To be honest, Zhao Xi still really wants to watch the water ballet performance of the three Hualan sisters.

So his expectant eyes drifted to Nazi.

After all, it was a request from a colleague, and Zhao Xi also looked like she wanted to see it, Nazi did not refuse, and nodded silently.

“Oh~ thank you.” Sakura cheered happily, and seemed to be able to complete a superpower performance that she was still looking forward to, which made her extremely happy. The three sisters were obviously very persistent in their pursuit of water ballet, and even the position of the owner of the Taoist Hall was abandoned.

The two were taken by Sakura to the door of the Hualan Dokan, located in the quiet downtown area of Hualan City.

Looking at the Hualan Taoist Hall with performance posters posted everywhere and even a ‘Sorry, afternoon special show tickets are sold out’ sign hanging at the door, Zhao Xi couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: ‘This is a Taoist Hall? ’

Not doing business to this extent, Hualan Taoist Hall is indeed unique.

It can only be said that the alliance’s control over the Taoist Hall is too broad. There are those who directly close the dojo like Xia Bo, and there are those who treat the dojo as a perfume research institute like Erica. What is even more strange is that the owner of the Tokiwa Dokan turned out to be Sakaki, and the alliance did not expose it….

Zhao Xi didn’t believe that the alliance would not know Sakaki’s true identity, if he really let Sakaki blend into the position of the regional hall owner and the alliance was still kept in the dark, then there was no need for this elf alliance that ruled the entire world to exist.

Unable to help but say, Sakura pulled Zhao Xi and Nazi into the dojo through the side door.

Entering the interior of the dojo, Sakura continued to lead the two forward.

The aisles are lined with huge aquarium-like tanks with aquatic plants and reefs at the bottom. Some tanks contain rare fish, while others contain water spirits from various regions.

Unlike the rarity of fish, the inside of the elf tank is full of common water elves – king carp, horned goldfish, lanternfish, needlefish, etc. and so on. Judging from the huge water capacity, the number of fish farmed and the species of water spirits, this dojo should be more promising if it were an aquarium.

It is really difficult for the Hualan Daoist Hall to have such a strong capital to raise so many water system elves and maintain such a large water capacity. These things burn money.

“Keep up.”

Sakura turned her head and said to Zhao Xi, who was immersed in the aquarium.

Zhao Xi hurriedly retracted her gaze and took Nazi’s small hand to continue to follow.

Led by cherry blossoms, the two walked through the aquarium area, passing the performance venue with a huge pool and three-dimensional water tank that could accommodate nearly a thousand people, and finally came directly to the battle venue further behind.

Compared to the performance hall in the vestibule, this battle venue, which is also set up in a pool, looks much shabby, with no ornate decorations, no more lighting and high-tech equipment, and even the stands on both sides are only two rows alone.

“This is the battle site of the past, but it is basically useless now.” Sakura explains, “So our sisters use this place as a training room. She patted the things in her hand and continued, “You two can visit casually, I’ll deal with the things first.” As she spoke, Sakura turned away with her grocery bag in her hands.

“By the way,” she suddenly stopped again, turned back to Zhao Xi and Nazi, and said, “The waterways here are interconnected, so don’t be too surprised to see any water system elves suddenly jumping out of the pool.” She waved her hand and instructed.

As soon as Sakura’s voice fell, a king carp jumped out of the water, opened its mouth in mid-air expressionlessly, and fell back into the water like a corpse, turning over a wave.

It’s really time.

“Hee-hee, please wait a moment.” With that, Sakura happily left with her things in her arms.

“This is the Hualan Taoist Hall…”

Watching the figure of the cherry blossom disappear around the corner, Zhao Xi sighed, looking around at this slightly old venue.

Although it is obviously old, it is not dilapidated and is obviously well cared for.

At each end of the pool, which serves as a battle site, there are fixed pontoons with rectangular blocks, which are where the trainers on both sides stand. In the pool, there are five rectangular fixed pontoons scattered, and six circular floating platforms that are slowly floating on the water, which are the ‘land’ in the elven battle. These pontoons are very old, and there are still traces of battles that existed for an unknown amount of time.

At a cursory glance, Zhao Xi could see that some of the floating platforms had scorched wounds after a strong electric shock, and some were deep sharp cutting marks.

“This is the Hualan Taoist Hall.”

Zhao Xi sighed again.

“The Hualan Taoist Hall in the past is not what it is now.” Compared with Zhao Xi, Nazi obviously knows more about the past history of Hualan Taoist Hall, and after hearing Zhao Xi’s emotion, she said, “Once Hualan Taoist Hall was also extremely powerful, but since 10 years ago, when Sakura and her parents died to fight against an evil force, Hualan Dojo has rapidly declined. ”


Looking fixedly at the water, Zhao Xi muttered thoughtfully.

Since the previous generation of pavilion owners sacrificed for the alliance, it is reasonable that even if the Hualan Daoist Hall has fallen to the current level, it is still retained by the alliance. Sakura is equivalent to the descendants of heroes and deserves to inherit this dojo.

Just as Zhao Xi sighed, a jewel starfish suddenly popped out from the water, and then its pre-evolution form starfish. As soon as these two mysterious star-shaped elves got out of the water, they landed on two fixed floating platforms.

Zhao Xi’s gaze was naturally attracted by the two elves.

When passing by the tank, Zhao Xi found a large number of ‘starfish’ in it, but most of them were lying quietly at the bottom of the tank, faithfully performing their work as ‘decorations’.

At the same time, most of those starfish stars are ordinary, both physically and lustrously, and the level is not high at a glance.

Now this starfish and gemstone starfish look different – they are bigger and shinier. In particular, the mysterious core in the middle – the orb – exudes a dazzling brilliance, which has been carefully cultivated at first glance and has good combat power.

Zhao Xi used the system to identify and see, sure enough, the level of that starfish was level 32. And the level of the evolutionary gem starfish has reached level 56, which is already the quasi-king level!

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