Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 125 Illusory Aqua Tail, Quick Victory

All the Trainers watching were envious.

This is the style of a boss!

The three examiners saw Garchomp coming back and slowly exhaled.

The leader patted his chest and comforted himself: "Fortunately, I just destroyed one."

he knows.

According to Garchomp's posture just now.

If it is not stopped, this test machine will be even more damaged than before!

Who can bear this?

Their Alliance is not rich enough to be this rich!

It's not worth it to destroy two machines in one qualification assessment.

The examiner made sure to pay attention. If Li Yu comes for another assessment in the future, he must instruct others to remember to protect the machine.


This loss is too great...

The examiner had a grimace on his face and was ready for the next candidates.


There is only one monster like Li Yu, and the subsequent qualification review was smooth, with more than half of those who did not meet the standards eliminated.

The second round of battle is about to begin.

Thirty-five people came to the battlefield.

After the examiner confirms the Contest Category, the candidates will be assigned according to their respective venues.

Li Yu was assigned to venue three.

As soon as he arrived, he saw the examiner waiting here.

Found out it was him.

Not surprising.

He showed his strength in the first round, and the examiner was naturally the strongest among the three.

"You're great, but I won't give in."

The examiner finished speaking.

Throw the Poké Ball in the air.

White light flashed, and a Pokémon with a dark blue body, huge body, short and thick front and rear limbs, covered with a huge and thick brown turtle shell, and two Hydro Pumps extending from the top of the shell appeared.


Li Yu narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the opponent Pokémon has the same Attribute as him.

Even the planters are almost the same.


Greninja has absorbed the Kyogre gene. Even if it is only one-third, it is enough to be a deterrent among water-type Pokémon.

The referee just finished speaking.

Greninja and Blastoise then attack at the same time.

"Greninja, Quick Attack!"

"Blastoise, Hydro Pump!"



The Hydro Pump on the turtle shell shoots out a half-meter-thick stream of water, which shoots towards the opposite side!

Greninja flashed.

Hydro Pump disappeared at the same time as it struck, and before Blastoise could react, he instantly killed him.

There was a muffled sound.

Blastoise seemed bulky, but he retracted his limbs in time to avoid the blow.

first round.

The two are indistinguishable.

The examiner was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect Greninja to be evenly matched with Blastoise.

His Blastoise has evolved for a long time, and the difference between the two is no less than five levels. How can Greninja be so strong after jumping up to another level?

Li Yu made a judgment in his mind.

Blastoise's defense is extremely strong, and it's considered superior among the divine beasts.

When it comes to endurance, Greninja is definitely inferior.

That being the case.

No need to waste time.

Quick victory.

Li Yu immediately ordered calmly: "Greninja, Aqua Tail!"

Hear the words.

The examiner looked confused

He wondered if he had heard wrongly.

How could Greninja use Aqua Tail?

What's more, Aqua Tail isn't a move that newly evolved Pokémon can learn, right?

There are many people who have the same question.

Because there are only three venues.

Everyone gathered around, not blinking, for fear of missing the examiner's move.


In the assessment, naturally the later the order is, the more advantageous it is.

In this way, they at least watched for a long time and had a slight understanding of each examiner's fighting style and Pokémon.

Not to be at a loss.

But Li Yu obviously broke everyone's perception.

Greninja evolved under everyone's eyes, and they will pay more attention to it than the other two Trainers.

Hear Li Yu's instructions.

The thirty-two candidates' eyes widened with questions on their faces.

But soon.

Li Yu used facts to prove to them that anything is possible.

In a blink of an eye!

Greninja rushed forward quickly. Only one meter away from Blastoise, he kicked his frog feet vigorously, his leg muscles bulged, and he suddenly Splash!

Along with the jump, a flash of dark blue light flashed.

Covering Greninja's body.

at the same time.

The examiner noticed that it was not good, and his eyes became wary, and he said without hesitation: "Blastoise, Flash Cannon!"

Blastoise's energy surges violently, like flowing water Normal gradually gathers.

Move towards the muzzle on the upper end of the turtle shell.

The muzzle glowed faintly.

The people watching at the entrance of the candidates were secretly frightened and prayed in their hearts that they would not fight the examiner.



A sharp sound sounded like a sharp blade coming out of its sheath.

Everyone looked back.

Suddenly shocked.

Greninja actually transformed an illusory energy tail out of thin air in mid-air!

And that tail seems unreal, but the fluctuations of water energy contained in it are shocking.

Greninja's eyes condensed, and the soaring in the sky blue where the energy was originally concentrated suddenly turned into deep blue.


Just like taking normal drugs, the illusory Aqua Tail expands instantly.

As the breath fluctuated, the air became much more humid, and water droplets formed unconsciously.

"Eh? Is it raining?"

"I see you have a serious illness. The Alliance building is closed, so even if it rains, you won't be able to get wet!"

"No, no, it's really raining!"

"Ahhhh Aqua Tail!"

"Is this okay?"

The onlookers were startled by the sudden change in the atmosphere.

The jaw can barely close.

But that's just the beginning.


Everyone found out.

That person was right at first.

The sound of pattering resounded throughout the battlefield, and the rain fell suddenly. Many people were caught off guard and were soaked in the rain.

The other two examiners who heard the noise also stopped fighting.

He frowned.

It was obviously a water type that could cover everything, but Greninja used it to have an explosive effect, and they felt it was difficult to resist.

I don’t know…

On the battlefield.

The Rainfall Ability intensified the effect of Aqua Tail, and the dark blue water glow spread almost over Blastoise's entire head.

Li Yu used Aqua Tail for the first time, and was overwhelmed by its power: "Now!"

brewing at the same time.

Flash Cannon Sucker Punch is here!

The extremely bright light cannon was somewhat dim under the influence of rain.

Effect is diminished.


Greninja roared, his body Contest rotated in the air, and the illusory Aqua Tail suddenly spurted out, slamming down on the target!

The examiner was now panicked.

"Blastoise, get out of the way!"

He roared, overdrive when he shouted the last word.

But Blastoise has just finished using Flash Cannon, and while the skill is cooling down, she has no energy to dodge.

You can only try your best to shrink your body.

Trying to hide in a turtle shell.

There was a loud bang.


The shiny Flash Cannon and Aqua Tail collide.

The energy of the two exploded, shock waves exploded in all directions, and the Ground stones burst apart, throwing up countless debris.

Dust swirls up.

Everyone's view was obscured.

But soon.

Soaring in the sky The raindrops were still falling, the dust dispersed, and Site No. 3 reappeared in view.

Everyone looked at the puddle in the middle in shock

The next second.

Blastoise slowly emerged from the water with his shell broken and deep scars on his limbs.

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