Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 139 The Ultimate Beast? Tropical Forest

The heirs of major aristocratic families were afraid of being overtaken by them, so they went in without saying a word.

Everyone went in together.

But they were sent to different places separately.

As soon as they entered the golden secret realm of southern Zhejiang, the first feeling of many children of aristocratic families was that they had entered the hottest summer.

The heat coming from the shop made Ling Wei feel dizzy.

Pu raised his eyes and instantly felt as if he was in a Trackless Forest.

The giant trees that cover the sky cannot be seen when looking up, and even the grass grows taller than a person.

But these are not the scariest things.

What's even scarier is.

Due to her limited field of vision, she could not see the fatal crisis hidden deep in the secret realm.

Ling Wei pursed her lips, glanced at the positioning on the electronic screen, and found her brother a hundred meters away from her, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She took a deep breath, her eyes regained her determination, and she slowly took the first step.

the other side.

Li Yu looked at the words Ultra Wormhole.

The heart beats fast.

He had originally heard about the summoning ritual of the evil organization, and had some suspicions about the ultimate beast.

But ideas are just ideas after all.

There is no chance to practice at all.


As far as he knew, there was no ultimate beast in this world yet.

Not even in the discovery realm.

People don't know anything about it.

The Ultra Wormhole is a passage connecting Ultra Space, which serves to shuttle between the two worlds.

Little Nebula is actually a creature from Ultra Space.

It was an accident that it could be born on the Aqua Blue Star.

It was first blessed by the descending Lunala, thus obtaining its genetic particles.

Moreover, Ultra Beasts live in Ultra Space and have powerful and magical powers. It is not yet certain whether Ultra Beasts and Pokémon are the same creature.

In the original work, the Ultra Beast transmigrates Ultra Wormhole, so it carries an aura that enhances its abilities.

Take Pokémon as an analogy.

That's Totem Pokémon, like Scizor.

It was once the leader of the entire group.

Moreover, after transmigrating the Ultra Wormhole, the body will also carry special energy, and this energy will attract the attention of the Ultra Wormhole.


Even if it only lasts ten minutes, being able to explore Ultra Wormhole is a rare opportunity in every aspect.


"The most urgent thing is to explore this secret place first."

Li Yu slightly adjusted his Contest Condition. The Golden Secret Realm is constantly dangerous. Compared with the Silver Secret Realm, the risk factor is doubled.

He didn't hesitate.

Directly teleport Pokémon out of the virtual space and summon Scizor to stand beside you.

The extremely hard armor immediately doubled Li Yu's safety.

Garchomp flew up Soaring in the sky and circled for a week.

He waits below.

"How about it?"

When Garchomp landed, Li Yu asked curiously.

Garchomp put away his foolishness when playing, his expression was extremely serious, his fierce eyes stared into the distance for a moment, and he shook his head at Li Yu.

Li Yu's eyebrows are slightly narrowed.

His expression immediately became extremely serious.

at this time.

A heat wave invisible to the naked eye came from the front. Greninja, who had just been released, jumped at the sight and rotated 180 degrees in mid-air.

After the Contest lands.

Li Yu was surrounded by a layer of water mist Barrier.

Complete isolation from heat waves.

He suddenly felt cool all over.

My mood also relaxed.

"Greninja, good job." Li Yu couldn't help but smile and praise.

Hear the words.

Greninja turned his head away in embarrassment and hid behind him awkwardly, pretending to check if there was any danger behind him.

But it doesn't know.

A reminder sounded in Li Yu's ears at this time.

[Hey, congratulations to the host for getting +3 intimacy with Greninja! ]

"Is this what tsundere is?"

Li Yu felt funny: "It seems that the evolution of bond is not far away...".

He took two steps forward.

However, the environment in the Golden Secret Realm in southern Zhejiang was indeed very harsh, and bushes taller than him completely blocked the way.

Can't see ahead.


Li Yu had just uttered a word and was about to instruct Scizor to open the way.

Who knows, it’s not finished yet.

Just listen to the sound of brushing.

Scizor's pair of pliers transformed into two large knives, a bright cold light flashed, and the blade slashed forward and horizontally.



The bushes were all cut off, revealing the towering trees behind.

On the tree.

There were actually three Pinsir staring at the group of people with brown spikes, shining teeth, and ferocious eyes.

There is no one who does not show that he is not good.

The middle Pinsir has even grown a pair of wings, the spikes on its head are sharper, and its eyes have more lines than the other two Pinsir.

Yellow eyeballs stared at them unblinkingly.

A flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

He probably didn't expect that Scizor's move would directly expose their existence.

Although the two parties are dozens of meters apart.

But everyone looked at each other.

The desire to fight ignited in his eyes, and Pinsir in the middle flew up without hesitation and attacked Scizor.

The battle is about to begin!

The entrance to the secret realm.

Looking at the empty light curtain, Elder Wen's expression changed several times.

Qi and blood surged up in his chest, as if something was about to break through and reveal itself. His vision turned black, and he couldn't help but cover his head.

The body shook.

It was the officer of the Pokémon troop next to him who had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped him.

Elder Wen paused for a moment.


He seemed to taste the smell of blood between his teeth, and he stared at the light screen like a father-killer.

He waved his hand fiercely and broke away from the officer's support.

Walking towards the newly built building complex outside the secret realm.

One minute later.

Slamming open the door to the control room.

Everyone looked at it together and noticed that some of them looked at the normal look in their eyes. Elder Wen couldn't help but become even more angry.

I chewed the word Li Yu over and over again in my heart.

It’s like trying to swallow it!

Everything in front of you is thanks to him!

Various instruments were sold in the control room, the most eye-catching one being the huge screen in the center.

It is divided into nine palaces.

It clearly shows the performance of the children of various aristocratic families in the secret realm.

Elder Wen sat in his seat without saying a word. He had countless thoughts of framing Li Yu in his mind, but none of them showed on his face.

Many people from aristocratic families, including the judges, watched the excitement for a while.

He continued to focus on the secret realm.

"Huh? This kid Ling Yi is doing well. Although he is only at the gym leader level, at his age, he has a bright future."

"Ling Wei also collected white tree fruits and traded them to Barry Company. They can be used as raw materials for Fast Ball. They can make a lot of money."

"She is worthy of being the youngest head of Pokémon surgery. She has a really sensitive sense of smell when it comes to collecting tree fruits. She can detect them even if they are hidden so secretly."

"Wen Qiao has also defeated a Roselia..."

In the end, as the man spoke, he looked at Elder Wen carefully, obviously trying to please him.

as expected.

Hearing this, Elder Wen looked at the monitoring screen.

After Wen Qiao defeated Roselia, he did not let it go and squeezed out the Toxic flowers on both hands with special instruments.

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