The empty hall, the crowd of people coming and going but orderly, all kinds of unconscious high-tech machines running, the researchers in white coats standing in front of glassware with feverish faces and pointing, or writing and drawing on the paper in their hands, countless data flashed on the supercomputer screen not far away, and what Ryusuke could barely understand was that the models that seemed to be made up of genes were rotating in all directions on the screen.

In addition to these white coats, in some open spaces in the research room, there were many indifferent men wearing black uniforms, scarves wrapped around their necks, and navy hats on their heads, and the big 'R' letter on their chests made Ryusuke Miyusuke, who had not seen much of the anime, recognize them as Team Rocket.

Unlike those rocket team members in the animation who are simply funny soldiers, these rocket team members in front of them can see that they are organized and quality elites as if they are the army, giving people the impression of evil organizations and terrorist organizations.

Beside these rocket team members stood elves such as the Abai monster, the large-mouthed bat, the stinky mud, the sullip, etc., these elves also looked at the researchers with fierce eyes, and from time to time some people would look at the room where Ryusuke was, and this room was also on guard.

These rocket team members are both bodyguards for these researchers and perform their duty to monitor them.

In some glassware in the hall, there are many kinds of elves floating inside, I don't know if they are alive or dead, and the most striking thing is the humanoid monster whose hands and feet are bound by pitch-black iron cables in the column in the center of the hall.

Pure white body, deep purple tail, just with gaze, you can feel a terrifying power contained in its body, bringing people a deep sense of oppression, for this elf Ryusuke is very familiar, having played the first generation of games, of course, he knows that this is the legendary artificial elf, in some words of its explanation, Mewtwo is an extremely cruel and cruel Pokémon.

It's just that for some reason, the moment Ryusuke saw it, what he felt from Mewtwo was not the cold sadism, but an extremely gentle closeness that seemed to be connected to him.

After hearing Ryusuke's whispering voice, Dr. Ohki's serious eyebrows jumped, and he asked cautiously, "... Jiejun, do you remember it?"

"No, I don't remember, but the name came to mind the moment I saw it. "

Of course, Ryusuke couldn't say that he was a traverser, he hadn't seen Mewtwo before, but knew what it looked like, he hesitated slightly, and decided to ask the two insiders next to him, looking at their expressions, he always felt that they wanted to hide many things from themselves, and Ryusuke didn't want to be in the rain and fog.

"The two uncles... Can you tell me what happened, I can sense that you want to hide something from me, but I want you to tell me everything. "

Miryusuke stared at Dr. Ohki tightly, whether from the game or anime, Dr. Ohki is a very kind and kind old man, if Ryusuke chooses to believe a person in this institute, it is undoubtedly Dr. Ohki.

Hearing Ryusuke call himself uncle, Dr. Ohki's old face showed a smile, waved his hand and smiled heartily: "... My name is Yuki Ohki, I'm a Pokémon researcher, and I'm already a bad old man, but I'm not an uncle haha! As for the person next to you, there is something you want to know..."

Speaking of this, Dr. Ohki's face hesitated, not knowing whether he wanted to tell everything or not, he didn't want the teenager in front of him to recall those painful memories, but he didn't want to deceive him again.

"Hey... Let me say it anyway, Ohki!"

The bald man on the side sighed, he walked over to Dr. Ohki's side and patted him on the shoulder, "... I should bear the mistakes I made, whether Jiejun will forgive me or not, but if we deceive him again, my conscience will be even more disturbed!"

Listening to the bald man's words, Dr. Ohki finally gave up, and he took a step back and stopped making a sound.

"Jiejun, the next words may make you feel unhappy, it is good that you have amnesia and forget those things, but since you asked, as the initiator, I dare not lie to you again... I am Xia Bo, the curator of the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, the controller of this research institute, and the chief scientist of the Rocket Team, the largest evil organization in the Kando region. "

When introducing himself as a member of Team Rocket, Xia Bo moved his head a little embarrassed, he took off his sunglasses, his eyes looked at the middle vessel in the institute in a complicated way, the transparent special culture liquid was bubbling, and Mewtwo was tied to it like a prisoner with his eyes closed, except for the data flashed by the machine on the side to prove that it was a living creature, if only with his eyes, its immobile appearance was more like an elf specimen.

"That's a monster... A monster that can destroy the world, created by my own hands, is also the strongest man-made weapon recorded in human history!"

Xia Bo's gaze towards Mewtwo has regret, pain, anger, sadness, and other emotions, and in that complex gaze, what makes the deepest impression is the sympathy for Mewtwo and self-blame for himself.

He didn't care if Ryusuke could understand it or not, and said all the words he had hidden in his heart.

"In ancient legends, dreams are called 'the origin of life', and the ancient people believed that all magical spirits came from dreams, which may be wrong from modern research, but these legends were also recorded on clay tablets by ancient people. "

"The rocket team once excavated an ancient ruin, in which the dream stone slab found part of the dream body structural stone, using modern science and technology we extracted the dream genome from the fossil, surprised to find that ancient legends are not untargeted, dream genes have infinite possibilities, it contains all known elf genetic components, even if it is compared with some other legends that people collect elf body structure genes, the dream gene is also completely owned, as if it is the origin of all elvesThis result even made us wonder whether the research in the Sinnoh region was correct and true. "

Xia Bo's words were calm at first, but in the end, he hugged his hairless bald head, and his tone gradually became painful, "... Team Rocket approached me and hoped that I could help them complete the cloning and reshaping of their genes, using fantasy genes that contain all elves, infinite possibilities, and human means to create a 'strongest elf', and as you can see, Mewtwo, created in the name of transcending dreams, is the final result of this project. "

“...... Scientists are a bunch of crazy people, and after hearing about this plan, I didn't think about it at all, I just felt that I was involved in a great project that could change the course of mankind, and without thinking, I agreed to the recruitment of Team Rocket and put my life's learning to use' On top of the Mewtwo Project, it was only with the final product close to completion, that I slowly regained my senses, frightened what I was doing, and would actually create the strongest weapon for an evil organization, and now Mewtwo has reached the final genetic debugging stage, and when it is debugged and controlled by Team Rocket, the entire Guandu area... No, the whole world is going to face a terrible catastrophe!"

Ryusuke calmly listened to Xia Bo's words, he probably knew the origin of the birth of Mewtwo, as for the specific details of it, he didn't know, but now he knew the reason for everything from Xia Bo's mouth.

It's just-

"What does this have to do with me?"

Miryusuke asked the most crucial point.

Xia Bo was silent, he turned his head to look at Ryusuke, I don't know if he put on sunglasses again because of his inner torment, and did not dare to look into Ryusuke's eyes.

"The 'Mewtwo Project' from the initial discovery of the dream gene to the official start of the preparation, it took ten years of preparation, there are not many dream gene cells, and it does not allow researchers to experiment at will, and in the first few experiments all failed, the idea of recombining the dream gene to create a new elf is simply not feasible, no matter how to recombine the dream gene, the final result is only a fantasy clone, but just like the world is limited by some rules, we can't make clones of legendary elves at all, they live in this world as if they were the only existence." 。 "

Xia Bo's words paused for a moment and continued: "... So I boldly put forward a hypothesis, since the dream is the only existence, its genome has the genetic data of all the elves, we can't make a fuss about its existing genes, but there is only one species of genes it will never have, that is, humans!"

"At first, I planned to use myself as a test specimen and use my genes as the cradle of Mewtwo, but the leader of Team Rocket rejected my proposal, thinking that since there was only one chance, it would be wise to use the genes of better people, there have been many people with extraordinary abilities in human history, some of these people have been active on the world stage, but some of this group of Rockets can't cope, others are also celebrities, if they are kidnapped, it will have a big impact, and it is likely to expose the plan in advance。 "

“...... Finally, we found you, Suke-kun, who has disappeared in history and now has not many bloodlines left, 'people who can control the power of dragons', and we have incorporated your genes into the dreamy genes, using the genes of humans and all elves as a carrier, and finally created it!"

As Xia Bo's words fell, Mewtwo's head in the glassware seemed to move, and a thought that was imperceptible to humans pierced time and space!

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