[drop! It is detected that the host is only three kilometers away from the ruins in the sea, and the mysterious map automatically activates the tracking function! ]


Li Yu's heart skipped a beat.

After he got the map, he saw that it was in the direction of the North Sea.

But there has been no specific positioning.

I was a little worried at first.

Unexpectedly, the map can also turn on the tracking function.

Doesn’t this show him the way!

Professor Lin was talking non-stop on the stage, and everyone’s attention was drawn to the Pokémon in the Hurricane rain.

Li Yu took this opportunity and took out the map directly from his backpack.

on the map.

His current location formed a dotted line with the symbol on the destination.

Li Yu stood up: "Professor Lin, I have something urgent."

make a prompt decision.

After he finished speaking, he left the meeting room without caring about other people's opinions.

After all, no one knows how time-sensitive an accidentally activated tracking function will be.

He left too suddenly.

No one had reacted yet, and the atmosphere was a bit stagnant.

That's it.

Before Professor Lin said anything, Wang Zheng stood up and smoothed things over and said Normal:

"Young people are always young and frivolous, not to mention Li Yu who has made great achievements. Professor Lin, please continue."

After saying that, he sat down.

On the surface, he pretends to speak as Li Yu, but in reality he is full of sarcasm.

Someone immediately frowned.

There are some criticisms of Li Yu.

But only a small number, the truly respected professors and professors, did not speak.

His expression was unconcerned.

In academia.

Real results are the most important thing.

Intrigue and intrigue will not improve your research level.

Professor Lin didn’t say anything. He used the picture at the beginning to introduce the research direction in recent years.

After all, undiscovered Pokémon are precious.

But currently there are only images.

Only a few figures of Hurricane can be seen in the rain.

Even the National Laboratory cannot judge.

Wang Zheng kept moving in private.

A sentence was quietly typed on the electronic screen: "Follow him."

After he finished explaining, he pretended that nothing happened and continued to look at the projection.

Su Luoluo noticed this scene.

She frowned slightly and glanced at Wang Zheng vaguely.

After retracting his gaze, a trace of worry flashed across his expression.

"What did he go to do..."

Li Yu followed the direction guided by the dotted line and directly summoned Garchomp.

To save time.

Let it take off its Gravity vest for now.

Garchomp suddenly felt light all over.

The body feels lighter than ever before.

Flying through the air.

Like a jet plane, it cuts a white streak in the dark clouds.

Blinking and disappearing into the sky.

The people behind see this.

He looked furious.

No matter how much he summons the Flying Pokémon, he won't be able to catch up.

Only Elite can be reported.

"Wait, this is it!"


Li Yu's eyes lit up.

But he let Garchomp fall some distance later.

Suddenly discovered.

This place is completely empty, except for the bottomless sea water, there is not even an unnamed island.

"The ruins are hidden under the sea?"

Li Yu's mind was spinning.

Throw the Luxury Ball.



A vast spiritual power enveloped this sea area.

Mewtwo floated slowly in mid-air, his eyes indifferent.

Only when he turned his head to Li Yu, there was a slight difference.

Li Yu felt relieved.

As Mewtwo's mental power was damaged and repaired more and more, his personality remained as cold as ever, and his attitude towards him and a few Pokémon became a little better.

For other things, the heart is full of desire for destruction.

This can be seen from the destruction of Dongyao Secret Realm.

Li Yu closed his eyes.

Communicate with it using Psychic.

Mewtwo's purple eyes flashed slightly.

The next second.

I saw it nodding, carrying Li Yu and Garchomp, turning into a stream of light, and suddenly shot into the empty sea.

The rushing water blurred his vision.

Wait for him to come to his senses.

There is an energy shield surrounding his body, completely isolating him from the sea water.

Li Yu touched it gently with his hand.

The energy shield is rippled.

He can now use Psychic Teleport and control physical objects, but wants to erect a protective shield against the vast ocean.

It's still too difficult.


When he saw the ruins exuding an ancient atmosphere in the distance, he was suddenly stunned.

"Is this Abyssal Ruins..."

Li Yu's eyes reflected the front.

On the sand bed of the deep sea, ruins composed of marble and bronze stone tablets appeared in front of them.

He let Mewtwo come closer.

Li Yu touched it with his hand and found that although the bronze stone tablet had been corroded by seawater all year round, there was a layer of rust on the surface.

But after peeling it off gently with your fingers.

You can see its true face.

"This is……"

The bronze stele is engraved with unknown characters that appear to be in an ancient language.

The specific meaning is unclear.

Li Yu didn't waste much time on this.

Because his eyes were on the entrance to the ruins.

Countless seaweed grew at the entrance, tightly wrapping around the bronze door.

After just observing for a few seconds, he quickly locked on a protrusion on the door.

Immediately afterwards.

Press hard!



The ground began to shake, and the deep currents passed through the sand and gravel, picking up countless dust on the sea floor, and a whirlpool appeared out of thin air.

A brush sound.

Li Yu and Mewtwo were directly involved.

There was a sudden spin.

When he resumed Smelling Salts, he was completely different.

He actually lay on the Ground.

There is no sea water around, replaced by a long and deep cave.

But there is no light source here, and it is shockingly dark.

If Mewtwo's protective shield hadn't dissipated, a little Cal would be faintly emitted.

It's impossible to see anything here.

Li Yu stood up from the ground.

I already have a strong premonition.

As he walked around, the faint light source quickly reflected the murals in the cave.

A group of people worship the central god devoutly.

And this god.

It is the legendary Poseidon——Lugia!


Li Yu is as expected.

After he saw a little blue and white figure on the Laboratory satellite, he had a vague guess.

Until the moment I saw the mural.

Prove him right.

"Is there really Lugia here!"

Li Yu's pupils narrowed and his steps quickened.

Quickly pass the Cave.

Reach the end.

There is a huge statue of Lugia at the end.

But that's not the point.

The key point is what Lugia is holding in the palms of his hands - the radiant Blue Orb!

Li Yu used Teleport directly.

In the blink of an eye, he stood in the palm of the statue's hand.

Picked up the orb.

[drop! ]

[Congratulations to the host for discovering the special item sign--Blue Orb! ]

[Hey, the five-star item sign-in was successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward——Kyogre gene! ]


A burst of ecstasy came over me.

The last Volcarona gene brought huge benefits to Flash Scizor.

Even inspired Fire Type.

Has the unique Fiery Dance skill.

Improved talent qualifications.

And now.

Kyogre is the Totem of the sea!

A veritable first-level mythical beast!

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yu's mouth curved.

Just not waiting for him to check the reward.


Changes in heaven and earth.


An indescribable pressure burst out instantly, a strong pressure coming from the abyss of the sea.

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