Pokemon: Dominate Alliance From Open Chests

Chapter 35 Team Aqua Invades And Pursues Quanmei (More Updates)

Devon Manufacturing Group.

Aoki followed President Zivucci and walked in the aisle. Both parties were discussing research matters.

Aoki doesn't know most of them, but Aoki has seen the anime and knows some general concepts.

For example, the fossil resurrection machine.

This kind of thing will be successful in the future.

When the two were discussing scientific research, several people suddenly passed by Aoki.

Aoki stopped, feeling that something was wrong with the people he just passed by.

His expression and behavior were very similar to the spy movies he had watched.

Could it be that those people were spies?

Aoki thought so.

President Zifuqi also noticed something was wrong and immediately shouted loudly.

"You guys, stop now."

Several people who were walking slowly suddenly sped up.

"No, there are outsiders sneaking in. Come on over and get the box in their hands back."

The security guard next to him immediately chased after him.

Aoki also chased after him.

It just so happened that he wanted to take this opportunity to establish a good relationship with President Zivucci, which might be useful in the future.

And he was curious about these people.

Where are they from?

"Come out! Mightyena, use the destruction death ray on the wall."

A black and gray Mightyena suddenly appeared, opened its mouth, and sprayed out a huge golden light.


A big hole was blown out of the wall.

A group of people took a gun and fired a shot at the wall, and a hook was inserted into the wall.

Then they jumped together.

Aoki came to the wall, grabbed the iron rope, and quickly slid down.

The combat members of the Devon Manufacturing Group saw Aoki jump and jumped too.

"They are catching up. Let's all retreat together."

Everyone separated at the same time.

Aoki thought for a moment and chased after the leader.

If you want to ask why he knows that this person is the leader, there is no way, who makes this woman always give orders.

This way all fools know who the leader is.

Those in the Devon Group thought for a moment, then separated to hunt down the others.

"Damn it, who are these two? Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, you'll be the one to watch."

Izumi's face looked ugly.

Aoki had discovered the abnormality before, otherwise they might have successfully escaped.

Now he is actually chasing her.

Aoki is not particularly worried. If the opponent is strong, just run.

And Aggron has become an Elite-level Pokémon, which makes him full of confidence.

The two were chasing each other quickly and soon came to a nearby barren mountain.

Izumi stopped running away and planned to deal with Aoki first and then find a way to escape.

"You brat, you actually chased me. If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't regret it."

"Really? I'm really not afraid."

Aoki recognized the man's identity after seeing his face clearly.

One of the Executives of Team Aqua.

Of course, that's just the future. At least Izumi is not Team Aqua's Executive yet.

Her Mightyena is not very strong.

Name: Mightyena

Strength: Quasi-Elite level

Qualification: Quasi-Elite

This strength is not very strong, so Aoki has the courage to chase.

It is estimated that Izumi, like Courtney, is currently only the captain and will become an executive in the future.

"Go, Relicanth, Combusken, Frogadier, Treecko."

Aoki throws out most Pokémon at once.

Izumi's face turned dark, so I'll throw out a Mightyena, and you throw out a lot.

Moreover, there were actually three Yusanjia, which made Quanmei feel a little uncomfortable.

The most evil rich man.

If she had the money, she wouldn't have been able to join Team Aqua.

After being around for such a long time, you can become a captain. Those rich people probably have many quasi-Elites, or even Elites.

"Ludicolo, lobster, Walrein, come on together."

Izumi also threw out her Pokémon, preparing for a battle with Aoki.

Name: Ludicolo

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Elite level

Name: Crawdaunt

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Quasi-Elite

Name: Walrein

Strength: Quasi-Elite level

Qualification: Quasi-Elite level

This is Izumi's strength, two quasi-Elite levels and three Gym levels.

It is estimated that in a few years, it will be an Elite level trainer.

I just don’t know why this Ludicolo appeared so early.

It evolves a few years later in the original novel.

However, now is not the time to worry so much, let’s defeat Izumi first.

"Go ahead, Aggron."

Aoki still took out Aggron and asked him to help sit down.

There are too many masters on the opposite side.

If there is only one Relicanth, it may not necessarily be able to suppress the opponent.

Even though his Relicanth, after careful Breeder, his body has been completely restored to its peak.

The most evil rich man.

Izumi gritted her teeth and stared at Aoki, feeling particularly jealous.

There is actually a particularly rare Pokémon like Aggron.

"Walrein, Iron Crayfish, Ludicolo, use Blizzard, Mightyena, use Destruction Death Ray on me."

Izumi took the lead.

The three Pokémon vomited out large amounts of blood, as if a blizzard was falling.

The momentum is astonishing.

Mightyena spat out another huge mouthful of golden light.

"Aggron, I'll leave it to you. Use the Destruction Death Ray, Relicanth, and Hydro Pump on Mightyena."

Aoki thought for a moment, and then forget about Treecko and the others. The strongest ones are the elites, and there is a big gap.

Might as well leave it to Aggron.

Aggron stepped forward and released a more powerful destructive death light.

The golden light rushed forward, colliding with the white Blizzard, another golden destruction, and death light.


The destruction and death rays collided with each other, causing a huge explosion in an instant.

The explosion produced strong smoke, which obscured everyone's sight.

"How is this possible? Why is this Aggron so powerful? Is it possible that he is already Elite?"

Izumi was already shocked.

The joint attack of the four Pokémon was actually blocked by Aggron.

How can this be?

Just when Izumi was shocked, Relicanth sent out a water column, hitting Mightyena head-on.

Mightyena was intact and was knocked out, letting out a mournful cry.

(11,000 flowers will be added to the update. I will continue to beg for your support. Evaluation votes are also acceptable.)

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