After lunch, the three of them looked at the information sent and came to the designated location outside Yuhong City, which was at the foot of a mountain east of Yuhong City.

This place is remote and densely covered with vegetation, which is a good hiding spot. There are also several dilapidated wooden houses in the distance.

"It's here. Let's wait here."

Lu Yuan and the other two found a suitable place to rest and wait.

"It's so mysterious, and it's a four-star mission. It feels a bit dangerous. Boss, remember to keep an eye on us later. You know, we are just two rookies."

Sakai Ji smiled and said.

"Don't be so nervous, be careful and everything will be fine. We are not the only team. I will help if I can." Lu Yuan comforted him. While they were talking, a team also came. The team leader saw that it was Lu Yuan, nodded slightly, and rested in the distance.

"Then boss, do you have any inside information?" Sakai Ji came over and whispered.

"No, I am the same as you. I only know that the other three captains are also on this mission."

"Okay, Fatty, can't you show your momentum at the banquet? Where is your momentum for a heavy punch? Why are you so timid here?"

Zong Wen on the side said sarcastically. He was a little nervous because of him.

Strictly speaking, this can be said to be his first mission, and with such a situation, it is inevitable to be nervous.

"We have to adapt to him if we eat this bowl of rice."

Zong Wen exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"Okay, it's the first time, so I'm a little nervous. This is understandable, haha." After hearing this, Sakaiji smiled awkwardly, and seeing Lu Yuan's calm face, his mood also calmed down.

His boss was able to escape in such a dangerous situation last time. Even if it is equally dangerous this time, he can still escape successfully, right?

Thinking of this, Sakaiji felt more secure, and touched the Poké Ball on his belt, and he felt more confident.

While the three were chatting, small teams arrived and found a place to rest.


A green figure flew in the sky. Lu Yuan looked up and saw that it was a desert dragonfly. Judging from the aura it exuded, it was a gym-level Pokémon.

Level 51, it may break through soon.

Qingyan and a captain stood on the back of the desert dragonfly, and the other two captains stood on the back of another flying Pokémon, King Yan, which was also a gym-level Pokémon.

Lu Yuan and his men quickly stood up and lined up in teams.

Qing Yan counted the number of people and found that everyone had arrived. He nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, everyone is here. Now I will announce the mission this time."

"The mission this time is to intercept a batch of the three royal families sent by the alliance headquarters to Yuhong City. I have grasped the clues and made preparations. The time difference is in these few days. Do you understand!"

"I understand."

"Very good, the team will be divided into four teams, led by the four of us. There are team leaders. Come forward and I will tell you about the matter."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan and the other team leaders stepped forward.

Qing Yan took out a map and a pen, drew on it, and arranged the strategy.

"Do you understand? If you don't understand, you can raise it."

"I understand."

Lu Yuan and others replied.

"Okay, let's go."

Then the group was divided into four parts and began to act.

In a valley leading to Yuhong City, Lu Yuan and his two companions hid under a rock. They took turns holding telescopes and observing the surroundings.

The rocks in this valley were exposed and overgrown with weeds. It looked very desolate. There were no elves living around here, but this was the only way for the other party.

Anyway, that's what the captain said.

"It seems that the other party is also a wise person like me. He knows that this place is desolate, rarely visited, and the chance of ambush is low. It is also different from the previous trips of alliance personnel. It's a contrast." Sakai Ji dragged his chin and analyzed.

"Is it possible that the other party randomly selected the route? Another possibility is that you are just an idiot and have no wisdom."

Zong Wen said silently.

"What? You actually questioned my wisdom. It's unforgivable."

"Do you still need to question it?"

Zong Wen said lightly.

"How dare you say that to me, your brother Ji? I'll settle the score with you when I get back, little virgin."

"Tsk, that's better than you."

Lu Yuan looked at the two bickering with amusement.

Okay, but after that banquet, they would start arguing about the topic of whether it was a young girl or a young woman. They would each stick to their own opinion and no one could convince the other. Gradually, they started to quarrel.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. If you really want to verify, you two can each find one. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth."

Lu Yuan stopped the two and said to them with a smile.

"Let's discuss this from the beginning. Brother Ji has a long life ahead of him. He can't give up the whole forest because of a tree. It's not worth it. At present, he can only go for his kidneys instead of his heart."

Ji Sakai disagreed.

While he was talking, the communicator on Lu Yuan's shoulder rang.

"Zizizi~ I'm Hanchuan. All teams, please pay attention. The target person has entered the designated area. Please be prepared. Please be prepared. Over."

"So fast." It came so fast that Lu Yuan was a little surprised. He thought it wouldn't be today.

However, the intelligence said that it would arrive in these few days. Today is also in these few days. It's not surprising that it can arrive at this moment.

"Be prepared. There will be a fierce battle later."

Lu Yuan said solemnly, to the two people and to the two elves in the Poké Ball.

The two lost interest in talking. They held the Poké Ball and waited for instructions quietly.


A Pidgeot appeared in the sky, looked down, and flew over. A few minutes later, the Pidgeot flew again, flying in the direction of the past.

Everyone knew that this was the scout, and the real team was still behind.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes, there was movement in front, and about twenty flying elves flew together.

The two Pidgeots led the elves.

"The target has entered the area, start to encircle, move!"

As soon as the voice fell, several gorgeous moves came from all directions and blasted at the flying elves in the sky.

Qing Yan and several captains took the lead, driving the elves and rushing to the front.

"Boom boom boom~"

Many figures fell from the sky, and several figures launched counterattacks, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Lu Yuan and others below also surrounded them, aiming at those who fell down.

The strong ones are still in the sky for a while, and the ones who were knocked down are weaker, just right for the team leader and others to fight.

Not far in front of Lu Yuan and the other two, there was a young man with a dusty face and wearing the uniform of the Alliance Transport Team.

As soon as he looked up, he happened to meet Lu Yuan and the others' eyes.

When they looked at each other, what caught his eyes was the "kind" smile of Lu Yuan and the other two.

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