Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 112 Spinarak Lair, Haunter Takes Action

The triggering probability is half, if not 100%.

There will be no cameras at the entrance to the secret realm. After looking around, Li Yu directly released Haunter from the virtual space.

Haunter flashed out.


Li Yu sprayed up and down on it.

It is true that Haunter is a Poison Type Pokémon, but the Toxic secret realm poison gas is everywhere, making it difficult for Pokémon born there to resist.

After spraying.

Li Yu swept it with the probing technique.

I discovered that after the name Haunter, there were the words "temporary immunity to poisonous gas".

He felt relieved.

"Haunter, use Transform."

As the words fell, a blazing light appeared all over its body.

After the light dissipated, Haunter transformed into a girl.

at this time.


Several more lights flashed around him.

Li Yu's expression remained unchanged and he turned his wrist.

Put the compass away.

Glancing at Haunter, the latter nodded.

Not a moment.

Several people who had just formed a temporary team with Li Yu appeared at the entrance to the secret realm.

"Huh, this is a miserable place. If I hadn't heard that there was a treasure, I wouldn't have come here no matter how much money I was given."

Yue Yang complained, he was the captain.

The four people appeared, and first looked at the surrounding environment, but suddenly found that there was a girl next to the new team members.

Slightly dazed.

Yue Yang stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Little brother, what is this?"

"This is a friend I just met."

Li Yu's expression did not change.

Hearing this, Yue Yang could only nod, but he still felt a little weird.

He quietly looked at the girl with his peripheral vision.

The girl seemed to feel it, and suddenly turned her head, looked at him, and showed a smile that could be said to be pleasing to the eye.

But Yue Yang suddenly shuddered.

Do not know why.

He always felt something was wrong.

Except for him, the other team members adapted well, and their eyes even lit up slightly after seeing the girl.

They are a professional secret adventure team.

It’s rare to see girls.

Especially in a secret realm like Toxic Secret Realm where the survival rate is not high.

The three of them were quite attentive.

Li Yu clearly saw a flash of enjoyment in the eyes of the girl transformed by Haunter, and couldn't help but laugh in her heart.

If only a few people could see Haunter's true face.

I'm afraid I'll be scared to death.

After a while of introductions.

They also immediately became serious, especially Yue Yang, who gave instructions to the team members for a while, telling everyone to be careful.

In the secret realm of Toxic.

A seemingly inconspicuous grass may be full of venom.

Li Yu said nothing.

Just now the compass pointed to the southwest, and these people happened to be going in this direction.

He temporarily gave up the idea of ​​leaving directly.

2 p.m.

Toxic secret live broadcast room.

Start on time.

The camera flashed over a certain valley.

It was an extremely desolate environment, even though it was the time when the sun was rising, it was still very foggy.

Watching from a distance, there are waves of black miasma coming from nowhere, growing continuously.

There was nothing nearby.

All seemed to have been corroded.

Even Pokémon is nowhere to be seen.

Then the camera turned and began to move to the expedition team entering the secret realm.

Almost everyone is armed.

Packages arrived everywhere.

"Wow, there are so many people seeking death. Let me guess which child will survive to the end today, and start the once-a-month prize-winning competition!"

"As we all know, Toxic's secret live broadcast room is also known as the death live broadcast room!"

"The exciting part is here again!"

"Come on, come on, live broadcast of my meal!"

"Damn, the food upstairs tastes so strong."

The live broadcast room was lively.

Toxic Secret Adventure has emphasized its nature from the beginning, so those who dare to come are either really stupid or powerful.

There are many viewers in this live broadcast room, which is its own system.

The number of clicks is very constant.

Every time the Toxic Secret Realm is opened, it is the few days when the concentration shown by the detector is the weakest.

People always have a suicidal mentality. The more dangerous something is, the more curious it is. The horrific scene Trainer experienced during the live broadcast.

For the audience, it is a kind of stimulation.

"Hey, how come there are 6 people in that team?"

"Really! Those girls don't even have protective clothing. Are they so fierce?"

"Hey guys, there is actually a High Level Trainer. How did he get in?"

When passing the review, the staff will affix the Trainer level logo on the outside of the protective clothing, which is also a monitoring method.


The audience quickly noticed Li Yu and his party.

no way.

Their team is really full of tricks.

Not only are there girls who are not protected, but there is also a Trainer who is the lowest level in the secret realm.

Captain Yue Yang has reached the gym leader level.

Several team members are also elite.

The logo of Li Yu High Level Trainer is like a little Ralts entering a group of mythical beasts, which is extremely weird.

Even Yue Yang and others regretted it after seeing Li Yu's level.

I feel like I came here in vain this time.

However, as the captain, Yue Yang still has a responsibility.

Since he took the initiative to invite.

Naturally, he would not go back on his word, so he immediately glared at Didi Hoothoot's team members, and then continued walking deeper into the Toxic secret realm.



When passing a big tree.

The sky and the earth were overwhelming, countless spider threads shot down from above their heads, and everyone's bodies stagnated.

Movement is momentarily restricted.

at the same time.

A huge shadow more than one meter quickly climbed above Spider Web, seeming to be observing.

The tall trees provided support points for the spider silk, and the dense shade well hid the body of the culprit.

The shadows did not impatiently rush to Sucker Punch, but instead waited for the next step.

Waiting for the prey's energy to drain away in the Struggle.

"No, it's Spinarak's lair!"

Yue Yang's eyes flashed and he shouted immediately.

In the live broadcast room.

The number of barrages passing by suddenly increased.

"This team is really unlucky. They entered Spinarak's lair as soon as they arrived. It's over."

"That captain seems to have some strength, maybe he can hold on for a while."

"It was so exciting from the beginning, I fell in love with it!"

It's not a big deal for everyone to watch the fun.

Even the man who served the meal stopped eating and looked at the screen nervously.

at this time.

An unexpected figure suddenly appeared.

The camera couldn't even capture her movements.

Just listen to dong dong dong.

A quick scalp-numbing blow sounded, and the wind of the fist blew past the side of Yue Yang's face.

The threads all over his head were cut off in an instant.

The scoff fell to the Ground.

at the same time.

An Ariados with white hair at its mouth fell from the tree, its limbs twitched a few times, its belly was sunken, and there were a few fist marks left.

And the girl standing in front of it.

The corners of his mouth curved into an evil arc.

This scene was recorded truthfully and magnified in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

After being stunned.

The entire live broadcast room was boiling!

"Fuck, punch Totem Ariados? What kind of monster is this?"

"How can you say that about a stephanie?"

"Tell me, which Stephanie can do this? Isn't this a special effect?"

"Is he a person with special abilities?"

"I don't believe it, I must be dazzled!"

Boo hoo hoo——

at this time.

The Spinarak lair in Toxic's secret realm also seemed to be in normal condition, and countless Spinarak slipped away quietly.


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