Time passed day by day, and before I knew it, it was now the last day of the appearance of the Millennium Comet, and the sky had become red, but Yazawa still did not find the figure of Ash and his group.

After dinner, Yazawa lifted his backpack, maybe tonight, Yazawa will be able to meet Ash and his group.

In recent days, Yazawa and Suzuki have been going to the cave for a while after dinner, Yazawa wants to wait for Ash's group to arrive, and Suzuki wants to see Kira Qi's appearance.

Looking at the comet in the sky, Yazawa shook his head, hoping that Ash and they would not appear to be anything, otherwise after tonight, Kiraki might fall into a deep sleep.

Coming to the cave again, the two couldn't help but sit on the ground, looking up at the sky, the light of the comet and the moon fell, because the top of the cave was empty, so it was not dark here, and it would not affect the line of sight.

"Did you say Kira will appear today?"

Suzuki looked at the comet above the sky and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, if nothing else, it should appear!"

The fact that it is too stupid to wait for the rabbit, you know, you should follow Ash and his group to participate in the plot when the millennium comet appears, although Yazawa is not too involved in the plot, but who knows if there will be any accidents?

After all, in the anime, there is no existence of him.

I don't know how long it took, ten minutes, or how many hours?

There was a sound of footsteps in the silent cave passage, and the light of a flashlight.

"Someone is coming!"

Yazawa stood up abruptly.

"Oh? Is there anyone here?"

It seemed that he heard Yazawa's voice, and in the darkness, Absolu leaned out, followed by Ash's group, and the female assistant who had sensed it with the waveguide at the base of the Fire Rock team before.

"Yazawa, why are you here?"

Ash was also a little surprised to see Yazawa, and he didn't expect to meet Yazawa here.

"Wow whoa whoa,

Before Yazawa could speak, Xiaokatsu ran out, looked at Yazawa and exclaimed, and then looked at Suzuki: "The runner-up of the silver conference is also alas!"

He originally lived in the Johto area, and because Mr. Chiri wanted to come to the Fangyuan area, his family moved to the Fangyuan area, so he did not fall behind a match for the silver conference.

"Ash, do you know them?"

Kokatsu asked, but Yazawa looked at Kiraku sitting on Kokatsu's shoulder.

Without accidents, Ash and his party returned to Farnes with Kira Qi.

"Yazawa, are they?"

Suzuki got up and asked.

"The one in the hat, called Ash, is from Shinshin Town like me, and the others should be companions traveling together. "

Yazawa introduced.

Although he knew who the other party was, Yazawa had not met Xiao Sheng and Xiao Yao before.

"Hello, I'm Suzuki, I'm from Tokiwa City, and I'm Yazawa's travel partner!"

Suzuki said hello.

"This young lady, the gentleman's name is Xiao......... Ahhh!!"

Before Xiao Gang finished speaking, he was directly pulled away by Xiao Sheng's ears.

"Hello, I'm a small victory, I didn't lose a single game of your matches, and the final battle was really exciting. "

Throwing Xiao Gang aside, Xiao Katsu looked at Yazawa and Suzuki excitedly and said.

"Hello, I'm Haruka, Xiao Sheng's sister. "

"I'm Diane. "

After introducing himself a little, Ash looked at Yazawa: "Yazawa, why are you also in Farnes?"

Yazawa smiled and turned to look at Kiraki on Kokatsu's shoulder.

"I heard that this is Kiraki's sleeping place, that's why I came here. "

Yazawa didn't lie either, he did come here for Kirasuki, but he was just hiding something.

"Alas, Yazawa, hasn't your wish come true?"

Ash scratched his head.

When he was a child, Yazawa told him that his wish was to become a powerful trainer in the future.

In Ash's opinion, Yazawa is now very strong, after all, Yazawa has won the conference championship he dreamed of.

Yazawa shook his head: "It's not a wish, it's just a request." "

Yazawa looked at Kirasu: "During my travels, I encountered a lot of dangers, and these were all thanks to my Pokémon, which got through the difficulties, but this also caused some problems with my Pokémon!"

Yazawa said.

"If I could, I wanted to make my Pokémon physically sound!

Everyone looked at Kira Prayer, this kind of wish, if Kira Prayer can do it, no one will stop it.

"Kiraji, can you help me?"

Yazawa asked with sincere eyes as he looked at Kira who was lying on top of Kokatsu's head.

He really wants to help the magic frog flower, the big steel snake and the swamp king to restore the mutilation of limbs, the Pokémon riot in Ston Town brought too much loss to Yazawa, the big steel snake was blind in one eye, the swamp king was missing a tail, the fast swimming frog and the fire-breathing dragon also injured the internal organs, these Pokémon, all have dark wounds that are difficult to reverse, these Yazawa know that although Yazawa is very well conditioned, they can go further without these dark wounds.

"No problem, you have a kind smell on you, but I need to absorb the comet's energy now. "

Kira prayed slowly and whispered, his voice sounding a bit like a five or six-year-old child, soft and sticky.

"Thank you very much!"

Yazawa said with joy, it seems that Kiraki can indeed do it!

Kira Qi flew into the sky, closed his eyes, and the true eye on his stomach slowly opened, emitting a light blue light.

Suddenly, four muzzles of purple electric light suddenly appeared on the rock wall above, wrapping Kira Prayer and lifting it towards the sky, and a huge spaceship appeared above, above the spaceship, Butler smiled at the corner of his mouth, and Kira Prayer fell into his arms.

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