In fact, their lava group is the weakest party!

Tabitha naturally didn’t know. Quanmi said that at first because she really didn’t know Chu Chen...

The original plan in Rustboro City was involved in the lava group. Team Aqua simply failed to send three Executive level members to participate.

If it weren’t for a member behind Izumi who happened to have participated in that project and had a face-to-face with Chu Chen...

Maybe she really did what Tabitha imagined, Take the initiative to seek cooperation with Chu Chen!

"Tabitha's attitude towards this young man is a bit too gentle...~‖..."

Knowing Chu Chen's'understanding', Quanmei began to pay attention to these.

"Is it possible that what is special about this young man?"

Is it special to offend two evil organizations at the same time?

Her eyes flickered, Quan Mei first turned her gaze to Chu Chen, and then landed on Flygon beside him.

There is such a rare treasure, and it is indeed how much he can get involved in the battle between the two sides.

"Is Tabitha afraid that this boy will run away with Meteorite?"

Finally, her gaze moved down to the deep cliff ditch ahead, and Izumi didn’t know that her guess had gone wrong. .

From the scene, if Chu Chen wants to run, Team Aqua and the lava group can immediately intercept him and only a few gods are rare treasure shells.

More of them will be stopped by the cliff in front of them!

In fact, it is also because the two evil organizations are essentially hostile in their ideals, and there is no probability of cooperation......

Otherwise, this kind of sudden insertion of a third party is the most common situation. The parties who started the struggle first joined forces to resolve the latecomers.

"The lava mass can give you, we Team Aqua will give you double!"

Although she guessed the deviation, the first thing Quanmei thought was to stabilize Chu Chen.

When these words are spoken, it does carry the domineering power of the Mega organization.

However, she immediately got annoyed with her nose...

"Team Aqua has doubled out, do you want to increase the price of the lava ball?"

Not in a hurry, Chu Chen looked towards Tabitha with interest.

Everyone in Team Aqua:...

Everyone in the lava group:...

Where have the members of the two evil organizations been so angry?

Tabitha has suffered.

"Our lava mass is quadrupled!"

Breathes deeply, in the strange eyes of these newly returned members under his hand, Tabitha opened the mouth and said.

"You don't even need to give us the stone, as long as you promise to destroy it and not give it to Team Aqua!"

Facing Chu Chen again, Tabitha is already A mentality of not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes.

Even the lava ball was the first to compete for Meteorite.

"Our two big evil organizations are counted. The only ones who can stop this overly young man in front of me are probably the only two leaders, Archie and Maxie, right?"

Tabitha has a bitter heart.

As for him and Izumi Mijia together...

Don't say that Team Aqua and the lava group are basically impossible to cooperate...

Even if they really cooperate, he and Izumi Mi The two Executives and the members below are all added up. Is there a chance?

He sees hanging!

At the beginning, Chu Chen used Slaking and that strange Infernape to deal with him. There were two gods, rare treasure...

But Tabitha himself knew very well, in fact, those two gods Any one of the rare treasure can press him on the ground and rub him!

Don't talk about Quan Mei and the rest of Team Aqua members, even Chu Chen was taken aback.

This child......

Is he so good?

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

Through the importance shown by the two evil organizations, he has basically been able to determine that this piece of Meteorite is the one in the original book.

This piece of Meteorite contains a very special energy that can affect Volcano!

The lava group hopes to use it to activate the live Volcano on Mt. Chimney...

And Team Aqua is the complete opposite, hoping to silence the live Volcano completely.

The live Volcano on Mt. Chimney reflects the balance between Groudon and Kyogre to a certain extent!

(Zhao Wang Zhao) Changed the status of Volcano on Mt. Chimney, and it may break this balance!

This is the reason why the two evil organizations would rather not get it, and never allow the other party to get this piece of Meteorite!

At worst, everything remains the same anyway!

Apart from making the other party successful, everything is easy to say!

".‖ There is something weird!"

Here, Izumi Mei finally feels abnormal in Tabitha's attitude.

"Is it possible that this young man still has a stronger god than this Flygon rare treasure, Beilu?"

And look at Tabitha's attitude...

If this conjecture is true, the strength of this young man would even be afraid of Tabitha, one of the three executives of the lava regiment?

Her mouth opened, and Quan Mi felt that she must be crazy when she made this guess.

Is the boy on the opposite side twenty years old?

Or is it only fifteen or sixteen years old on the surface? .

Chapter 134

"Sorry! I refuse!"

Facing Tabitha's almost begging for Normal conditions, Chu Chen refused.

This special Meteorite may not only change the activity of Volcano on Mt. Chimney!

It contains such a special energy, maybe it also has an unexpected effect in other places!

It is impossible to return it to either side of the two evil organizations.

As for the price paid for holding the lava ball, I chose to destroy the Meteorite...

That's even more impossible!

Hearing this, Tabitha's face twitched slightly.

And Quan Mi was also relieved after being stunned by the speculation of Chu Chen's strength.

It was hard to get this Meteorite out of the hands of the lava mass. Naturally, they were unwilling to make everything useless just because of the destruction of Meteorite when they first had hope of contention.

Regardless of what Quanmei guesses from the bottom of her heart...

Her knowledge of Chu Chen, after all, is not as profound as Tabitha!

"Until now, I am dealing with one of the parties alone. I have never seen them vying for life or death with my own eyes..."

Looking at the reaction of Tabitha and Izumi, Chu Chen’s There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Why don't you fight a fight? Whoever wins this piece of Meteorite, I will deal with it according to whose opinion!"

While talking, Chu Chen moved his hand The Meteorite inside faces the Tabitha on the opposite side of the cliff and Quanmei raised high.

"bully intolerably!"

Once again, Quan Mei was so angry that her nose was crooked.

Chu Chen simply did not intend to hide his intentions.

He simply wants to see the jokes of the two evil organizations!

But what really shocked Izumi is...

Tabitha has kept silent all the time!

"Tabitha! Are you crazy? Don't you think he will really return Meteorite?"

Subconsciously, Izumi took the Team Aqua members under her Drew some distance from the side of the lava group.

It's been so long since I've dealt with the lava group, she just feels that today's Tabitha is full of weirdness.

Tabitha was silent.

Of course he knew that Chu Chen was impossible to return Meteorite to their two evil organizations.

But he also has his own considerations.

I can’t bring Meteorite back...

Winning an Executive from Team Aqua can be considered a great achievement, right?

"Damn it!"

I couldn't help spitting in the bottom of my heart, and Quanmi suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

It seems that their Team Aqua suddenly became the party that was targeted by the other two parties in the triangle situation?

"Little brother, would you like to cooperate with our Team Aqua?"

Forcibly smiled, Quan Mi couldn't help looking at Chu Chen, who was on the other side of the cliff and watched the show. .

"Although you and our Team Aqua have had conflicts, but you want to come to the lava group and their conflicts will be more intense, right?"

She said this is not entirely out of Current situation considerations.

The conflict between Team Aqua and Chu Chen in Rustboro City will certainly not be forgotten by Team Aqua.

But later they also found a corresponding substitute, and the influence of Chu Chen was not as great as expected.

On the other side of the lava group, Chu Chen made Tabitha, one of the three executives, feel jealous!

The conflict between him and the lava regiment would not be a minor incident.

"You Team Aqua want to work with me?"

Seeing the nervous person on the opposite side turns into Tabitha, the smile on the corner of Chu Chen's mouth becomes even more interesting.

No one else knows about the [Indigo Orb] he got.

If these two evil organizations were to know, things would not be so mild, right?

[Indigo Orb] Although it is an extremely important part of the lava mass...

But for Team Aqua, this means that Chu Chen has the ability to stop them Ability!

If it weren't for ignorance, Quanmei is absolutely impossible to propose cooperation with Chu Chen.

This time, before he could say no, Tabitha moved first!

With the members of the lava regiment under his hand, he immediately commanded the rare treasure shell to greet the "Flamethrower" and other abilities to the opposite Team Aqua!

At the same time, Tabitha is also guarding against possible actions on Chu Chen's side.

He dare not let Team Aqua really reach a cooperation with Chu Chen!

Take the lead in launching an offense, and somehow still hold the initiative in his hand.

Once the situation is not right, get away quickly!

"Everyone, give me all my strength to win Izumi!"

Loudly shouted, Tabitha's own Houndoom and Mightyena were already quickly saved.

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