Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 127 High-Energy Nutrient Solution, Underground Auction

He quickly got on the Garchomp and returned to the villa in the blink of an eye.

When I opened the nutrient solution directory and saw the effects of the high-energy nutrient solution, I was immediately overjoyed.

[High-energy nutrient solution: After taking it according to the steps, there is an 80% chance of raising the leader-level Pokémon to the quasi-Elite level, and the energy required to maintain it for half a year! ]

Looked around.

This is undoubtedly the most suitable for selling.

Others are similar to low-energy nutritional solutions, which require long-term use and cannot take effect all at once.

Otherwise, it is similar to the alienation fluid and can only be exclusive to a certain type of Pokémon.

It works surprisingly well though.

But there are many restrictions.

The recipe in particular was difficult to get right.

In contrast, the most difficult to obtain high-energy nutrient solution formula is Salac Berry.

The others are not hard to find.

The only special thing is the use of high-energy nutrient solution.

Unlike other nutrient solutions.

Different from swallowing, the Pokémon is soaked in it, and the soaking time is adjusted according to the Pokémon's absorption speed.

Wait for the nutrient solution to be absorbed through the skin.

That’s when it’s truly successful.

Li Yu had a plan in mind, entered the virtual space, and said to the system at the same time: "Greninja continues to integrate the Union Kyogre gene!"

The next second!

The system prompts.

[In Gene Integrated Union...34%, 34.5%, 35%...]

As expected.


Greninja fainted again.

But this time Li Yu had a hunch that the Kyogre gene might be able to completely succeed in the Integrated Union!

have no idea.

Until then.

To what extent will Greninja's strength rise...

Li Yu's eyes lit up.

full of expectation.

He also glanced at Flash Scizor, who was still sleeping, and checked the current progress bar.

It's 20%.

It's estimated to take a few days.

Li Yu is not in a hurry.

After all, if you can fully absorb the evolution of Genesect, the waiting time will be worth it.

Two of the seven Pokémon are sleeping.

That leaves Mewtwo, Shaymin, Garchomp, Haunter, and Little Nebula.

Mewtwo sat on the ground and closed his eyes Nurturing Spirit. When he saw Li Yu coming in, he only opened his eyes slightly and nodded slightly.

It closed again.

Now that most of its strength has been restored, it is not easy to take action.


Silver-level secret realms are basically destroyed every time you see them.

Shaymin doesn't know where he is hiding. The virtual space is only a few hundred cubic meters, but if it doesn't appear on its own initiative.

No one can be found.

Thinking of Shaymin, a flash of memory flashed through Li Yu's mind. Last time he came in, he accidentally saw Shaymin in the corner holding a waffle and eating it very enthusiastically.

After noticing his surprised look.

The movement paused for a second, then turned around and continued.

Li Yu secretly felt funny.

Since then, I always bring some sweets home.

This time is no exception.

He just took out the egg yolk cake, and with a swish, a white and green figure flashed past, and the 'little hedgehog' suddenly appeared.

Emerald Normal's eyes sparkled as he looked at the food.

The corners of his mouth turned up.

Very cute.


Shaymin yelled ingratiatingly.

Haunter on the other side heard the sound, curled his lips in disdain, and muttered: "The boss is just a Pokémon. I'm so ashamed. He has learned how to be cute. How can I see any trace of the majesty he once had? It's really that people's hearts are not ancient..."

Shaymin turned a deaf ear.

Still staring at the egg yolk cake.

Li Yu glanced at him funny.

Haunter didn't dare to say anything for a moment and floated to Little Nebula furtively.

Trying to trick it.

call out--

But before it got close, Little Nebula disappeared from the spot and moved in front of Li Yu, following Shaymin's example.


A pair of green bean-sized eyes stared at him closely.

"You want to eat too?"

Li Yu was surprised.

Who knows.

at this time.

A gust of wind blew in, and the Garchomp Dual Wingbeat relaxed and landed slowly, its fierce face with a simple and honest expression.

"Ho!" He also fell in love with the egg yolk cake.

Now, Li Yu was at a loss. Garchomp had always been a loyal meat lover.

My favorite thing to eat is bird meat.

His appetite was so large that he could pile up a mountain of everything he had eaten.

"Is the egg yolk cake enough to fill the gap between your teeth?"

Hearing his master's words, Garchomp showed an aggrieved look, shrank his wings and took a step back.

Seeing it like this, Li Yu felt a little distressed.

"Okay, I'll give it to you first."

Garchomp took it with surprise and looked at him admiringly, as if he had received some great favor.

Shaymin pouted.

It was obviously the one who came first!

This cunning guy is so angry!

Shaymin gave Garchomp a sideways glance, but considering its appearance, this glance was not very intimidating.

"Jie Jie!"

Haunter laughed strangely from behind, seeing the farce in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this idiot to be a green tea? You really can't look down on any Pokémon."

Li Yu heard his thoughts and said calmly: "Haunter, what nonsense are you looking at on my electronic screen again?"

A trace of panic flashed across Haunter's face, showing an expression of being caught, before it turned into smoke with a bang and dissipated in the air.

Li Yu is angry and funny.

Then I gave the egg yolk cake to Shaymin and Xiao Xingyun, and prepared to make high-energy nutrient solution.

He walked to the Salac Berry area.


With the development of Amaze Mulch material, Salac Berry has gradually taken shape, and the first tree planted has produced five fruits!

Li Yu asked Garchomp to take it off.

Follow the steps on the recipe one by one to start making it.

Mash the Salac Berry, add Miltank milk, all-purpose jelly...

Finally, it is boiled over fire until only a thin layer remains at the bottom of the pot, and the solution made by Li Yu is poured into the bottle.

Shake gently and the green in the bottle will shine.


Li Yu took a deep breath and raised the corners of his mouth.

At the same time, a strange aroma wafted out of the bottle.

Scizor's nose twitched a few times in his sleep, and he regained consciousness for a moment before continuing to sleep again.

Several Pokémon gathered together.

Even Mewtwo glanced in Li Yu's direction.

Li Yu said: "This is of no use to you."

Several Pokémon instantly dispersed in despair.

He was telling the truth. High-energy nutrient solution can only improve the qualifications of Gym Leader-level Pokémon, and his Pokémon is quasi-Elite at worst.

This thing.

There's really no need for them.

"It's just...where to sell it?"

Li Yu's consciousness suddenly flashed out of the virtual space.

Pick up the electronic screen.

Dial a familiar number.

Just connected.

The girl's voice of surprise came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Li!"

"Well, Xiao Ai, do you know of any auction-like places in Beijing?"


Xiao Ai thought for a few seconds and then an idea came to him.

"I know, I know. Grandpa once told me that there is an underground auction in Beijing. I'll go ask it for you!"

After Xiao Ai finished speaking, he quickly put down the phone.

Run to the study.


The girl's charming voice gradually drifted away on the phone.

Li Yu smiled.

Recalling the words "underground auction", something vaguely flashed through my mind...

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