“Aren’t you afraid?” Nazi looked at Zhao Xi curiously, “As far as I know, before the appearance of elves, this world was a complete technological world. Unlike our elven world, your world has no special powers at all. ”

In this way, Nazi unreservedly revealed the news that she is not a person of this world.

Zhao Xi was distressed, ‘You are so straightforward, it is difficult for me to make up lies.’ ’

Seeing that Zhao Xi didn’t answer, Nazi didn’t mind, she repeated the previous sentence, “Your soul is very special, and it is unique to be able to awaken such a strong superpower the day after tomorrow.” She stared straight at Zhao Xi, who raised his head to meet her gaze.

You can see a pair of cold red eyes shining with a strange brilliance, and there is also a strange look on the delicate face without expression. Because in this ordinary world, the strangeness of extraordinary people is discovered.

Zhao Xi’s scalp was numb by this tranquil gaze, and he couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, “The soul is special? His tone was hesitant or skeptical, “I’m basically a human, right?” He said uncertainly, “Superpower awakening or something, maybe luck…”

Yes, he fused the souls of two people and the spiritual power of two people. It’s okay not to awaken, once you awaken your superpower, it’s double your talent?

Nazi is still staring intently, she seems to want to see Zhao Xi through from the outside in, but unfortunately Zhao Xi’s dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and blinks innocently.


Larulas suddenly broke the silence in a whisper, and Nazi said again: “Human superpowers are different from elves. She said expressionlessly, “The mind power of elves can act on physical objects, but many human superpowers cannot. ”

“Can’t do it?”

Zhao Xi raised his hand, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and his backpack was lifted by him again with his super powers.

“You’re different.” Nazi looked at the backpack floating in control, her red eyes flashed, and said seriously, “So I said yours is very special.” Leaving aside those who are weak, among the few powerful capable people, there are very few people who can use spiritual power on physical objects. ”

“Teleportation, telepathy, super perception…” Nazi reported several abilities, looking at Zhao Xi with strange eyes, “even predicting the future, clairvoyance, hypnosis…” she said, “These abilities are ordinary superpowers.” This is perhaps the most time Nazi has spoken in years, “but you are different, you have mental power.” ”

Zhao Xi was stunned, “Nian Li? He chewed on the familiar and unfamiliar word.

“The power possessed by human superpowers, to be precise, comes from the spiritual and spiritual level.” Nazi continued to explain, “But elves are different, elves are innately able to turn spiritual superpowers into substance, they can control objects and even smash objects at will. Has a strong damage ability. ”

“That is, I have a mind power similar to that of an elf, not a superpower that cannot act on objects by other humans?”

Zhao Xi gradually sorted out his thoughts.

In his concept, he has always thought that superpowers are superpowers, the kind of power that can control others and throw them everywhere. As for other telepathy, perspective, and foreknowledge of the future, he didn’t think about it…

I never expected that this kind of superpower that Zhao Xi thought was the rarest was the rarest.

“It’s rare, is it just me in the whole world?” Zhao Xi asked expectantly.

“Maybe.” Nazi waved her hand, and his whole body on the bed suddenly flew up.


“Well,” Zhao Xi said helplessly, “it’s not rare at all, two appeared all of a sudden.” ”

Nazi didn’t have any other expression, just put Zhao Xi back on the bed and said, “At a time when almost all humans are just ordinary people, do you know the situation of being a superpower? ”

“Human beings are afraid of our power, they are afraid that their minds will be seen through, they are afraid that their hearts will no longer be private, and they envy our power that changes reality but cannot obtain it.” Probably caught in some kind of bad memory, Nazi made a cold face, “They discriminate against us and exclude us without concealment…” She suddenly tugged at the corners of her mouth, “But I’d love to see their scared expressions.” ”

‘You cute little naughty. ’

Zhao Xi blinked his eyes obediently: “What you can’t get, humans always want to destroy.” Those who cannot be destroyed will be squeezed out and slandered in every possible way. Thus allowing them to self-destruct. ”

You are beautiful, you are right no matter what you say.

Nazi was very satisfied with Zhao Xi’s attitude, she nodded her head lightly and said, “Our views are quite the same”

There was a slight change in the attitude of the iceberg, which made Zhao Xi jump carefully. Although she lacks a bit of tenderness, there is no doubt that Nazi is a beauty who is extremely delicate, and exudes a powerful aura and a different kind of charm.

When Shake M sees her, I’m afraid it will become wet in a second…

“But in fact, even in the elven world that has accepted the various abilities of humans, the status of our superpowers is still not optimistic…”

Nazi’s tone became a little heavy, her eyes were cold, and the temperature of the entire bedroom dropped: “The alliance wants to make the superpowers give all their loyalty, and even some of them vainly try to unlock the secrets of superpowers, arrogantly saying that they want everyone to become superpowers…”

“No, no, no,” Zhao Xi shook his head and said, “Those people just simply want to take this power into their own hands, and they can’t believe this kind of words for everyone.” ”

“Yes, I can’t believe it.” Nazi’s eyes were shining, as if she had found like-minded people, “It seems that your thoughts are indeed the same as mine, the superpowers of elves can kill humans, but they cannot control humans.” Only human superpowers can control others, and what ideas those in power fight, everyone knows! ”

“I don’t really care about those things,” Natsu said, “I’m just reminding you not to expose your superpowers casually, otherwise something unfriendly might happen.” ”

“I see, thank you.”

Zhao Xi can still understand this basic truth.

“I can teach you how to exercise superpowers.” Nazi looked at Zhao Xi and said, “How is it?” ”

“Good can’t be better!”

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