Standing in front of a mirror, Ryusuke looked at himself reflected in the mirror, his face was pale, his body was thin, and his face was thin and skinny because he was too thin, but he could also see from his facial features that he was a relatively handsome face, and his height looked like he was in his early seven meters, and the whole was malnourished, but looking at his age of only fifteen years old and there was still room for development in the future, this pitiful look was only caused by the reason that he was used as a test product for experiments, and it was worth looking forward to in the future.

Since Ryusuke woke up, the members of Team Rocket have not paid attention to here, probably thinking that the Mewtwo plan has been completed, and his experimental body is no longer useful, as long as Mewtwo comes out of that vessel, infuse its consciousness with enough concepts, Team Rocket can perfectly control this strongest weapon created by humans, but nine times out of ten people in life are unsatisfactory, the research institute of Team Rocket would never have thought that they worked hard to make such a big mistake in the perfectly designed plan, and underestimated the strength of their own research results。

From the previous chat with Dr. Ohki and Natsubo, Ryusuke also learned how Dr. Ohki came here, and unlike Cibo, who took the initiative to join because he was tempted, Dr. Ohki, as an authoritative Pokémon expert, Team Rocket once sent someone to contact him in a legitimate capacity and asked Dr. Ohki some questions, and Dr. Ohki did not know that these people were members of Team Rocket, but was very enthusiastic to help these inquirers answer all their doubts.

Therefore, the rocket team thinks that Dr. Ohki is very useful, so they kidnapped him, but Dr. Ohki is determined and prefers to die, the rocket team is also very tricky, the doctor's identity is special and too famous, inexplicably missing or dying will bring a lot of attention, but at this time the Mewtwo project has come to an end, Dr. Ohki is actually not much use, the rocket team put him and Ryusuke together to monitor at the same time, and wait until Mewtwo is born to let him fend for himself or kill directly, it depends on the situation at that time。

"Jiejun, how is your body recovering? This is today's lunch, let's eat it first." "

Standing in front of the mirror, Miryusuke silently observed his newborn self, and heard Dr. Ohki's hearty and kind laughter behind him.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he still respected Dr. Oki, the optimistic and kind old man who always liked to joke, and it was also his salvation that he did not give up when he knew that 'Ryusuke' would die, and it was the 'miracle' that happened.

"I'm better, I have some strength now, and I don't think it's a problem to run." "

"That's good, people are iron rice is steel, come and eat, although the rocket team is not good in other places, but the meal is still good." "

Dr. Ohki put the two dinner plates on the table, the research room of Team Rocket was well funded, they were not too abusive, and the meals given by the test products and prisoners were also delicious and nutritious, which made Ryusuke feel a lot relieved, a few days ago he was living in a place where he could eat every day, but he didn't want to live a life of chaff and drink thin food now.

"Jiejun, how are things going?"

"It's going well..."

The two of them sat at the table and ate slowly, Dr. Ohki asked thoughtfully.

After knowing that Miryusuke can make a spiritual connection with Mewtwo and be able to communicate, Dr. Ohki instructed Miryusuke to let him take the initiative to guide Mewtwo's spirit, hoping to let Mewtwo know in advance what Team Rocket wants to do to it, so that it will not work for Team Rocket, and also hope that this terrifying elf who has just been born will not have a bad grudge against humans, thus causing too much disaster to human society.

"What about you, Dr. Ohki?"

"It's going well here..."

The two people seem to be playing dumb riddles, in case there are listening facilities here, so they didn't say it very clearly, in fact, when Ryusuke woke up a few days ago, Dr. Ohki and Xia Bo made an escape plan, but without the elves around, it is almost impossible for them to escape here, as the owner of the Red Lotus Dojo, Team Rocket has not completely trusted Xia Bo from the beginning, every time he conducts research here, his Pokeball will be temporarily confiscated, and these elite rocket forces nearby that are counted in hundreds of dollars, in fact, the main purpose is to watch over Xia Bo。

The other researchers didn't have much combat power, only the strength of this hall owner would make Team Rocket wary.

But recently, perhaps the Mewtwo plan has been completed, and the supervision of Xia Bo has been relaxed a lot, so that Xia Bo has the opportunity to contact his own Pokeball, and the escape plan is also on the agenda, but a few days ago Ryusuke just woke up in a very poor physical condition, after discussing in private, Dr. Ohki and Xia Bo agreed that they should wait a few more days until Ryusuke Mi's body recovered some strenuous exercise, and then made an escape plan.

These days, Ryusuke's daily job is to eat on time, do some simple restorative exercises, and look at the books in the room when he is fine, although those books are not very esoteric things, but they are also the basic disciplines of this world.

And Ryusuke has read history the most in these days, and if you want to understand a world, then reading the history books of this world is the best and fastest way, and if you encounter some questions that are different from your memory or do not understand, then as long as you ask the Pokémon authoritative expert next to you, you can always get an answer.

"Dr. Ohki, I have read some history books in the past few days, but those history books are not comprehensive, and some questions have not been found, such as our current era is 2010, so what is the basis and basis for the calculation of this Gregorian calendar?"

Ryusuke was a little puzzled, the way this world calculates the Gregorian calendar is almost exactly the same as the original world, it is amazing that the calendar is so similar, and the strangest thing is that Ryusuke remembers that when he crossed it should be 2018, and this world is now 2010, the difference in time is only eight years, he always feels that there seems to be some incredible secret in the time difference of this era, and even the reason why he crossed.

The history of the original world is based on the year of the birth of Jesus as the year of the common era, so how is this world calculated?

"The calculation of the calendar starts with a code of human law, two thousand years ago, our current human civilization, a country established in the Kando region, first promulgated a law, the first time humans and spirits were written into the law, and fifteen hundred years ago, a research expert took the year when the law was promulgated as the first year, and this calendar has been used to this day. "

"Our civilization now, that is, there was a human civilization before that?"

Miryusuke finished his meal and listened carefully, this Pokémon world he could feel was completely different from the sub-supply animation he remembered, and as a smoothly developing world, it could not be as illogical as in the anime in many ways.

"In the records excavated from many ruins so far, we can find that two thousand years ago, or even further, there were many ancient human civilizations, those civilizations may not be as advanced as we are now in social system, but in some science and technology, they are even more developed than we are now, and many of the technologies in our society today are completed by improving the knowledge obtained during the excavation of the ruins, you know, the extinct Portlandean civilization even has the technology to seal human souls with the Spirit Ball, but unfortunately those technologies are now lost。 "

Speaking of these unknown things, Dr. Ohki's interest was high, and he talked excitedly there, telling Ryusuke Miyusuke many stories he knew that were like biographical novels.

"Then, since human beings once had a very developed civilization in ancient times, how did they be destroyed?

Ryusuke Mi is also a listener, and when he discovers an unknown world history, the excitement is like taking drugs and tasting the pleasure from the inside out.

Dr. Ohki was silent at this time, and after a long time he sighed softly and said, "... In fact, this is related to a history seventy years ago, most of the history books are not very clear, since Jiejun you asked, you are so studious, as a scholar, I think it is better to tell you. "

“...... Seventy years ago, our current civilization was still relatively obscurantic, and many scholars could not get a unified answer to the reasons for the demise of ancient civilizations, but what happened seventy years ago made most scholars think that the once developed ancient civilizations, they were all led by those legendary elves to other elves to perish together!"

Miryusuke sat up straight, his eyes burning, these things are all real history of this world, and they are also things that you can never get by playing games or watching anime - the history of development that makes logic straightforward.

"Seventy years ago, human science and technology had a big change, two thousand years of accumulation plus more and more ancient civilization remains were discovered, these things were integrated, and seventy years ago human beings almost embarked on another path of development, when technology made human beings greedy for the use of natural resources to the extreme, many mines were hollowed out, a large number of trees were cut down, energy underground was used by humans, a large number of polluting factories were built, so that the environment almost collapsed, elves lost their homes and began to flee, and an unknown number of elves died under human greedAt that time, humans used natural resources to develop many new and terrible weapons, making humans think that they no longer needed elves, did not need to get along with elves like this, as long as they enslaved elves. "

Dr. Ohki smiled wryly, and sadly, "... The social situation at that time was like this, everyone did not feel wrong, until the endless destruction of nature by human beings, began to infinitely squeeze the living space of elves, those elves who were once in the legend, only a few witnesses finally appeared, they are like a moving natural disaster, a disaster walking on the sky, land and sea, they can reverse time, cut space, resurrect dead elves, bring people a real nightmare, human weapons do not have much effect in the face of them, and those elves who lost their homes are also led by these legendary elves to launch an attack on humans......"

"...if one or two legendary elves are okay, powerful human trainers can deal with and even defeat, but all the legendary elves gathered together, no matter how powerful the trainers can not face, even in addition to those far-reaching trainers and elves, the elves of other trainers are all betrayal, forming a near-total war between humans and elves, the result of the war is that humanity is defeated, civilization is on the verge of destruction, and at this time human beings suddenly wake up, a group of lofty people gathered and began to reflect, they demolished those polluting factories, as far as possible, under the premise of ensuring human development, reduce the degree of pollution, and form the harmonious development of man and nature, man and elves..."

"It is also with the efforts of these people that humans and elves reached a mutually considerate reconciliation, our civilization was saved from extinction, those people formed the original elf alliance, established the original dojo trainer and even the system of the four heavenly kings, and that nature's revenge on human beings, but also developed a lot of technology in danger, modern cities are the scientific and technological achievements of that time, even the poké ball was actually invented at that time, and the human beings in the past did not have the technology to make the poké ball.

This is also what our researchers believe that those legendary elves named "gods" are like the natural rules of this world, we humans have been retaliated by the planet because they destroyed the natural environment of the entire planet, and the ancient human civilization is probably the same, some of their technologies have a huge destructive effect on nature, and the social system of ancient civilizations is not perfect for us, and it will eventually be destroyed and eliminated. "

Dr. Ohki sighed, telling a true but cruel history, he clenched his fists and said excitedly, "... I wasn't born in that era, and if I had been born in that era, I would have worked with that group of people to fight for the harmonious development of man and elves!"

Miryusuke ignored the blood of Dr. Ohki's old man, he just fell into deep thought, this world seventy years ago, in his original world was not the Second World War period, but that world is a war between humans and humans, this world is a war between humans and elves, from the result is an acceptable good ending, at least humanity did not perish, and the same is also in the war to bring rapid development of science and technology.

Such a similar history, but in a different form, made Ryusuke feel that there must be a connection between them.

"Haha, these are the history of mankind, human beings should learn from history, only hope that future human beings will not make such a big mistake, as for the history of elves, it may be even longer, this is also the subject of many elf research experts now, want to know the full history and origin of elves, may only ask the legendary 'creation god'! "

Seeing that Miryusuke was lost in thought, thinking he was shocked by this overly cruel history, Dr. Ohki patted Miryusuke on the shoulder and signaled him not to think too much.

"Creator God..."

Miryusuke whispered, he felt that all the doubts, all the things he wanted to know, maybe he could really get it from the Creator God, just wanted to see Arceus, and even get the answer he wanted from his mouth, it was not such a simple thing, he had to become very strong and strong, become the strongest, in order to be qualified to face the origin of everything.

Ryusuke always seems to have a voice urging him in his heart, he must know the reason for everything, otherwise he will regret it in the future!

But those things are indeed not something that can be solved in a short time, now he is still an ordinary person who does not even have an initial elf, can not be called a trainer, and even sadder than ordinary people is that he is just a researcher, and the first thing he has to do now is to escape here in the next operation, otherwise he may become one of the saddest traversers.

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