Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 137 The Entrance To The Golden Secret Realm

When I saw the new skills in the next column, my eyes widened!

[New skills: Flame Charge, Zap Cannon, Techno Blast (need to collect Attribute cassette props). ]

[Combat power value: 1169]

"Techno Blast!"

A flash of surprise flashed across Li Yu's eyes, and his heart moved slightly.

Techno Blast is the unique trick of the insect god Genesect! Exclusively for it.

He didn't expect that after this drop of blood from Scizor Integrated Union, he could actually activate the Techno Blast skill.

It's just a pity...

There are restrictions on the use of this move.

Now Scizor does not have Attribute props on it, so it cannot exert its power.

But Li Yu is not depressed.

After all, whether it's Flame Charge, a fire-based move, or Zap Cannon, an unexpectedly activated electric-based move.

For him, they were all unexpected surprises.

Especially for Zap Cannon, the Scizor itself naturally does not contain Electric Type, but after Integrated Union with the essence and blood, the body mutated.

Think about it.

Li Yu said directly:

"Scizor, use Zap Cannon on the front!"


Scizor's eyes narrowed sharply.

In an instant, strong winds surged, and the energy contained in the giant pincers expanded rapidly.

The next second!

I saw a golden stream of light cutting through the air.


The Zap Cannon that was suddenly condensed, although there was only a thin thread, seemed to contain all the power within it, making it impossible for anyone to think of resistance.


His eyes went white.

When Li Yu opened his eyes, his mouth opened slightly.

Wherever he looked, a large number of Pokémon fell on the ground. He roughly counted dozens of them.

There are Beedrill, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Pineco...

Li Yu saw from the corner of his eye that the four legs of the Beedrill were twitching continuously, as if a normal switch had been triggered.

He hurriedly scanned it with exploratory techniques.

That's when I discovered it.

The Pokémon were paralyzed by the electricity and completely unconscious.

"I see."

Li Yu suddenly understood.

The Electric Type power contained in Scizor's body today is limited, so the effect of this move may not be as good as that of real Electric Pokémon.

But because of his outstanding talent.

But he fully utilized the paralysis ability of this move.

He nodded secretly, very satisfied.

Scizor's power has always been very strong, but what he lacks are paralysis, dizziness, and hypnosis skills.

Now Zap Cannon has accidentally filled in this shortcoming.


Flame Charge also surprised him. After all, after Scizor inherited the Volcarona gene, it already stimulated 10% of the Fire Type.

Use this move to become even more powerful.

In addition, what excites Li Yu the most is the new download ability.

Free promotion!

Not affected by defense and special defense!

You can completely improve your attack and special attack based on Rival's planters, which will undoubtedly give you an absolute advantage.

As for the Attribute cassette required for Techno Blast, there is no rush.

From the perspective of combat power value, apart from the mythical beast, Scizor's combat power value is already the highest.

First, he inherited the Volcarona gene, and then Integrated Union the essence and blood of the Exterminator.

With just one drop, his qualifications crossed two levels, surpassed Elite, and was promoted to champion, which surprised him.

Scizor stood motionless next to Li Yu, like the most loyal guard.

Although he didn't say a word.

But when it looked at him, the gratitude and intimacy almost solidified.

[Congratulations to the host, Scizor's intimacy level has reached full value, reaching 100! ]

Li Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard the notification sound in his ear.

Two days later.

Li Yu walked out of the tent, packed his things, fed the energy cubes and nutrient solution to the Pokémon, and then walked towards the exit of Yuze Forest.

After two days of training.

Little Nebula has now reached level 18, and Haunter has also been upgraded.

However, the level of Pokémon in Yuze Forest is not high. Haunter received limited battle experience and only leveled up in two days.

It's level 34 now.

Not to mention Scizor and Garchomp.

At their level, every level is difficult, and the fighting experience in Yuze Forest is not enough to fill their teeth.

But this was not Li Yu’s purpose.

Greninja and Scizor have just integrated the genes of the mythical beasts, and they need to get familiar with their changed bodies.

Now both Pokémon have become more and more proficient in their abilities and skills.

"No wonder everyone is fighting for the secret realm."

The improvement of the external environment is limited, and the level of Pokémon in the wilderness area is generally low. Levels 4 and 50 are rare.

Only in the secret realm, although there is danger, there are also opportunities.

Nothing else to say.

Just the Pokémon in the secret realm are more powerful than the other.

Not to mention the golden secret realm with traces of mythical beasts. As long as you can come out of it safely, your future achievements will not be lower than Elite.

While thinking about it, Li Yu flew out of Yuze Forest on Garchomp.

The entrance to the secret realm in southern Zhejiang.

"Ling Wei, why hasn't the person you mentioned come yet?"

A group of people were waiting on the spot. One of the young men was obviously a little impatient. He frowned and said with an annoyed look on his face.

This time, it is an internal competition among the major families.

Not displayed to the public.

The most talented and powerful next heir in the family who came.

Ling Wei was accompanying as a Pokémon doctor.

And the person sent by their Ling family was naturally Ling Yi.

The reason why the Ling family can send another person is because the first explorer of this secret realm is the first head of the Ling family.

Therefore, it enjoys privileges in the golden secret land of southern Zhejiang.

But as time goes by, other aristocratic families naturally gradually become dissatisfied with this privilege.

The Zhou family where the young man lives is one of them.

For the spots in the Golden Secret Realm, even heirs like them competed within the family and had to go through layers of selections before they could be selected.

Why do the Ling family have three places?

This dissatisfaction made the atmosphere at the entrance to the secret realm extremely tense. To put it bluntly, Li Yu's late arrival was just a trigger.

Hearing this, Ling Yi stepped forward and stood in front of his sister, his face darkening:

"It won't take you a few minutes, don't worry."

"How dare you talk to me like that?"

"Ling Yi, it's okay..."


Just when the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.


Accompanied by a dragon roar that resounded throughout the world, strong winds roared past.

Everyone's hair was blown up.

The young man stood next to Ling Wei, his face directly blurred by her long hair.

Wait until the strong wind subsides.

In full view.

Garchomp lay obediently on the ground. The handsome young man stepped down from him and glanced at him indifferently.

The other heirs who were watching the excitement were immediately shocked on the spot.

This appearance is really different.

the most important is.

They all know this Garchomp and the person in front of them!

"Li Yu!

"Why is he here?

"It's over, can't we keep the golden secret realm..."

There was chaos at the entrance.

Some people remained silent and observed secretly.

Although these people are not as young as college students, they are not over forty.

As the heir that the family has worked hard to cultivate, he will naturally pay attention to and collect information from all aspects.


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