The two of them were very close, but they were still very close.

In this way, a few days passed again.

On this day, Lu Yuan appeared in the dense jungle outside Yuhong City, with Hyperactive Ape by his side. Gyarados stayed in the training room to train, which was also what they asked, not wanting the other to know their special moves.

As for safety, they don't have to worry about it. As Lu Yuan's elves, they know his fighting power. It can be said that they may not be his opponents even if they join forces.

If they really encounter something, Lu Yuan will protect them. He is the strongest in terms of escaping ability, so the two elves are not worried about this aspect.

"Woo woo~"

Hyperactive Ape was very active in the wild, climbing trees everywhere, picking a few fruits, throwing them into his mouth, and presenting a few to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan did not refuse, took a bite, sour and sweet, juicy, can quench thirst.

"Boss, I want to eat honey."

One person and one elf stood in a large swarm of Beedrills, and Hyperactive Ape pointed to the honeycomb in the middle of the swarm and said.

There are a lot of elves like Beedrills, and they can be seen in almost every forest.

For trainers, they are also very important income objects, because there are too many, and the materials that these elves can produce are also very valuable.

But in the annual list of wild trainers who died, there are also many trainers who died at the hands of Beedrills.

"I can feel that there is only one Beedrill there that can threaten me."

Hyperactive Ape closed his eyes, and the superpowers permeated his body, and then said.

"Well, bring me that elf egg, okay?"

Lu Yuan pointed to the elf egg in the middle of the swarm. The system interface showed that it was an elite elf egg.

He didn't need it, so he could give it to Sakai Ji and Zong Wen to strengthen their strength, which would also be helpful in the future.

Lu Yuan had seen their elves, and they were too ordinary. If there were no special factors, they would not be able to walk far. It happened that he was in the wild, so he could bring a few good elves back to strengthen the strength of the two.


The hyperactive ape crouched down, and approached silently with a restrained breath. The speed was extremely fast, and it was not discovered by the patrolling giant bees.

At the beginning, the hyperactive ape also used this trick when it attacked him. Lu Yuan didn't notice it at the beginning, and now if he didn't pay attention, he wouldn't notice it.

This is also a unique feature of the hyperactive ape, which is very useful in the wild environment.

After a while, a roar came from the giant bee group, and the hyperactive ape fought with them.

From Lu Yuan's perspective, the hyperactive ape was surrounded by six sturdy giant hornets, blocking its escape route.

In the bee colony, there was a hidden breath hidden in it. It was the strongest giant hornet, which had reached advanced strength. It was hiding in the bee colony at this time and did not attack. I don't know if it was preparing for a sneak attack or what. It didn't attack, and six intermediate-level giant hornets still surrounded the hyperactive ape. Maybe they thought it was enough.

It was enough to kill this daring hyperactive ape.

The hyperactive ape was calm and took a bite of the honey in his hand, looking down at the giant hornets surrounding it with a defiant look.

Although it was docile in front of Lu Yuan, it was also a bully in the wild.

With the same intermediate strength, it might be very troublesome to deal with the stupid big guy Gyarados, but it was easy to deal with these stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs.

Even though they were both intermediate-level Pokémon, there were still differences.

At this moment, the six Beedrills moved, and at this moment, the Hyperactive Ape also moved.

"It's not quite good enough. I'll get a honeycomb, which should taste good. I'll give it to the boss."

During the battle, the Hyperactive Ape was distracted by these thoughts. As his figure swayed, he came behind a Beedrill, raised his fist, and emitted flames.


A Beedrill fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.


Another Beedrill was about to attack, but was hit by the oncoming fire fist and fell to the ground.

The Hyperactive Ape made a handsome fighting gesture, facing the remaining four Beedrills.


The four Beedrills raised their double guns together, and missiles shot out one after another, covering the unit where the Hyperactive Ape was.

The hyperactive ape grinned, and his figure flashed, shuttling among the missile needles, his body was agile and his posture was handsome.


The Beedrill raised his double guns, and there seemed to be a faint light on the guns. He stabbed at the hyperactive ape that rushed away, but was slashed by the hyperactive ape. The next moment

, a fist flashing with lightning came down.

With a muffled groan, another one fell down.

The hyperactive ape stopped on the spot, slightly charged up the lightning and burst out, using the 100,000 volt trick that it had been training hard in recent days, shooting at the other three giant beepers.

At this moment, a black shadow ran out quickly, and the strongest giant bee was sold, targeting the hyperactive ape who had just used 100,000 volts.

The double needles carried the power of thunder, and their power was much stronger than the previous giant bee, piercing the hyperactive ape's head.

The hyperactive ape showed an expression of "you are finally here", as if it had been waiting for it for a long time.

Seeing this, the giant bee used all its strength to pour into the double needles.

The hyperactive ape bent its legs and made an amazing bounce to avoid the attack, making it hit the original ground and pounced.

The hyperactive ape hit down with a lightning fist, but was avoided by the giant bee, which turned back in the air and attacked again.

It was a high-speed movement and a swallow-returning move.

The two needles and the flames intertwined and stalemated in mid-air. The hyperactive monkey smiled slightly, increased the power output, and slowly pushed forward.

The Beedrill avoided it by a body position and slightly injured it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Beedrill retreated backwards, and the wings behind it hummed and hummed, and there was a noisy sound.

"Want to run."

The hyperactive monkey once again used 100,000 volts, which was much more powerful than the previous lightning power, and burst out, chasing the Beedrill.


The lightning hit the Beedrill and there was an explosion, and then a charred Beedrill fell to the ground and there was no movement.

"Defeat the Beedrill and get 32 ​​battle points."

In the distance, the road source, the system interface on the move increases the battle points.

Throwing out a few Pokémon balls casually, the Beedrill that fell to the ground was collected, and the hyperactive monkey held a Pokémon egg in his hand, and used superpowers to take honey and several good things he had collected, and walked over.

"Boss, here you go."

Giving the food to Lu Yuan, the hyperactive ape picked up a piece of honey and ate it. It tasted good, so he handed it to him.

Lu Yuan put the food away, took the honey casually, tasted it and it tasted good.

One man and one elf continued to go deeper into the jungle while eating, walking in one direction, leaving behind the messy land of the giant bee colony.

The only ones who were injured were the giant bee colony.

Or, in other words, this is a world where only the weak can get hurt.

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