Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 118: Trouble The Whole Gym, The Toxin Is Terrible

"Oh, Jie!"

Haunter screamed.

Several Pokémon looked at Haunter's reaction curiously, and Frogadier was even ready to move.

This is all due to its daily "great achievements".

Mewtwo didn't dare to mess with him, Flash Scizor was focused on training, and Haunter couldn't dodge the pliers coming.

Garchomp is silly but has a bad temper.

It really got angry, Garchomp released its dragon pressure, and Haunter could only walk around.

Frogadier and it are evenly matched, and the two Pokémon often fight back and forth.

The only one who can be bullied is little Nebula.

But Little Nebula ran so fast that no one could catch up with Teleport.

Shaymin has a good temper and is gentle, but Haunter has always been wary of him because of their encounter a long time ago.

The moment you take Toxic Orb.

The alienated fluid began to react with it in Haunter's body.

The two blend.

Fight poison with poison.

The corrosiveness of the venom is immediately offset.

Haunter's miserable Growl stopped, and the pain in his body disappeared.

Only a huge amount of toxins entered Haunter's glands and began to change.

One minute later.

[Hey, congratulations to the host, Haunter successfully mutated the poison gland! ]

[Level increased to level 33! Learn a new skill: Night Shade! ]

[Currently the qualification has changed to Elite level! ]

[The power of the poison system is strengthened, Integrated Union corrosive, fire poison, fishy smell, Acid Armor and other abilities. ]

[Activate skills: Acid, Poison Fang, Smog, Acid Spray! ]

Li Yu was caught off guard by the successive beeps.

After reacting to the content.

I almost left the lab and ran a few laps around the playground.

His eyes sparkled.

It was indeed the same as his previous guess.

After mutating the poison gland, the power of the poison system kept up with the advancement speed of Ghost's power, and Haunter's body finally reached balance.

This shows his current qualifications.

Elite level!

Already the same as Garchomp.


The most surprising thing is the level improvement, jumping directly to level five and activating Night Shade.

In addition, there are four activated poison skills and the enhanced power of poison.

This poison power Integrated Union combines the characteristics of each poison-type Pokémon in the alienation liquid.

For example, Salazzle's fire poison, Arbok's corrosion, etc...

It must be very powerful.

"Tsk, there's just no one for me to test on."

Li Yu feels deeply regretful.

After packing up his things, he left the laboratory.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of Beijing University, I found a group of freshmen gathered at the gate, everyone's face was full of excitement.

Li Yu saw Xiao Ai in the crowd.

Step forward.

"Xiao Ai? What are you doing here?"

"Brother Li!"

Xiao Ai turned around when he heard the sound, his eyes bright.

He ran to Li Yu in a few steps.

Since the gas mask covered his face, apart from Xie Lan, not even Xiao Ai knew about Li Yu's trip to Toxic's secret realm.

She said in surprise:

"A new Qinggang Gym is opened next door. It will hold a challenge event. As long as the challenge to the gym owner is successful, there will be one hundred thousand."

"If you challenge all Pokémon with one Pokémon, you can get the highest reward - 500,000. Everyone wants to try it."

Li Yu heard it.

My heart said: "Isn't this tailor-made for me?"

It just so happened that he wanted to test Haunter's poison power. Now he had a test subject for nothing, and he still had money to get it?

"I am coming too."


Hearing what Li Yu said, Xiao Ai burst out with a bright smile.

in the sun.

Extraordinarily beautiful and moving.

A boy who was secretly paying attention to Xiao Ai was stunned when he saw this.

After seeing Li Yu opposite him, he curled his lips and said disdainfully to the people around him: "Who is this person?"

"Shh! Be careful what you say! He doesn't even recognize him?"

"If I really want to know all the unknown people, then I have to search for people all over the streets."

Who knows.

Hearing him speak, his companion looked at him pitifully.

"I want you to not only focus on training, but also care about the school. This is our hero of Beijing University, the league champion Li Yu!"

"He is Li Yu?!"

Although boys don't hear anything outside the window, this name is well known in Beijing University.

It was hard for him not to hear it.


Even his coveting for the goddess has diminished a lot, his mouth is tightly closed, and his aura instantly weakened.

Others also noticed Li Yu at this time.

After a burst of excitement, Li Yu headed to the Qinggang Gym.

As expected, Qinggang Gymnasium had just been established.

There are many flower baskets placed on both sides of the glass revolving door, and banners are hung on the signs.

There are even gym apprentices standing at the door to solicit.

Just haven't gone in yet.

I saw a strong man dragging out a ragged little boy like trash.

"You don't even know how poor you are, and you still want to challenge?"

The speaker dropped it to the ground with disdain.

The words fell.

Just ready to leave.



A slightly familiar female voice sounded from the other side.

Then Feng Normal ran to the little boy.

Eyes red.

"Sister, me, my Pokémon."

After Asong finished speaking, he fainted.

When Li Yu saw the girl, she felt like she had seen her before somewhere.

"Hu Yun, why is she here?"

Some of the freshmen behind him were surprised.

When Li Yu heard the name, the ranking list on the Tower of Babel suddenly rang, and then he recalled their previous relationship.

"Asong! What did you do to him!"

Hu Yun hugged the boy, biting his lower lip, questioning the strong apprentice, tears streaming down his face.

The apprentice said angrily:

"Tch, he is looking for death. Since the challenge failed, he will use his own Pokémon to counteract it. Otherwise, why do you think we should give him money for free?"


Hu Yun was furious, but Asong's health was in urgent need now.

She hugged her brother tightly, summoned a Fearow, and rushed to the central hospital without stopping.

Before leaving, I looked at Li Yu inadvertently.

That look was full of humble prayer.

"It's too much. This newly opened gym is too overbearing."

"Yeah, how can you take away Pokémon?"

"What's the difference between them and those secret realm poachers? They really should be allowed to see what happens to the poaching team!"

"Brother, are you talking about the Toxic secret realm..."

Everyone was filled with indignation.

But many people subconsciously recoiled when they heard that they would have to pay for their Pokémon if they failed.

Pokémon is much more valuable than bonuses.

My own Pokémon is a Breeder that I spent a lot of effort on and got along with for a long time.

In case you lose.

I really want to compensate this black-hearted gym.

They are reluctant.

"Since you still need a mortgage, you said you can get half a million for a duel. Isn't that a bit low?"

Li Yu opened his mouth.

The freshmen immediately became quiet.

When the apprentice heard this, he glanced at Li Yu who was speaking, his face darkened, and he concluded that he was with Hu Yun, so he said sarcastically:

"If you can provoke the whole gym, our gym owner said you can give one million, but you have to bear the consequences."


A response was heard.

The strong apprentice was stunned.

Haven't reacted yet.

A ghost-like figure jumped out quickly, and the strong apprentice's vision suddenly went dark.

There was a bang.

The apprentice was wrapped in a black shadow and flew out violently.

Banging against the glass door.

The blood reflected on it was very eye-catching.

The strong apprentice suddenly fainted.

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