Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 121 Elite Assessment, Genesect Essence And Blood

The owner of Qinggang Pavilion was immersed in his own idea, but he didn't notice the corners of Li Yu's mouth curling up slightly as he walked away.

There was a faint smile in his eyes.

He and the freshmen from Beijing University had just left the house.


The Qinggang Gym collapsed. Although the Oreburgh gate was covered by rubble, it was the only building that could still stand.

The top of it was twisted and twisted.

However, Qinggang Gym Leader and the gym apprentices did not expect the sudden collapse and were buried together.

Not long after waking up, the master of Qinggang Hall fainted again.


A roaring roar came.

Garchomp was seen flapping his wings, the wind howling, and at some point, he appeared in the collapsed gym Sky.

The sudden collapse of the good gymnasium was obviously related to him.

Li Yu winked at Garchomp.

The next second.

Bang bang!

Debris floated up and hit the Oreburgh gate one after another.

There was so much movement.

The whole street was watching.

Everyone gradually gathered in front of the Qinggang Gymnasium, pointing and pointing.

In the blink of an eye.

The solid door was smashed to pieces.

Showed his true face.

A stench came over me.

It turned out that there were countless weak Pokémon imprisoned inside, dying on the ground.

A rough count.

There are dozens of them!

"Oh my god, isn't that the Pelipper who posted a Pokémon hunt notice online some time ago?"

"Look at that! Is it Kirlia who the Ling family issued a mission to find in the Pokémon Hall? Why is she so disgraced?"

"It's so pitiful. The Ling family has a bounty of 100,000 yuan, so it's here."

"Huh? That Pokémon looks familiar too!"

There were about a few hundred people on the whole street.

Because there are many gyms here, it is a gathering place for Trainers.

When someone saw those Pokémon, they instantly recalled the notice they had seen.

After all, Pokémon is lost, or robbed or stolen.

They are all compassionate.

Especially as Trainers, everyone can best understand what it feels like to lose a carefully crafted Breeder Pokémon.

No better than losing a child.

So everyone pays close attention to this type of news.

In particular, the Ling family's Kirlia was the eldest lady's favorite. Since the reward was quite large, the Ling family deployed a large amount of manpower and material resources to search for it.

It can be said that the whole city was in turmoil.

Countless people in the entire capital city know about it.

Unexpectedly, all these lost Pokémon are hidden here!

After reacting.

Countless rebuke and abuse were heard.

"What is the purpose of secretly hiding so many Pokémon in this newly opened Qinggang Gym?"

"Damn it, Black Heart Gym. I originally wanted to go to see them open and hold activities, but I didn't expect it to be so disgusting."

"This is definitely a poaching team! The owner of the museum is not a good guy at first sight!"

The freshmen at Beijing University have long been confused by this series of events.

I never expected that things would develop to this point.

Enthusiastic people called the police.

Seeing that the matter was almost resolved, Li Yu took Xiao Ai and left directly on the Garchomp.

As for the mess that follows.

Naturally, it is not under his control.

Ling family.

As soon as Ling Wei received the news from the police, she immediately put down the medical information at hand and went straight to Qinggang Gym.

Ling Yi was also nearby at the time and heard his sister's call.

Afraid that she would be anxious, we rushed over together.

When she saw Kirlia placed at the resettlement place by the police, Ling Wei burst into tears and choked up.


After seeing the injuries on Kirlia's body, she finally couldn't help crying.

Carefully hold it in your arms.

Kirlia felt her master's breath, nuzzled her affectionately, felt relieved and fainted.

Ling Yi listened to the police explain the situation.

After knowing that it was Li Yu who defeated the gym owner, he accidentally discovered these Pokémon and was very surprised.

"There is such a big gap between me and him..."

He was inexplicably a little disappointed.

Since losing to the opponent in Babel Tower, he has regarded Li Yu as a goal and worked harder than ever before.

But look now.

Not only has their gap not narrowed, but it has grown further.

I can't even see the other person's back.

After Ling Wei calmed down, Ling Yi talked about Li Yu, and surprise flashed across her classically beautiful face.

My heart is so complicated that it’s hard to describe.

I can’t tell what it feels like.

His best medical skills are not as good as his, and now he even saved Kirlia...

Ling Wei bit her lower lip: "In that case, our Ling family should thank him."

Ling nodded.

Although it was an accident, without Li Yu, my sister Kirlia would really be nowhere to be found.

According to etiquette, they should also thank them in person.

An idea flashed through Ling Wei's mind, and she was about to go back to discuss it with her father. The confusion in her eyes faded, and she became determined again.

The next day.

After collecting two Badges, Li Yu is eligible to participate in the elite assessment.


He came directly to Alliance headquarters.

This is his first time coming to Beijing.

In the distance is a majestic building with an extremely smooth surface and a bulging middle.

There are countless giant sculptures standing around the building, with different postures and sizes.

They are Pokémon represented by eighteen Attributes.

Looking carefully, one feels inexplicably admiration.

The Alliance headquarters is a complex of buildings with countless people coming and going.

As soon as Li Yu stepped into the door, the prompt sounded.

[drop! ]

[Sign-in location: Alliance headquarters in Beijing! ]

[Hey, check-in at the four-star location was successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward——Genesect Essence*1! ]

[Dip, get a random draw! ]


Li Yu almost doubted his ears.

The steps on the ground swayed, and he quickly adjusted to stabilize his body.

The Adam's apple couldn't help but squirm.

Alliance headquarters was crowded with people coming and going. When they saw Li Yu standing still, someone immediately stepped forward to urge her.

Li Yu came to his senses after hearing this.

He hurriedly walked aside, remembering that Su Luoluo was here, and immediately turned on the electronic screen to contact him.

After Su Luoluo received the call.

Li Yu was sent directly to her office area.

Li Yu was not polite either.

After saying hello and saying that he had something to do, he went directly to the training room hidden in the office area.

Wait for the training room door to close.

Only then did Li Yu take out the essence and blood of Genesect.

Essence and blood are suspended in mid-air.

As soon as it appeared, a heavy pressure suddenly spread out.

Su Luoluo outside the training room felt it and glanced over there inadvertently: "I don't know what he is doing..."

Li Yu, who was holding the essence and blood, was very excited.


This is the most bug type!

The only Bug Type beast, in the original work, can directly awaken Mewtwo!

[Genesect Essence Blood: A drop of essence blood from a Bug Type beast, when given to a Bug Type Pokémon, will increase the upper limit of qualifications and activate exclusive skills. ]

[Note: Only Bug Type Pokémon can be used, and the qualifications must reach the quasi-Elite level! ]

Li Yu's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that as soon as he saw the introduction, he already thought about the ownership of this drop of blood.

Flash Scizor!

After absorbing the Volcarona gene last time, Scizor's qualifications have been increased by 50%, and after the Integrated Union Mega Alloy, it has increased to 65%.

The distance is upgraded to Elite level.

Just a little!

And this opportunity is right in front of you!

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