"It's really powerful, your Hakron Freezing Light proficiency is very high!"

Little Dan shook his head and let Nido take down the frozen geyser and place it on the ground in the distance.

"In the first round, you won!"

said with a smile.

Yazawa nodded, took Hakron back the baby ball, and took it upon himself to get down the geyser that was more than two meters high, making Xiaodan stunned.

Obedient! That's a lot of strength!

Dan swallowed.

"So what's the second round?"

Placing the geyser where Dan put the geyser, Yazawa looked at Dan and asked.

Dan returned to his senses and handed Yazawa a drawing that depicted an ice ship.

"The second round is to make the ice cubes frozen from the geyser into the drawings, and whoever comes first wins, of course, this round can use Pokémon, but only three!"

After Xiao Dan finished speaking, he threw out the baby ball: "I use them!"

In an instant, in addition to Nido, who was standing on the side, a Haoli and a flying praying mantis appeared.

The first round is about the power of the trick, while the second round is about the mastery and precision of the Pokémon's power.

Although the ice frozen by the freezing light is very hard, it is still very fragile for some Pokémon.

Yazawa thought about it, threw the baby ball, and sent the fire dinosaur, the giant pincer mantis, and the ghost stone.

The Fire Dinosaur and Ghost Stone make the shapes, while the giant pincer mantis is responsible for hollowing out the ice ship.

After assigning the task, Dan gave an order, and the respective Pokémon began to make ice ships.

Haoli and Flying Mantis cut out the shape with a hand knife and a single word respectively, while Nido later hollowed out the ice with his claws.

The three Pokémon are exceptionally skilled and have an orderly division of labor.

Yazawa's Pokémon, on the other hand, are grabbed by the fire dinosaur and Ghost Stone with their claws, and the giant pincer mantis uses pincers to hollow out the ice.

Although Yazawa's Pokémon have a good grasp of power, their proficiency is not at all comparable to Dan's three Pokémon.

After all, it is the owner of the Taoist Hall, and I don't know how many of this kind of ice ships have been made.

Ten minutes after Xiaodan's iceship was completed, Yazawa's iceboat was made.

Yazawa was a little helpless, it was all because of his proficiency, and his Pokémon was doing this for the first time.

"In the second round, I won, so let's start the third round!"

Dan nodded, took the Pokémon back, and pushed the ice boat for Yazawa to follow him.

Yazawa quickly retracted the Pokémon balls, also pushing the ice boat, and chased after Dan.

Soon, the two arrived at a track.

"In the last round, it's ice boat skiing, and whoever gets to the bottom of the mountain first wins. "

Dan threw the ball ball: "Similarly, three Pokémon can be used in this turn to control the steering of the ice ship." "

Because in addition to the straight at the beginning, there are also corners behind the track.

When you hit a corner, you need a Pokémon to change lanes.

Otherwise, you can only use the handbrake and foot brake.

The foot brake is fine, at most a pair of shoes, but if the hand brake is the case, the hand will grind you.

"Think about it, ready to use those three Pokémon?"

Dan reminded.

Yazawa thought about it and sent out the Kami turtle and the giant pincer Kron.

The fire dinosaur is too hot to sit on an ice boat because of its body temperature, so it is only a one.

The giant pincer mantis changes direction, the Kami turtle accelerates nitrogen, and the Harklong is to prevent accidents and fly around the ice ship.

And Hakron can also be fast.

Yazawa smiled in his heart.

Dan's Pokémon are Little Fist Stone, Naughty Bullet and Flying Mantis.

The flying mantis should be used for changing direction, as for the small fist stone and naughty bullet, Yazawa does not understand it.

Sitting on the ice boat, Dan looked at Yazawa: "Are you ready?"

Yazawa nodded.

With an order, the two pushed back at the same time, and the ice boat moved.

The slopes are smooth because they are straights and the curves behind are the main ones, but for Yazawa, this straight is the most important.

Water cannon!

The Kami turtle faced the ground at the stern, and a stout water cannon shot out and rushed directly into the ground.

With the help of the force, Yazawa's ice ship suddenly increased in speed, and suddenly surpassed Xiaodan's ice boat.

"The straight is not the key to victory or defeat!"

Seeing Yazawa leave him far behind, Dan smiled.

With the nitrogen of the Kami turtle accelerating, Yazawa quickly passed the snow of the straight and came to the rocky ground, and here, the first ninety degree bend appeared.

"Kami turtle slow down!giant pincer mantis turn left, Hakron is ready to save the scene at any time!!"

Yazawa shouted.

The Kami turtle quickly stopped using the water cannon, and the giant pincer mantis pushed the ground with its pincers, controlled the ice boat to slow down, and turned to the left, successfully passing the first corner.

Xiao Dan in the back let the naughty bullets and small fist stones pile up in the front, and the ice ship also accelerated sharply.

"Here it comes, the curve is your mastery! Flying Mantis!"

Dan said.

Yazawa is also clear about the role of naughty bullets and small fist stones.

At the beginning, one after the other is for balance, and after piling in front, it is to accelerate!

Little Dan picked up speed, crossed the snow, came to the rocky ground, and at high speed, the flying mantis quickly controlled the ice boat turn.

After another bend, Dan had already caught up.

Then the next corner, directly past Yazawa.

Yazawa glanced at it, there were still two corners ahead, I am afraid that by then Xiaodan had already thrown him far away.

But acceleration is impossible.

The giant pincer mantis is not as skilled in controlling this ice ship as Xiaodan's flying mantis, and it is very likely to hit the stone directly or fly out.

Suddenly, Yazawa's inspiration flashed.

Fly out!

That's right! With a hackron, you can fly out!

Yazawa searches for the rocks that can allow the iceship to take off, and quickly finds his target.

"Giant pincer mantis, let the iceship fly out along that rock!"

Yazawa said, pointing to the upturned rock.

The giant pincer mantis nodded, controlled the ice ship, and rushed towards the stone.

"Kami Turtle! Water cannon!"


With the acceleration of the Kami turtle, the speed of the ice ship increased greatly, and it flew directly along the upturned rock.

"Nice job! Hakron! It's time for you to perform!"

Yazawa shouted with a fist.

Hakron's body quickly wrapped around the ice boat, the wings on his head became larger, and he returned to the sky above the track, directly past Little Dan.

Harkron controls the fall of the ice ship and retracts its tail the moment it lands.

"What! You can still play like this!!"

Seeing Yazawa descend from the sky and surpass him in one fell swoop, Xiaodan couldn't help but be surprised.

"Accelerate and accelerate!"

With Naughty Bullet and Little Fist Stone at the front, Dan begins the final sprint.

Next! It's the straight.

"Sorry, I'm going to win! Cami Turtle! Hakron!

Yazawa turned around and waved at Dan who was getting closer, and said.

With an order, two water cannons shot out, and Yazawa's speed soared, throwing Xiaodan away and rushing to the end!

The last giant pincer mantis stopped sideways, slid for a while, and successfully stopped.

When Xiao Dan reached the end, Xiao Dan sighed: "You won, the White Wave badge is yours!"

Handing Yazawa the White Wave Badge, Yazawa took it, a badge made of White Wave Shell with a small gem also set on it.

Second badge! Successfully acquired.

(Thanks to the little red lady boss for the tip, tomorrow Sunday, try to six chapters.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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