Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 106 Elite Level Frogadier! Dusk Ball

Li Yu suddenly stopped directing.

The Pokémon seemed to sense something, and several pairs of eyes looked at the sleeping Frogadier.

[In Gene Integrated Union...33.1%, 33.2%, 33.3%...]

[It has been detected that Frogadier has reached the current upper limit of his body. If he continues the Integrated Union, there will be a 90% chance of causing sequelae. Should the host suspend the Integrated Union? ]

Hear the words.

Li Yu was stunned for a moment.

I sighed in my heart:

"The Kyogre gene is really powerful. One-third of the Integrated Union reaches the upper limit of Frogadier."

"Pause first."

He said to the system very simply.

[drop! ]

[Congratulations to the host, Frogadier has completed one-third of the Integrated Union, and his talents and qualifications have been greatly improved! Gain new skills! Activate Ability! ]

In the blink of an eye.

Frogadier opened his eyes.

The dark blue light cluster surrounding his body dispersed.

Li Yu took a long breath.

His eyes immediately swept away.

[Pokémon: Frogadier (Integrated Union one-third Kyogre gene). ]

[Qualification: Elite level (can continue to be promoted). ]

[Level: Level 35. ]

[Ability: 1. Transform freely (your own Attribute changes to the Attribute of the used move before using the move.) ]

[Ability: 2. Rain (When appearing on the battlefield, the weather on the battlefield will automatically change to rain, forcibly covering other weather abilities. The duration is half an hour and can be extended.) ]

[Attribute: water]

[Skills: Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack, Lick, Water Pulse, Taunt, Smokescreen, Round, Toxic, Fling, Smack Down. ]

[New skills: Aqua Tail, Whirlpool. ]

[Carry props: Mystic Water, water z. ]

[Z move: Water whirlpool! ]

[Combat power value: 755]


Li Yu couldn't help but scream.


It's like drinking a great tonic.

He was indeed shocked.

Kyogre Gene had just integrated one third of the Union, and it forcibly upgraded Frogadier's qualifications to Rank One.

Become Elite level!

The level is rising continuously, like riding on a rocket.

It's only one step away from evolving into Greninja.

And also activates the terrifying weather ability!

Weather Ability has a great impact on combat, especially rainfall.

Whenever you encounter Attributes that are incompatible with the water system.

For example, Fire, Ground, and Rock Pokémon.

Will be completely suppressed!

There is no way to turn around.

Encountering a powerful Pokémon can also turn the situation around.

You can advance to attack and retreat to defend.

It is equivalent to taking the initiative into one's own hands.

This is the scary thing about weather abilities and skills.

Not to mention the two great water-type moves, Aqua Tail and Whirlpool, which are simply infinitely powerful.

Whether attacking alone or in groups, they are all powerful weapons.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the change in combat power value.

It directly rose to nearly 500 points, immediately surpassing the elite level and turning into a gym leader level.

This is still at this stage.

Wait until Frogadier evolves into Greninja.

Presumably, the upper limit of the body will be greatly increased, and the Integrated Union Kyogre gene can be continued.

By the time.

The qualifications may even be higher.

Championship level is a breeze.

"I can only say that I am worthy of Kyogre..."

Li Yu smiled with satisfaction.

"Ring ring ring——"

The next day.

Li Yu was woken up by the phone call.

He just picked up.

"Hello, this is the Beijing Police Department. In view of the investigation results, you were accidentally involved in a vicious incident. Please be questioned as soon as possible."

"Vicious incident..."

Li Yu frowned, countless scenes flashed through his mind.

Just a random question.

Which time are you talking about?

Fortunately, the policeman on the opposite side quickly explained.

Related to Jingwen Gym.

Li Yu suddenly understood and hung up the phone after saying this.

Twenty minutes later.

Li Yu took the Garchomp and stopped at the entrance of the Beijing Police Station.

The police station is located two streets across from the Alliance headquarters, not too far away.

But compared to the Alliance headquarters, the scale here is not very large, and the entire building is dominated by Black.

The atmosphere was extremely serious.

There are not only police but also Growlithe and other Pokémon guarding the door.

He explained the reason to the policeman on guard.

Li Yu stepped into the police station.

[drop! ]

[Sign-in location: Beijing Police Station! ]

[Hey, check-in at Samsung location was successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - Dusk Ball! ]

[Dusk Ball: Used at night, it can forcibly rob other people's Pokémon and eliminate the intimacy between the Pokémon and the original owner. ]

"Is this a low-end version of the Dark Master Ball?"

Li Yu turned his hand.

While receiving rewards.

The Dusk Ball is directly sent into the virtual space.

Although it is not as perverted as the Dark Master Ball, the Dusk Ball is also good. It can be called a weapon for killing and stealing?

He circles around.

It's just not appropriate to think about this in the police station.

Li Yu smiled.

Went in.

at the same time.

A man wearing a windbreaker and a serious expression came over.

"Li Yu?"

"it's me."

When I saw Li Yu, he was very impressive and neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Officer Zhang was surprised

This was completely different from what he had imagined.

Although I have read the information.

But I didn't expect Li Yu to look so young.

He originally thought that Li Yu had won the third-level Alliance Medal at a young age and was ruthless, so he must have a plot to gain power.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked quite...harmless?

But he didn't show it.

The two walked into the house.

Officer Zhang took out a document.

Pass it to Li Yu.

After Li Yu opened it, he frowned deeper and deeper as he looked at the contents of the document.

It turns out that this is not the first time that the owner of the Kyowen Museum tortured and killed Pokémon.

Started a year ago.

Such vicious incidents have occurred dozens of times.

Close to hundreds.

Moreover, although the sacrificial objects are inconsistent, the symbols are unified.

There seems to be a huge mystery behind it.

At first, Li Yu thought that these were done by shadow organizations again.

But it is clearly marked in the information.

Eliminate suspicion of tainted organizations.

This only made him more confused.

After reading this information.

Li Yu was silent for a long time.

The man in the trench coat also had a serious expression: "I'll get right to the point. You were the first to see the scene. Did you notice anything was wrong?"

Li Yu recalled for a moment.

"It was... weird at the time. The blood seemed to have been absorbed."

Officer Zhang nodded.

He investigated Li Yu's information in the police system and determined the authenticity of the series of records he obtained.

I plan to cooperate with it.

Otherwise, Li Yu would not be allowed to access the files.

The special department of the Dragon Kingdom has been secretly investigating this matter.

Officer Zhang is one of them.

He wants to find all the clues he can.

The Shadow Organization was already a headache, but this evil force that suddenly appeared was obviously also a scourge.

"If you look at these people separately, they seem to have no connection, but they have something in common."

"Common ground?"

Li Yu asked back.

"Well, they all seem to be related to foreign forces."

After Officer Zhang said this, Li Yu frowned even deeper.

He didn't expect that a challenge to the gym would involve such a big thing behind it.

There are actually other countries involved.


"Why did Officer Zhang tell me?"

Li Yu raised his eyebrows.

The other party asked him to come in the name of investigation, but handed over all the information.

This is obviously unusual.

"I actually belong to the Dragon Kingdom's special department - the Security Department. I also want you to join us this time."

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