
“The powerful electricity of the electric shock beast quickly made the white sea lion lose its combat ability, it is worthy of being an electric maniac!”

“If you want to subdue the electric shock beast, you can go to unmanned power generation…. Well, you can go to the major power plants. Shock beasts usually appear around power plants and steal electricity! Everyone has accepted it, and they can still do a good deed for the power plant! But be careful, the electric shock beast is not easy to mess with…..”

The commentator said on the loudspeaker, and the battle in the arena had ended successfully. With Mr. Referee’s decision, the white sea lion that was covered in electricity turned into a red light for Tang Jingnan to take back the Spirit Ball.

“Shock beast, come back too.”

Zhao Xi also took back the electric shock beast standing on the floating platform with an arc, then nodded to Tang Jingnan, turned and left the arena.

When he came to the contestant tunnel, Zhao Xi, who did not want to accept a meaningless interview, directly teleported away. Only a group of journalists were left there eagerly waiting, and unfortunately, their wait this time was fruitless.

The second battle is done, and there are two more to come, the Ice Field and the Rock Field.

After the two attribute fields win, it is the top 16 6vs6 all-player match. At that time, the arena will also be transferred to the center area, and the eyes of the whole Huaxia will focus on here, and the strongest one will be determined among tens of millions of trainers!

Which is the strongest, Zhao Xi thought about this question whose answer was already very obvious, and returned to the hotel. In other words, he has already spent 50,000 yuan on the money for staying in the hotel alone, and as for the bonus for the first place, it is still every quasi-number.

In the hotel room, Liu Yi was sitting in the living room watching TV, and Nazi was not here, and Zhao Xi guessed that she should meditate in the bedroom – let Nazi and Liu Yi be alone together, the atmosphere will be embarrassing in just three seconds, very terrifying.

The TV played the live broadcast of the game, Zhao Xi came to the sofa and sat down, hugging Liu Yi into his arms: “Did you just watch it, your husband and my handsome and dashing posture.” ”

“Hee-hee, barely, Menas is the most beautiful!” Liu Yi leaned softly in Zhao Xi’s arms, but her eyes kept staring at the TV screen.

“Hey, is the trainer on TV handsome with your husband?”

Zhao Xi broke Liu Yi’s head over, and then kissed her sweet little mouth with a mouthful.

However, when his hand reached into Liu Yi’s clothes, she immediately stopped him: “Woo… Nazi, Nazi is still there…”


Zhao Xi instantly sobered up, and his moving hands immediately stopped his exploration.


Seeing Zhao Xi’s appearance, Liu Yi snorted coldly, and suddenly pressed Zhao Xi under him.


In the end, of course, nothing happened. Nazi is next door, giving Zhao Xi 10 dares not dare to exercise with Liu Yi in front of Nazi. In the same way, in front of Liu Yi, Zhao Xi will not be like Nazi. After all, Zhao Xi loves the two daughters and will think about the two women.

After the two quarreled for a short while, they hugged each other and watched TV in peace.

A battle in the ice field is playing, and the elves on both sides are the Stinger Jellyfish and the Bibi Bird. The battle is quite glue, and you come and go and fight a lot of fun.

But overall, it is still the bibi bird that flies in the sky to have some advantages.

Zhao Xi did not look at the battle, his attention was more on the ice field.

The ice field is about the same size as other attribute fields, but the entire site is covered by a layer of hard ice, the ice surface is not smooth, and there are many rocks scattered.

If you are an elf who is not adapted to this environment, it is very likely that you will slip or accidentally hit a rock in the battle, but fortunately the two elves in the battle will not have the above situation. Stinger jellyfish rarely move on the ice, while bibi birds simply fly directly in the sky.

This level of battle, in Zhao Xi’s opinion, is actually not intense, and even the wonderful edge has not yet been reached, it can only be said to be a very bland fight.

However, the audience obviously did not think so, which can be seen from their expressions, and whenever the skill hits the opposite side, they will burst into an excited roar. The audience of the earth is very easy to satisfy, in their minds, the elf battle is still in a relatively mysterious state!

This level of battle can be fought by any novice trainer in the elven world. And if you let an elite-level trainer come over, he can even win without going forward.

However, the elven world is a contrast with Huaxia, and Huaxia is a contrast with the rest of the earth.

Don’t watch the battle on TV, the battle can’t make waves, but most of the foreign trainers are worse than Huaxia. After all, because of Zhao Xi’s relationship, the Spirit Ball on Earth was the first to develop in Huaxia, so the first group of trainers who subdued the elves were also from the Huaxia region.

If calculated according to time, the elf world is ahead of the earth for an unknown number of years, but Huaxia is also about half a month ahead of other countries!

Of course, now that the time has been a full year, half a month of leadership is actually not a problem. Some lucky trainers will not be too bad if they accept an already powerful elf.

If luck is really coming, you can’t stop it. Elves look at trainers and not all look at strength, on the contrary, many elves follow in the footsteps of trainers because of feelings.

“Victory and defeat~!”

The voice of the narrator came from inside the television.

“After a fierce fight, Bibi Bird defeated the Stinger Jellyfish by a narrow margin, congratulations to Huang Chongguo for successfully qualifying.”

“Luo Tao players should not be discouraged, if the repechage performance is excellent, you can also return to the process of the game again!”

“Let’s enter the 30-minute adjustment time, if you are not willing to wait, you can watch the game at the grass battle venue next door.”

“Please exit in an orderly manner and don’t crowd.”


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