The next day, Yazawa arrived at the venue of the competition, an ancient arena by the sea in Kako City.

It is said that this ancient arena has a history of 800 years, and from ancient times to the present, it has been used as a battle ground for water system Pokémon.

Watching the arena open the valve, the sea water pouring in, in this ancient arena, a special whirlpool was formed, Yazawa could not help but be amazed at the sturdiness of the ancient arena made by the ancient whirlpool islanders.

To know the area of this ancient arena, but half the size of a football field, the depth is more than ten meters deep, after eight hundred years, countless times of seawater irrigation, even if it is often repaired, but it shows how solid the foundation laid by the ancient whirlpool island people for this arena.

Yazawa twisted his neck, stood on the shore, and boarded the boat sent by the competition personnel.

After two rounds of elimination, the entire sixty-four and the contestants, all took small boats and arrived at the center of the arena.

"Start now, the opening ceremony of the Vortex Islands Competition!"

The narrator's voice spread throughout the arena, so that everyone in the audience could clearly hear his voice, and there were cheers from the audience.

These are the ones who have passed two rounds of elimination and aim to become the brave men of the sea. "

"Since ancient times, the Whirlpool Islands have had a unique civilization and culture, worshiping water system Pokémon and living with them, and until now, this culture has not disappeared, but continues to be passed down by the god of the sea, Miss Maya, who adheres to the traditions of ancient times!"

"Please Miss Maya, make a declaration of the conference!!"

Yazawa stood on the boat and looked out onto the high platform, dressed in traditional priestly costume and holding a scepter inlaid with dark blue orbs.

"Everyone, welcome to the triennial Water System Pokémon Celebration! Vortex Islands Contest!"

Maya raised her scepter and said in a loud voice.

"People who live with water Pokémon have been praised as the braves of the sea since ancient times on the Whirlpool Islands!"

"According to legend, the brave of the sea will be blessed by the sea soul and have the ability to communicate with the water system Pokémon!"

Maya held the scepter high, and in Yazawa's line of sight, just covered the sun.

"Then, please, accept the blessing of the sea soul!"

The sunlight shone through the tip of the scepter, and the sapphire known as the sea soul instantly burst out with a violent blue light, directly covering the entire ancient arena.

The light shines, but it is not dazzling.

It lasted for about ten seconds before the blue light gradually dissipated.

Yazawa smacked his lips and couldn't help but touch his abdomen.

It is on the snowy mountain, where Kentairo is pierced.

Normally, Yazawa occasionally felt a slight ache, but now, not only is the pain gone, but it seems that even the scars left behind are gone.

"Is this a blessing?"

Yazawa muttered.

This power has transcended Yazawa's cognition.

Perhaps it can be defined as theocracy?

But this gem called the sea soul is nothing more than a dead thing.

But soon, Yazawa remembered the legendary crystal that could heal the injuries of electrical Pokémon under the crystal lake.

Isn't that crystal also a dead thing?

Then Why does it have the effect of healing electrical Pokémon?

The sea soul and the legendary crystal are actually similar, except that one is for people and the other is for electrical Pokémon.

And Mother-in-law Sawagawa also said that after she won the title of the brave of the sea and accepted the blessing of the sea soul, she was able to connect with the water system Pokémon.

It is precisely because of this that Mother-in-law Sawagawa has firmly established the path of specializing in water Pokémon.

But why can you connect with water Pokémon?

Yazawa doesn't know, but Yazawa can also try to win the championship, whether there will be the way Sawagawa said, able to communicate with the water system Pokémon.

After all, it is not an easy task to be able to achieve spiritual connection.

Although Yazawa has telepathy, telepathy and telepathy are two concepts.

Telepathy is one-way, only able to let the other person hear what they want to say, but the heart is connected, which means that the trainer and the Pokémon have complete trust, open their hearts, no longer have any reservations, and in the eyes of the other party, there are no secrets.

Those who trust each other will trust each other more, but those who are dissatisfied with each other will breed bigger problems.

Does Yazawa have a secret?

Yes, at least the identity of the traverser is his biggest secret, he does not belong to this world, there is a gap in his heart, it covers the biggest secret in his heart.

Even if Yazawa really likes Pokémon, and the magic frog flower, and the fast swimming frog they have a deep bond, but the secret of the traverser is difficult to reveal.

If Yazawa wins the championship, will this blessing of the sea soul be forced to connect Yazawa and the water Pokémon in the end, or will it lose its effect because he wants to cover up the secret?

Yazawa couldn't help but think cranky.

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