state.

The cold training room was filled with ice marks, and this training room seemed to have turned into an ice world. This was naturally Gyarados's masterpiece.

Gyarados followed the advice and focused on training ice-type moves, and then built a set of combat methods based on its own water system.

"Freeze cannot be limited to points and lines, but also to the surface. You have the attributes of water + flying, and electric moves are extremely restrained against you. You must focus on this aspect. You can use the whirlpool to protect yourself, and then use the instant freeze to resist the electric attack, and then..."

In the training room of Gyarados, Lu Yuan also provided a set of combat methods and training methods.

Gyarados' eyes sparkled when he heard it.

"In essence, you still need to strengthen the control and use of energy. You must practice hard and don't slack off."

"Ahhh, no problem, boss, just watch how I beat this guy, Zoanthropus, this time."

Gyarados directly agreed. With the combat plan provided by Lu Yuan, Gyarados was very confident.

"This is a characteristic, but other moves and tactics cannot be neglected. Hyperactive Ape is our partner. There are many real enemies. We can't just rely on this."

"Oh, I understand. As the big brother, I will naturally take good care of the little brother. Don't worry, boss."

Gyarados only needs one hand, patted his chest to promise, and agreed repeatedly.

"Try hard. The result of the battle between you two will only be known after the battle."

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