Parallel world, magic capital.

The night in the cosmopolitan city is neon, and everyone can find the space and time of the sky.

The crescent moon and the stars suddenly dimmed for a few seconds, and then each returned to light. On the corner of a dark street in the magic capital, there were 8 more people out of thin air who should not exist in this world.

Although the owners of the pavilion are either handsome, beautiful, or have a majestic temperament, to be honest, their hair is quite strange.

Wu Gang, also commonly known as Xiao Gang, has brown hair. Ma Zhishi is golden, Alijia is normal black, Nazi is deep purple, orange is dark green, Xia Bohua is white, pine is gray, and Royal Dragon Tsubaki is light blue…

In addition, they are also dressed with a personal style, and from a distance, it is a group of COS enthusiasts partying…

“Is this the parallel world…”

Walking out of the special time and space created by the two gods of time and space, Alicia looked around curiously.

Their location is in the magic city area, but it is a street corner that cannot be covered by cameras, and there is no trace of people around.

“It doesn’t seem to be different…. Not? Aliga’s nose twitched a few times, and then covered her mouth with a frown, “The air here is so bad…”

As the owner of the Kusanagi Dojo, Elija’s dojo is a huge botanical garden inside. The greenery of the elf world is already very good, and the natural atmosphere of the grass elves in the Eljia Hall itself is fresher. And the magic capital …. For her, it was hell.

“Mr. Xia Bo,” Xiao Gang looked at their captain, “how do we act?” ”

Xia Bo is the old man of the alliance, don’t look at him now, but the strength of the elves under his hand is close to the level of the heavenly king! This time, the team handed him over as the captain, and there was no problem.

Looking around, Xia Bo came to the street lamp not far away. Relying on the dim light of the street lamp, he stared at the small advertisement of the heavy money on the old wall next to him for a while, before nodding in confirmation: “This is indeed a parallel world that is about to merge with our world, and the reminder of the God of Space is correct, the text here is the same as the text in our Guandu area.” ”

Why did the elven world send their Guandu area hall master over?

Because through the weak points of time and space in the two worlds, the God of Space discovered that the script of the other world was Chinese characters, which used the same Chinese characters as the ancient Guandu region.

Although I don’t know that the accents are different, it is not wrong to send people from the Kanto area to communicate. The status of the king or champion is too high to leave casually. Ordinary trainers have too low a status and will appear disrespectful. Come to think of it, there are only regional hall owners. Anyway, the Elven World Alliance is the only one, and it is okay for the pavilion owner to leave for a while.

Therefore, as the most famous dojo owners in the Kando area, they were sent on a business trip to another world.

Wu Gang carries a backpack, he is the best at taking care of people and is the glue of the team. Ma Zhishi was born in the army, not only can Kanto, but also the common language, double insurance.

Alicia is a lady, with an amiable temperament and suitable for diplomacy. Nazi is terrifying, she herself has extremely strong superpowers, super-powered elves cannot hypnotize humans, but Nazi can…

Tangerine, a ninja, is the most powerful at spying on intelligence and alerting crises. Xia Bo, a majestic old man, is in a high position at a glance and is responsible for the team leader. Matsu, the owner of the ghost department, pretends to be a ghost. Royal Dragon Tsubaki, the representative of the wealthy family, is also going to send one.

In short, the team is a hodgepodge, but everyone is not mediocre.

In the face of the earth at this moment, if these people want to do something big, it is still very simple. However, they did not come here this time to make trouble, they came as pioneers to negotiate conditions.

“First inquire, the alliance over here…. Where are the people in power here. Xia Bo said, looking at the other people, “Let’s act together for the time being.” He raised his left hand, glanced at the vintage elf watch on his wrist, and continued, “There is no signal from the elf watch here, and we must act together until there is no new contact information.” ”

“Okay, no problem.” “OK!” “Okay.”

Except for Nazi, who was cold to absolute zero, and Tangerine, who had almost zero presence, everyone else agreed.

So, visitors from another world – there is nothing wrong with saying that they are crossers? —— Embarked on their journey!

Yigao people are bold, and under the leadership of Xia Bo, they look menacing and confident, and they are not careful to face an unfamiliar environment at all.

Until they walked out of the alley, stood on the side of the road, and saw an advertisement about ‘Poké Ball’ on a passing bus, they were confused.

Comrade Xiao Gang squinted, and now he squinted again, then there was a slit left, his gaze stayed on the road where the bus disappeared, and said dumbly: “The car that just passed …. The poster on it is…”

“Oh, NO~,” Ma Zhishi covered his head and said in disbelief, “If I’m not mistaken, it’s…”

“You read that right, it’s the Poké Ball.” Ryu Tsubaki replied. “That slogan is still a slogan that encourages people to accept elves and become trainers…”

“Why do they have Poké Balls?” Matsuichi had an expression of seeing a ghost – although as the owner of the ghost department, he saw ghosts every day – “Didn’t the God of Time say that the elves have appeared in this world for less than a month?” In a month, they not only reacted to encourage the trainer system, but also developed the Poké Ball from scratch? ”

The Pokeball in the elven world can be traced back to more than a hundred years ago, and it has been improved from generation to generation to its current appearance. And this other world, can it be done in a month! Make no mistake!

Alicia pondered and said solemnly: “If this is the case, then the technology of this world is too strange.” ”

“In short, it is always impossible to get a ‘Spirit Ball’ here to study and study first.”

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