"There shouldn't be anyone here. "

Walking deep in the mountains from Pansy City to Kamayan Town, Yazawa looked around and muttered.

After the battle with the Four Heavenly King Boni, Yazawa also recognized the gap between himself and the Four Heavenly Kings, and the battle with Boni also gave Yazawa a lot of inspiration.

Leaving Pansy City, Yazawa did not take the main road, but went directly into the deep mountains, just to make Lokia's future road feasible.

Here is already deep in the mountains, Yazawa also found such a clearing, enough for Lokia to play.

"Come out, Lokia!"

Throwing the baby ball, Lokia appeared in front of Yazawa and rubbed Yazawa's head intimately.

"Well, Lokia, this time I am not here to play, but to practice for the future road. "

Touching Lokia's head, Yazawa said.

In the battle with Boni, Lokia is really not good compared to the frozen bird, because as a flying Pokémon, Lokia is very large, and its height of five meters makes it far less than the frozen bird with only 1.7 meters, and its huge size also makes it more difficult to dodge various tricks.

So Yazawa also thought about Lokia's advantages and disadvantages in the past two days.

As a flying Pokémon, Lokia is large and inflexible, and his flight speed is not fast compared to those small Pokémon.

And Lokia's advantage is also size.

The larger the size, the stronger the defense and the stronger the attack.

Then Yazawa remembered the wrestling eagle.

Compared with wrestling eagles, Lokia is far beyond in every aspect, and although the wings are wings, they look more like palms, so Yazawa suddenly wondered, can you use the method of cultivating wrestling eagles to cultivate Lokia?

You know, compared to using flying and superpower attacks, Lokia's body type is more suitable for using those fist-to-flesh attacks.

Think about it, a Lokia, a frozen fist in the left hand, a lightning fist in the right hand, and the use of a steel tail and iron head gong on the outside, so thinking about it feels exciting.

But without practice, everything can only exist in the mind, so Yazawa needs to see if Lokia can get used to this kind of hand-to-hand combat.

"Lokia, can you shake your fists?"

Yazawa looked at Lokia, stretched out his hand to Lokia, and shook his fist demonstratively.


Lokia stretched out her wings and learned Yazawa to clench her fists, seemingly effortless.

Seeing this scene, Yazawa felt that there was a drama.

In hand-to-hand combat, hands are absolutely the most important, and most of the fighting tricks need to be performed by hands, not only the sonic fist of clenching fists, burst punches, but also the splitting of tiles with the palm, the sharp push, the arm hammer with the elbow swing, and then the legs.

It's just that Lokia's legs are not suitable for kicking and striking tricks, and Yazawa simply gives up.

And Lokia doesn't have a wrist, but he has elbows, and without a wrist, he can't use the flexibility trick, but he can flex his arm with his elbow.

The combat method that Yazawa thought of for Lokia was originally a power type like a fast swimming frog, not a skill like Leo Lu, and it didn't matter if he had a wrist or not.

"Very high, next I'm going to start making a new training plan for you, you have to forget some of your old habits and start learning to walk on your legs and punch!"

Yazawa patted Lokia's thigh, and Lokia nodded repeatedly.

It also knew that it had played a little poorly in the previous battle, even compared to the frozen bird below it in the priesthood.

The so-called shame and courage, Lokia is also eager to become stronger.

"Very good, then let's continue to go, you follow me, in the process of walking, you can try to swing your fists to exert your strength advantage!"

Yazawa said.

Moving her legs awkwardly, Lokia followed Yazawa, trying to stop her habitual leaning forward, while her palm-like wings kept clenching her fists and swinging out.

Even if there were almost no power skills and the power was not fully exerted, Lokia's fist was still able to break the tree thicker than Yazawa's waist with a punch and fly out for a long distance.

Taking Lokia with him, Yazawa walked deep in the mountains and continued towards the town of Kamayan.

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