The noisy and bustling lottery venue in the past is a little deserted at the moment.

After all, with the gradual deepening of the competition process, the objects it serves are becoming less and less, and the current lottery venue is only for the top sixteen players, including Zhao Xi. And after tomorrow’s fifth round, this big venue will only open for the successful victorious eight.

There were no contestants at the moment in the lottery venue, but it provided a full day for sixteen people to conduct the lottery, and it was difficult for the sixteen finalists to happen to meet another unless they came together.

However, at this moment, the lottery venue is not without outsiders.

Unlike the paparazzi outside, as a hidden privilege and perk, several popular regional TV stations in Huaxia and some powerful media can conduct interviews with the top 16 contestants who come to the lottery inside the selection venue.

Therefore, the idle people who fill the lottery venue are the reporters of various TV stations who are in the middle of the competition.

When Zhao Xi walked into the lottery venue, dozens of eyes immediately stared at him. As if a hungry beast had selected a long-coveted prey, the reporters who recognized Zhao Xi’s identity at the first time pressed their impulse to rush forward now to “capture” Zhao Xi, waiting for him to complete the lottery.

Although he wanted to catch Zhao Xi in his heart to inquire, after all, it was more important for the contestants to be drawn, and before the contestants completed the lottery, no matter how anxious the reporters were in their hearts, they would not disturb him.

With a cold glance, Zhao Xi successfully forced back the reporters who seemed to be able to emit heat in their eyes with his gaze containing mental power.

Although it did not receive a significant effect from a female reporter – it seems to have received a more fiery gaze from the other party? ——But Zhao Xi didn’t care either.

With a deliberate face, Zhao Xi walked to the center of the venue for the selection of the top sixteen.

There, there stands what looks like a hanging screen that has just been erected, and on a large plane shows a picture of the promotion of the top 16 players, and half of the sixteen empty seats in the bottom row have been occupied by busts of the players.

According to this promotion map, the top 16 who passed the fourth round will be divided into two groups of AB for a round of battle. Each group is divided into four groups, and the two players in the group will be each other’s opponents tomorrow.

“Zhao Xi, look here.”

Liu Yi pointed to the panel and said to him: “It’s the person before.” ”

Zhao Xi followed the direction pointed by Liu Yi, his gaze quickly swept over the last row of portraits, and in the first position of Group A, he saw a familiar face – Tang Jingnan.

Tang Jingnan had fought with him in the Water Field before, his strength was good, and the repechage was indeed successfully promoted. He is placed in Group A1 and already has an opponent, an inconspicuous teenager wearing a hat. In Zhao Xi’s memory, that guy seemed to be called Chen Yuke.

Next, Zhao Xi saw some attribute faces below, but he had only seen the faces of the other party, and he couldn’t even talk.

With a cursory glance, Zhao Xi probably had an understanding in his heart, and then stepped forward and walked under the big screen.

Only then did he notice that there was a large square pool under the big screen. And there was a random pile of fishing rods next to the pool.

“…. Do you want to….”

A picture flashed in Zhao Xi’s mind, and he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

“Zhao Xi player, please come forward and draw lots.” The beautiful lady who was specially responsible for guiding the top sixteen contestants to complete the draw interrupted Zhao Xi’s fantasy with a sweet voice, “Please catch a king carp and come up.” ”


The corners of his mouth twitched faintly a few times, and in the speechless expression shared by Liu Yi and Nazi, Zhao Xi walked to the pool in silence and silently glanced at the shallow pool.

The water in this square pool is not clear, but presents a cloudy color similar to milky white.

Perhaps because of the self-circulation system, the waves in the entire pool are turbulent, and the waves are everywhere, which makes the already turbid water even more mixed. But through the surface of the water, it seems that you can still faintly see several red fish-shaped figures being pushed around in their own flowing current.

“What a choice of choice…”

Liu Yi covered her forehead, unable to believe that the opponent of the round of 16 was chosen in such a childlike way.

Even Nazi was faintly helpless, yes, she knew that this method must have been learned from the Quartz Assembly of the Elven World…. God knows it was the guy who proposed the king carp fishing!

“Haha, that’s actually quite interesting, isn’t it.” Zhao Xi smiled, casually grabbed a tattered fishing rod, and threw it into the pool without care, waiting for the king carp to take the bait.

Even if he is not experienced in fishing at all, Zhao Xi knows that King Carp is a particularly good fish elf. Even if you don’t use bait, you can get them out of the water just by dropping the hook.

Therefore, king carp fishing can be said to be the most untechnical job, and generally only children who have not been able to obtain elves will be interested in this kind of game.

However, if you are fishing in the wild, always catching a king carp is also a crushing thing.

Bait again and again, hook again and again, but what you catch is a stupid fish that has little value even to eat. This result is really enough to destroy the continued attempts of the average person to fish.

Just after throwing into the fishing rod, Zhao Xi felt a downward pull from the hook without bait, and then the fishing line also tightened – this is the king carp hook.

With a sharp force in his right hand, Zhao Xi raised the fishing rod directly, and with his movements, a king carp who was staring at the dead fish eyes and flicking his tail in vain was dragged out of the water by Zhao Xi.

The sharp-eyed Zhao Xi saw the unusual thing about this king carp at a glance, that is, there were letters and numbers on both sides of its back – B4.

The king carp who was forcibly dragged out of the water gradually moved away from the pool with Zhao Xi’s raised arm, until Zhao Xi pulled it out of the pool and released the fishing rod, the big guy still bit the hook and landed on the ground, and then began to flutter indiscriminately, and there were splashes all around.

“It’s group B4, Zhao Xi player is assigned to group B4, your opponent tomorrow will be Tao Jie player.” The service lady with a sweet voice and even sweeter appearance said a formulaic note to Zhao Xi:

“Please complete the landing and arrive at the main venue by nine o’clock tomorrow morning, because the specific battle time will be very flexible, so please be on standby in the lounge of the main venue tomorrow day…”

After introducing Zhao Xi, the service lady made a gesture to the reporters who had gradually gathered behind her, as if to signal that they could start interviewing freely.

At this moment, Zhao Xi suddenly threw out a poké ball, and in the astonished eyes of the reporters, Shanaido appeared beside them, and then the three disappeared with a blue light….

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