Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 131 Everyone Is Fighting For It, The Lowest Price Is Tens Of Millions

The eyes of the two guards suddenly lit up.

This is only available to Supreme members, family heads, and Alliance executives. I don’t know where the young man in front of me comes from.

All kinds of speculations ran through my mind.

"Please come in."

They both bowed at the same time.

This move immediately stunned the arguing crowd and the Trainers who were complaining about queuing.

The noisy team fell silent instantly.

Several lines of sight pierced Normal and focused on Li Yu.

But that's not all.


Just as their eyes widened and they watched the young man about to enter the door, a staff member who received the news hurried over.

She was also very respectful: "Hello, please come with me."

Amid the envious and jealous eyes of a group of people, Li Yu led Xiao Ai into the unique underground hall and was led directly into a private room on the third floor.

Until seated.

Only then did Xiao Ai come back to his senses from his confusion.

Their box was located in the center, facing the auction stage, with an excellent view of the entire first floor and auction stage.

There are only forty private rooms in the entire underground hall, ten on the third floor and thirty on the second floor.

Xiao Ai was very surprised. When she and her grandfather came before, they would sit in the private room on the second floor at most.

This is my first time on the third floor.

"Brother Li turns out to be so powerful..."

She thought silently in her heart, and suddenly, an inexplicable feeling of loss surged into her heart.

As time passed, crowds continued to pour into the hall, the auction venue became more and more lively, and the boxes began to fill up.

Several figures flashed past.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Su Luoluo in the box next to him.


Auction doors are closed.

The entire venue was packed.

With a swipe sound, the auction table lights up Spotlight

The curtain slowly opened.

What came out was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a burst of noise in the hall on the first floor.

"Holy shit, just use the ultimate move?"

"Who is this person?"

"Is this your first time at an underground auction? This is the boss!"

"Awesome, the boss personally hosts it?!"

I have to say that the boss played this trick very well. After he appeared, the atmosphere in the auction room was immediately heated up, and the Trainers on the first floor couldn't help but look at each other.

They all showed expressions of determination to win.

"Dear guests, welcome to today's underground auction. The principle of our auction is that the highest bidder wins based on the reserve price..."

After the rules were introduced, the boss' expression flashed.

"Okay, no more nonsense. I think everyone is here for it today. I won't hold back and welcome the auction!"

The words just fell.

I saw the boss taking a few steps back.

At the location illuminated by the Spotlight, the Ground clicked and began to collapse, and then a counter slowly rose from the center of the stage.

There is a transparent container on the counter. Under the light, the gleaming pharmaceutical bottle inside is invisible.

at the same time.

In order to take care of the sight of the audience behind.


The projection above the auction table was turned on, and the nutrient solution in the medicine bottle was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"This is the high-energy nutrient solution that is causing a lot of buzz in recent times."

"The rumors are all true. We did not expand the effect of the nutrient solution, and even said it was too small..."

Having said this, the boss paused briefly.

Hearing the increasingly heavy breathing of the crowd below with satisfaction, he continued: "The high-energy nutrient solution can not only upgrade the gym owner-level trainer to the quasi-Elite level, but is also suitable for any level."

"If you are at High Level, you can be directly promoted to the Hall Leader level, and the chance is over 70%!"

“Best of all, no side effects!”

The last four words the boss said were sonorous and powerful.

The audience below had been talking about the nutrient solution since it appeared, and now they heard that it had a stronger effect than the rumors, and they were completely shocked.

"Damn it, the odds are so high!"

"It's more powerful than I thought. I don't know who made it. It's really a genius!"

"Isn't this a step to the sky? It's a bit exaggerated."

“It actually has no side effects, it’s incredible!”

"Having said that, the best way to use high-energy nutrient solution is to upgrade to the Elite level from the gym leader level."

"That's true. If you use the High Level qualifications, it will be a waste of resources..."

Seeing that the emotions of the people in the audience were aroused, and everyone was blushing and necking thickly while discussing, the boss couldn't help but laugh.

He winked with the staff in the audience.

The staff nodded to show understanding.

The boss continues to add ingredients.

"Don't worry, we have been tested by the appraiser and this is the data report."

While talking.

The projection also releases data comparisons and data charts.

The evidence is in front of you.

The audience below was already excited.

Even if I was dubious before, I was completely excited.

The scene was completely out of control, and even the people on the second and third floors were ready to move.

In the private room on the second floor, Dou Xing's pupils shrank.

If his Pokémon can absorb high-energy nutrient solution, he can become a quasi-Elite Trainer, and may even have a peek at the Elite level threshold.

This was something he had never imagined.

Even if he is a student of Peking University, this kind of opportunity is rare.

I never thought it would be possible today!

There are many people who think the same as Dou Xing. Even though most of the Trainers on the first floor know that they may be here to join in the fun, they can't help but feel excited.

The eyes looking at the high-energy nutrient solution were almost burning.

Even hotter than seeing a hot beauty.

Seeing the atmosphere being heightened to a climax, the boss finally said the last sentence;

"The starting price of the high-energy nutrient solution is 10 million, and each increase in price must not be less than 1 million. Starting now, the highest bidder wins!"

A thud.

The hammer fell, but everyone felt that the sound hit them deep in their hearts.

The audience on the first floor was obviously suffocated. They were obviously shocked by the price. You looked at me and I looked at you, feeling bitter in your heart.

at this time.

"Twelve million!"

"Thirteen million!"

"Fifteen million"


From the private rooms on the second and third floors, there were frequent calls for price increases, and arguments began to be made.

Li Yu was secretly shocked and lamented that Beijing still had the most wealthy people and the major forces had strong financial resources.

In a short period of time, the price of high-energy nutrient solution has soared to 21 million.

This was something Li Yu never expected.

He thought.

Probably 10 million would be good.

Unexpectedly, the reserve price of Earl Dervish at the auction was set at 10 million.

He still underestimated the value of high-energy nutrient solution.

Xiao Ai listened with great interest, and also increased the price under Li Yu's surprised gaze.

But after the price reached more than 25 million.

I gave up a little disappointed.

And this time.

"Thirty million." A slightly older man's voice appeared.

It was coming from the box next to Li Yu. He glanced at it thoughtfully and thought of Su Luoluo.

It was immediately clear that this was Alliance's handiwork.

The corners of his mouth curled up.


There were constant exclamations at the scene.

The Trainer on the first floor was shocked.

"Thirty million..." This is a number that they never dare to think about.

Even if you don't eat or drink your whole life, you won't be able to save so much.


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