Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 148 Mewtwo Vs Heatran, Lugia Reappears

Heatran suddenly roared and summoned Magma Storm again!

The fire energy condensed rapidly, and countless magma and lava flames were absorbed into the expanding storm. Terrifying pressure invaded instantly!

Magma Storm is Heatran's exclusive move, and it is also the most powerful restraint move.

Mewtwo realized that the visitor was evil and strengthened his mental power again.


Psystrike collides with Magma Storm carry.

The moment they collided, it was as if the surrounding space began to collapse due to the intersection of absolute power.

An Explosion was triggered instantly!


The explosion that nearly shattered the eardrums even overwhelmed the eruption from Volcano's mouth.

The two fighting beasts exploded the air around them in an instant.

A vacuum-like field suddenly formed in mid-air!

This is a collision of absolute power!

The sweeping fluctuations broke out of the forbidden area and spread into the golden secret realm.

The already barren mountain range was hit by the shock wave, leaving nothing behind.

The towering trees and the grass as tall as a man had all their water evaporated under the high temperature and became dry.

After the shock wave hits.

It was instantly razed to the ground!

In the Golden Secret Realm, all the Pokémon who were hiding underground to avoid the high temperature were trembling on the ground.

There was visible panic and fear on his face.

The oppression of that kind of natural power is hidden in their blood, and they are completely unable to resist it.

Even if there is resistance in my heart, my body is still honest.

at the same time.

Lugia felt anxious when she felt her own aura but couldn't find it.

When the shock wave hit, it suddenly became happy.

A big wave of his hand.

The fluctuations were canceled out in an instant.

Thoughts flashed in its eyes, and it followed the direction in which the energy was coming.

Secret exit.


The ground suddenly shook, and everyone who was recovering was stunned.

The light curtain at the exit trembled continuously, then returned to its original state after a few seconds.

Earthquake dissipates.

The scene just now seemed like people's hallucination.

"What happened just now?"

The president of Southern Zhejiang Province hurried over with a serious look on his face.

Jingle Bell.

at this time.

The president's electronic screen rang.

He pressed answer.

The next second.

The panicked voice of the director of the specialized research institute came through the machine.

"Hui, President, it has just been detected that a large explosion occurred in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Fierce Prison in the secret territory of southern Zhejiang. Volcano is about to erupt!"


His tone was already very urgent, as if he was out of breath immediately.


President Zhenan’s face turned pale for a moment.

Fear, anxiety, worry and other emotions rarely flashed through his eyes.

He managed to calm down.

Countless thoughts were running through my mind.

The next second.

With a long sigh, he pretended that nothing happened and ordered: "Pokémon troops and medical teams listen to the order, and now arrange for everyone to retreat quickly."


Everyone moved when they heard the words.


A person came running crookedly from a distance.

"No, my grandson hasn't come out yet!"

Elder Wen roared dryly, his eyes were red, and his voice broke when he said the last word.

He grabbed the arm of President Zhenan.

At this time, he couldn't care about anything else, he was only concerned about his grandson's safety.

"My grandson, Wen Qiao... is still inside."

Elder Wen was heartbroken.

He also stuttered and struggled to speak.

Before President Zhenan could speak, the Pokémon troop officer stationed here took the lead and stepped forward.

Stopped him.

"Please obey orders."

He finished speaking a few words with a serious expression.

He began to arrange for everyone to retreat.

Since President Zhenan issued the order, it means that he must have received the news.

The officer acted vigorously and resolutely.

Not a moment.

Everyone got ready and left for the exit.

Elder Wen was forcibly taken away.


Because the temperature in the Golden Secret has now exceeded the limit of the human body, rescue services have been suspended and everyone has been evacuated.

Ling Wei and Ling Yi looked at each other.

Ling Yi shook his head.

Ling Wei bit her lower lip and clenched her palms.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at the exit of the secret realm, hoping to see the person he was looking forward to.

But not until the plane flies away.

In the end, there is still nothing.

Ling Wei lowered her head and said nothing. She couldn't even hear her brother's words. She fell into extreme self-blame.

"If it hadn't been for my suggestion, he might still be fine..."

The thought kept lingering in her mind.

Can't be dispersed.

The restricted area of ​​Hell.

Before the explosion wave came, Mewtwo protected Li Yu in time.

But at the same time.


The energy barrier also turned into pieces and was shattered into pieces.

The magma in the restricted area was dumped to one side, and Volcano, which was about to erupt, was somewhat stagnant.

The fierce collision of the power of the divine beasts caused the entire restricted space to tremble, causing slight cracks.

Heatran lowered his head and looked at the wound opened by the explosion. His expression was complicated and hard to distinguish, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Its Oreburgh body cannot be eroded even by lava.

Heatran never thought he would get hurt.

However, the Mewtwo Contest Condition is not good either. Although most of its strength has been restored, the problem of mental damage has not been completely resolved.

Heatran assisted Volcano's power in the penalty area.

Although Mewtwo has strong explosive power, the attack just now consumed a lot of mental energy and made its head hurt.

The two Pokémon backed away, dozens of meters away.

Across the hot magma, we look at each other.

The stern and indifferent eyes blended together, making the atmosphere even more tense, and even the air seemed to be smelling of gunpowder.

At this critical moment.


A chill came out of nowhere, water vapor came from nowhere and gradually gathered into water droplets, and dark clouds enveloped the red restricted sky.

The tense atmosphere in the restricted area was interrupted.

Mewtwo stood in the shadow of the dark clouds with piercing eyes. Heatran seemed to feel something and couldn't help but raise his head.

Li Yu narrowed his eyes.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The next second.

Sure enough, a familiar white and blue figure appeared from the clouds, looking down at the two Mewtwo and Heatran.

When he found Li Yu, his eyes flashed.

When Lugia saw this human being, the memory from last time could not help but come to mind.

Because the experience was too weird and unlucky.

To this day, it is still deeply engraved in Lugia’s mind and cannot be removed.

Especially when he saw that human being, he thought of the scene where his own moves accidentally injured him, and his nerves twitched violently.

Lugia hides his ears and steals the bell. Normal doesn’t pay attention to Li Yu.

Instead, he looked at Heatran seriously.

Heatran couldn't help but take a step back. The opponent was coming menacingly and with so much momentum that he was even stronger than himself.

Judge this.

Heatran screamed strangely and took a step back again.

But what surprised it was.

It was actually the human being who was as normal as an ant in his eyes who spoke first.

"Lugia, long time no see."

Li Yu's voice joked.

He seemed to be genuinely happy for this reunion that he had deliberately created.

When Lugia heard this, she remembered the scene of the other party chasing her last time, and couldn't help but shuddered.

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