"Haha, it looks so cute!" Chu Chen looked at the round Golem and said with a smile.

"pu!" Golem stared at his leg suddenly, and rushed towards the Flame Monkey.

"Flaming Monkey, hurry up and dodge!" Chu Chen said to the Flame Monkey.

The Flame Monkey jumped away from Rock with a backflip and jumped onto another Rock.

"bang!" Golem Rock hit the Rock with a heavy hammer, causing a huge explosion, and then speeding up to catch up with the Flame Monkey.

"The Flame Monkey uses [Ember]!"

The Flame Monkey took out a small Ember from Stockpile and threw it to Golem. Golem was not afraid to hit Ember with a heavy blow. .

"bang!" Ember was hit into the sky and caused a huge explosion.

"sou!" Golem passed through the thick smoke and suddenly appeared in front of the Flame Monkey.

"pu...poof." A heavy punch hit the flame monkey directly, and the flame monkey simply didn't have time to react and vomited blood from his mouth.

"The Flame Monkey!" Chu Chen looked at the Flame Monkey nervously.

"Golem Mega Punch directly hit the Flame Monkey. This move seems to have caused a lot of damage. It directly hit the flames and vomited blood." Host shouted excitedly to the audience.

"Okay, this move is done beautifully, just to have such an effect!"


The audience cheered enthusiastically .

"Boom..." The Flame Monkey was fisted and flew, rolling on the ground, hitting Rock aside.

"Flaming Monkey, hurry up!" Chu Chen looked at the Flaming Monkey nervously and shouted. He knew that if the Flaming Monkey didn't get up again, it would simply be useless if he was chased down by Brock.

"Haha, if I was given such a good opportunity, how could I waste it." Brock showed a confident expression.

"Oops, Brock..." Chu Chen guessed the result, and sweat kept coming out of his back.

"Hey, is it over like this? I haven't won the championship yet. I lost it so easily. I don't have any face." Chu Chen clenched his fist, his heart Very unconvinced.

"Just give him a heavy punch while the Flame Monkey is down."

"Yes, hurry up, the champion is yours."

The audience suddenly boiled and shouted at Brock, wanting Brock to end the Flame Monkey soon.

"Okay, since everyone thinks so, Golem uses the chain [Mega Punch]!" Brock shouted to the Golem.

"Yeah!" Golem jumped into the sky with a staring leg, stretched out a huge fist, and flew towards the Flame Monkey.

"It seems that the champion is about to be produced. Golem's imposing manner is very powerful. The Flame Monkey is lying on the ground unconscious and can no longer withstand a series of heavy punches. Let us pray for him. ."

Host lowered his tone and said to everyone in a sad state.

"Flaming Monkey stand up..." Chu Chen hadn't finished his words.


Golem hit several heavy punches in a row, and hit the flame monkey fiercely.

The flame monkey’s body was hit continuously by Golem, and his body twitched constantly. Even Ground had cracks. Golem still didn’t give up. He hit many punches continuously. Fiercely chased the flame monkey. Like holding a grinder stick and beating the flame monkey constantly, this process looks very cruel.

"Damn..." Chu Chen knelt down and watched the flame monkey being beaten continuously. It was very heartache, and the process of traveling with the flame monkey kept flashing in his mind.

"The flame monkey has been beaten by fiercely. Golem doesn't seem to stop. He seems to want to let the flame monkey die." Host said to everyone.

"What should I do? The Flame Monkey will definitely die if it continues like this. This is really cruel for Chu Chen."

Chu Chen looked worriedly Chu Chen, watching his god rare treasure be beaten by opponent fiercely, but he is powerless, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"There is no way, I just hope that there will be a miracle next, the game is like this, no one can give up the championship so easily."

Tyson shook the head, answer Morrison's words.

Tyson lowered his head silently. He didn't want to see such a result, and he didn't want to see such a cruel process in the game.

"Drop!" Chu Chen's tears flowed down and fell on Ground.

Chu Chen's hands fiercely grasp the soil, and his body reveals a frightening atmosphere.

"What's wrong with Chu Chen? Why is he kneeling on the ground and can't accept the fact that he is going to faint." Morrison was very worried when he saw Chu Chen's appearance.

"I don't know, let's take a look, the game is almost over anyway, what's the matter with him It shouldn't be." Tyson said comfortingly.

"What's wrong with Chu Chen? Do you need a doctor to see it!" Host also noticed Chu Chen's unusual behavior.

During this game, Host saw many players fainting on the ground who couldn't accept the facts. He was also very emotional and Chu Chen fainted suddenly. .

Chapter 365

"ahhhh!" This is Chu Chen moved towards sky and yelled.

At this moment, Chu Chen felt that his brain suddenly collapsed, and there was a burst of energy in his body that did not know where it came from, and it suddenly burst out in this second.

"Yeah!...bang!" The Flame Monkey also broke out at this time, grabbing Golem's arm, throwing it to the other side, hitting the big Rock, causing a huge explosion.

Chu Chen is like being integrated with the flame monkey. The energy in his body is constantly transmitting and the flame monkey can feel this energy.

Chu Chen then looked towards Golem, his eyes revealed intense anger, his red eyes were like Will-O-Wisp Normal in the night, especially ferocious, imposing manner high.

"Flaming Monkey and Chu Chen players are like being possessed. It feels like they have changed and are full of power. What is going on at this point." Host looked at everyone with a dazed expression. Said.

"What's the situation!" Brock also looked at Chu Chen in front of him with a dazed expression.

"Chu Chen is like this, take out your strongest spirit, you are the best, you can defeat them!" Morrison jumped up happily and shouted at Chu Chen loudly road.

"The strength of the Flame Monkey suddenly increased, and the injuries on his body gradually disappeared. This is ~ it's very magical!"

Tyson watched silently. With the flame monkey.

"The Flame Monkey uses [Acrobatics]!" Chu Chen Rage said to the Flame Monkey.

"Yeah..." The Flame Monkey jumped Splash quickly, flying in the sky, just like performing Acrobatics, jumping and flipping quickly.

"Don't be afraid of Golem, take your courage and use [Tackle]!"

Brock confidently said to Golem.

Golem stood up, rushed to the Flame Monkey desperately, and took out his strongest Tackle.

"Bang!" The flame and a Rapid Spin rushed towards Golem.

When the two abilities collided, Golem was not as violent as the flame monkey, and was directly bounced back to Ground, hitting the Ground and causing a huge explosion. Both Ground formed huge caves.

"It seems that the situation has been reversed. Golem simply can't beat the suddenly sober Flame Monkey." Host said to the scene.

"Well, in that case, then I will not retain my strength. If I can't beat you, then I will find a way to perish together with you, so that no one can win the championship!"

Brock looked at Chu Chen with evil eyes. He has prepared for the worst and is ready to perish together with Chu Chen.

"perish together??" Chu Chen didn't understand what Brock was thinking.

"Golem uses [Explosion]!" Brock said to Golem the Ability move.

"What, [Explosion]! Brock wants to fight to the death and perish with Chu Chen!" Host said in surprise.

Golem’s [Explosion] will trigger an Explosion, attacking all the Pokemon around you, and you will fall into a dying state after using it.

Chu Chen now understands Brock's intentions, and looks at his own flame monkey.

"What does Brock want to do?" Morrison asked Tyson.

"Golem’s Explosion will produce a huge explosion, which is a very strong damage to Pokemon. Few Pokemon can withstand his Explosion, and it is an extremely risky Ability for himself. You will directly eliminate yourself, and this situation will often result in a tie." Tyson replied to Zhengzhong.

"Tie? What about the champion!" Morrison looked at Chu Chen curiously again.

"In this case, there is no way to produce a championship. There are only two runners-ups this time."

Tyson looked at Chu Chen, he hoped that Chu Chen would win the game. , Won the championship.

"Chu Chen wants to cheer, the champion must get it!"

At that time, Morrison heard the news that there was no champion, and stood up again and shouted at Chu Chen This result Morrison particularly does not want to see.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get the championship." Chu Chen glanced at Morrison.

"The Flame Monkey uses [Calm Mind], and then uses [Fire Spin] to block Golem's attack."

The Flame Monkey takes a meditating form in the sky and enters Calm Mind .

This state reminded Chu Chen of the Qitian Great Saint who learned the scriptures from the West, and suddenly became a Buddha one day.

The [Calm Mind] of the Flame Monkey is to concentrate on calmly, thereby improving his special attacks and special defenses. Chu Chen uses Calm Mind to improve the defensive power of the Flame Monkey, so as not to be hurt by Explosion.

"Yeah..." Golem rushed to the Flame Monkey at this time, ready to hug the Flame Monkey and start Explosion.

・・・・・・・・・・ Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・

"roar!" Golem hugged tightly The flame monkey, the flame monkey cannot Struggle because it has entered the Calm Mind state.

"Haha, are you going to die? Now Golem uses [Explosion]!" Brock shouted to Golem.

"Golem has successfully tied the Flame Monkey, can he really be perished with him this time?" Host said to the audience.

"This is over, they will definitely be perish together. Golem's Explosion is his strongest suicide injury."

"This scene is really too terrifying, perish together!!!"

"I believe that Flame Monkey will be able to get rid of this predicament."

......... ........ . ...

"Flaming Monkey, you must come on, you won this competition."

The audience on the scene shouted loudly.

"Flaming Monkey throw Golem away!" Chu Chen said, looking at the Flaming Monkey very calmly.

The Flame Monkey opened his eyes. At this time, a hand grabbed Golem's arm, fiercely pulled it off his body, very easily, and threw it to Sky with a hand shake.

"Ah!" Brock looked at the Flame Monkey in surprise. He didn't expect him to have such a powerful force.

"The Flame Monkey actually pulled Long Longyan off his body, which is really amazing!" Host said to everyone in surprise.

"The Flame Monkey is coming to you next. Use [Fire Spin] to give him the final blow."

The Flame Monkey rushed towards the Stockpile from his body with a huge flame group sky, and then rolled up a huge Fire Spin to wrap the Golem flying in the sky inside.

The huge Fire Spin kept burning Golem, "bang!" Not long after, a huge explosion sounded through the sky.

"Yeah!" Golem's own Explosion also exploded in the flames, and finally fell to the ground in a charred state, and his eyes rolled in small circles.

"Golem lost battle awareness and Flame Monkey won, so this time the winner is Chu Chen." The referee raised the pennant and announced the result of the game.

"I am a champion!"

Chu Chen's face could no longer remain calm, and his clenched hands also exposed his inner excitement at the moment. Where.

Chapter 366

"Wow, didn't expect to go through such a fierce competition, and finally this championship has finally emerged. Hoenn Alliance Ever Grande Conference Champion. It's Chu Chen contestant." Host said excitedly to the audience, and there was a lively explosion of fireworks.

"It's wonderful, Chu Chen, you are the champion. I have always been very optimistic about you!"

"Your battle made me boil all over, I think I’m screaming for you, and winning the championship is really well-deserved."

"Very awesome, your Flame Monkey just showed off its moves and is unmatched. It is definitely the rarest treasure in the world." Trainer."

"It makes me stunned, the level of this flame monkey is too powerful."

"You really have the appearance of challenging the four elites, I am very I look forward to you becoming the new Big Four Elite."

Nine Nine Three

"Come on, sign me a name, my idol!!!"

The audience enthusiastically cheered and shouted loudly, expressing their love for Chu Chen.

"Come back, Flame Monkey, you did a good job, take a good rest, and send you delicious bananas another day."

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