No longer arguing with Suzuki, Yazawa pulled his backpack and looked at Suzuki, who was still observing the Pokémon around: "Okay, it's time to go, I'll be living here for more than a month, and during this time, it's enough for you to visit the entire Farnes." "

Suzuki nodded, not observing the Pokémon.

Following the river, Yazawa and Suzuki soon found a small clearing without tree shelter and right next to the river, making it a good place to camp.

"That's it, you go and collect some dry firewood, pick some wild vegetables and tree fruits, and I'll set up a tent here!"

Yazawa put his backpack down and shouted to Suzuki.

"Mine pleases you too!"

Suzuki put his backpack in front of Yazawa and went looking for edible wild vegetables and tree fruits.

Yazawa also began to set up tents.

It wasn't long before two tents were standing by the river.

Suzuki also walked over with a rattan basket woven with vines, which contained a lot of tree fruits and wild vegetables, and was accompanied by bucket mushrooms, which were holding a pile of dry firewood in his arms.

"In the southwest, there's a big stone field that's empty and can be used as a place for daily training. "

Suzuki put the rattan basket down and said to Yazawa.

Since they were going to stay here for more than a month, they definitely needed a place to use as a training ground, after all, the camp was too small, two tents occupied almost a quarter of the open space, and when it was time to eat, her Bangira, as well as Yazawa's Lokia, could only eat when the other Pokémon finished their feed, let alone train or fight around the camp.

"When lunch is over, let's check it out, and it's time for them to move." "

Yazawa nodded and said.

When Happy Egg made lunch for the two, Yazawa and Suzuki also began to make feed for their own Pokémon.

The scent permeated and attracted some Pokémon around.

Yazawa and Suzuki also prepared a universal feed for Pokémon attracted by the scent.

A large group of Pokémon immediately gobbled up around the two feed basins, one of which could not squeeze in for half a day, and when the other Pokémon dispersed, there was only some dregs left in the feed basin.


Duck was carrying an empty feed basin, wanting to cry without tears, and that little expression made Suzuki can't help but burst out laughing.

"Here you go!"

Suzuki takes an energy cube from his backpack and hands it to Duck, which is Marilu's energy cube but also suitable for the taste of most water Pokémon.

After eating the energy cube, the duck was satisfied with his short legs and jumped into the river on the side.

Without the harassment of wild Pokémon, the two quickly finished lunch, and after a short rest, Yazawa prepared to go to the stone field that Suzuki said to see.

After greeting Suzuki, the two came to the stone floor.

This place is next to a stone pillar, and I don't know why, there are no towering trees, only some rugged boulders, and no other wild Pokémon, so it is the most suitable training ground.

"This place is the perfect place for training!"

Yazawa looked around and couldn't help but smile.

This complex venue tests the Pokémon's mobility and trainer's resilience.

"How about a fight here?"

Yazawa asked, looking at Suzuki.

After lunch, you naturally need to digest and digest well.

"No problem, it's good to familiarize yourself with the venue. "

Suzuki nodded, as a trainer, Pokémon combat is almost indispensable, simple exercise can not improve much, only continuous fighting, can quickly improve strength.

"Then I'll send it out!

Yazawa throws the baby ball and releases Yumego Naia.

Not long after Yumenaia evolved, compared to the giant golden monster and Lucario, she was the most in need of fighting.

"Then I'll use it! Go ahead! Tanabata Blue Bird!"

Suzuki also threw the baby ball and released the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Yumego Naia is restrained in attributes, and the Tanabata Blue Bird also has air superiority, Yumego Naia wants to win, it is not an easy task, but Suzuki now only has the level of Tanabata Blue Bird is the elite level, if you use other Pokémon, for Yumego Naia, it does not play a role in exercise at all, which is not as good as using Tanabata Blue Bird, although at a disadvantage, but the growth in battle will be more obvious.

Before the fight started, a wind blade flew in the air and landed in front of Menggonai and Qixi Blue Bird.

Yazawa and Suzuki looked up and saw an Absolu standing on a boulder, grinning at the two.

And the rank of this Absolu is the elite high.

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