Pokemon: Dominate Alliance From Open Chests

Chapter 51: Meet Team Lava Again, Courtney (5)

After leaving Dewford Town, Aoki walked into a remote place to prepare for special training and see if he could find any ancient ruins.

He wasn't worried about getting lost accidentally.

After all, he has a systematic map. As long as he determines a place, he can directly pass through the map and travel through the forest without worrying about getting lost.

On this day, Aoki walked through the jungle alone and soon came to the seaside and found a Cave.

"It should be this Cave. I just don't know if there is anything good in it."

Aoki released Aggron and strode inside.

There was a bronze treasure chest inside, so naturally he couldn't miss it. Even if there was nothing good, he couldn't give up.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

As soon as he entered the cave, Aoki saw black shadows on the top of the cave.

Name: Golbat

Strength: Advanced

Qualification: Gym level

At a glance, the densely packed Golbat is covered with Soaring in the sky.

Aoki did not leave in a hurry, but stood there and looked at each one.

After all, Golbat's final form, Crobat, is a very rare and powerful Pokémon, no worse than Yusanjia at all.

It's just that in this world, not many people know how he evolved yet.

Because the intimacy is what he mentioned before, Alliance has not announced it yet.

Precisely because Aoki knows it, he should be comfortable with some highly qualified people and use them to train his subordinates in the future.

Suddenly, Aoki took a fancy to one of the Golbats.

Name: Golbat

Strength: Elite level

Qualification: Elite level

He is really the protagonist, even if he has a relatively high Species Strength, he shouldn't be discovered so easily.

But since it was an opportunity given to him by God, of course he would not miss it.

"Aggron, sound Arnold, that big-mouthed creature is coming to Thunderbolt."

Aggron immediately released a relatively weak thunderbolt and hit Golbat.

Golbat trembled, then fell from Soaring in the sky, losing the ability to fight.

Even though Aggron was more restrained, the gap between the two sides was so huge that Golbat simply couldn't handle it.

After Aoki subdued Golbat, he looked around again and saw that there was no one with high qualifications, so he left immediately.

After passing through the cave and passing a river, Aoki finally saw a gate.

A gate that resembles an ancient ruin.

Just when Aoki was about to take action, there was suddenly a series of footsteps.

"Quick, follow me and investigate this place quickly."

Aoki has already guessed it.

Either Team Lava or Team Aqua.

I just don’t know who it is.

Aoki quickly took Aggron back, grabbed the wall next to it, and quickly climbed up and hung on the overhanging wall.

Several people passed him.

Wearing red clothes and a hat, you can be sure that this must be the Lava Team.

One of the people he knew, Courtney, he didn't expect to meet this time.

Perhaps, let Courtney join his Soaring in the sky team so that there will be two Executives in the future.

You can also recruit others in the future.

A group of Team Lava, unaware of Aoki, walked by underneath.

Aoki took out Aggron.

He planned to say hello to these people, take care of the others, and then have a showdown with Courtney.

"Aggron, use the destruction death ray on those people in front."

Aggron appeared quickly, opened his mouth, and there was a huge golden light.

Because of Aoki's special instructions and because Aggron knew Courtney, he restrained himself a little.

"No, Mightyena, use the destruction death ray quickly."

One of the captains' expression changed and he immediately ordered Mightyena to attack.

Fortunately, Mightyena was released in advance, so she just had time to release the destructive death ray.

The two golden rays of light collided together and remained in a stalemate for a moment.

But after only a moment of stalemate, Aggron's destructive death ray crushed Mightyena.

Then there was a loud noise, and the explosion caused by the destruction of the death light affected Mightyena.

"No, Mightyena, are you okay?"

Captain Firebird's expression changed.

This is his Trump Card. Even if it is released in a hurry, it shouldn't be so bad.

When the smoke dissipated, Captain Firebird saw his Mightyena lying on the ground with circles in her eyes.

"Impossible. Could it be that this Aggron has reached Elite level?"

Captain Firebird didn't believe it.

The Mightyena who can kill him instantly with one move is probably only at the Elite level.

Courtney saw Mightyena and the man covering his face in mid-air, and he guessed it instantly.

This is definitely Aoki.

I didn't expect Aoki to be here, and she should have discovered her identity by now.

What to do next?

Will Aoki dislike her?

"Camerupt, use Flamethrower on me."

"Frogadier, Combusken, go ahead, use Water Pulse, Combusken, Flamethrower."

After Frogadier appeared, a huge water column spewed out and collided with Camerupt's flames.

Camerupt's flames were so hot that they quickly evaporated part of Frogadier's water column and crushed it.

After all, there is still a gap in strength.

One is quasi-Elite, and the other is still elite, with a gym level in between.

If Frogadier reaches gym level, he might be able to suppress Camerupt with his qualifications.

Fortunately, the Combusken next to him opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flame. The flame and water column rushed towards Camerupt's water column at the same time.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

But as time passed, Camerupt's flame vortex once again suppressed Frogadier and Combusken.

"Aggron, you go help the others. The battle here is left to Frogadier and Combusken."

Aoki doesn't intend to let Aggron take action. Dealing with these people at the Elite level is almost like bullying.

He also wanted to put some pressure on Frogadier and Combusken, maybe the two Pokémon would take the opportunity to evolve.

As for the danger, he wasn't worried, after all, he still had an Aggron.

Aggron called out and ran towards the others.

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