Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 153 Fire Type Enhancement, Resurrection Capsule

The trees in the virtual space began to sway, and Salac Berry fell down.

Seeing that a war is about to break out.

Li Yu stopped drinking in time.


Hearing this, the momentum of the two divine beasts that was still soaring suddenly stagnated.

Lugia snorted coldly and turned his head.

Mewtwo walked to the edge of the space barrier indifferently, without saying a word, just sat down and closed his eyes Nurturing Spirit, carrying out the image of the cool guy to the end.

Looking at Mewtwo, Li Yu sometimes felt that it was more elegant than him.

Li Yu used Mewtwo in both battles.

So they hate each other.

It will probably take some time to get used to it.

In contrast.

The other Pokémon's attitude towards Lugia is a little strange.

Little Nebula glanced at Mewtwo first, then at Lugia, and finally rolled her small green bean-sized eyes.

It was actually a teleportation.

Hiding behind Shaymin.

Garchomp scratched his head with his fin and walked silently to Mewtwo.

Haunter rolled his eyes.

He unexpectedly came to Lugia's side.

Shaymin looked around and didn't move.

Greninja and Scizor looked at each other, and then one went to the newly formed river to train themselves.

The ability to re-power the Sea of ​​Origin.

The other one was close to the lava fossil, the Fire Type power in his body surged, and the black and gold armor gradually turned red.

They only care about training.

Not participating in this battle of sides at all.

Both Pokémon grew up in the wild. Scizor is experienced in fighting and is the leader of the group.

Greninja has the experience of being abused by the shadow organization.

There is a certain obsession with being strong.

This actually makes them focus more on their own improvement.

Lugia leaned down and glanced at Haunter hiding in his shadow, but didn't say anything.

at this time.

A wave of heat came over me.

Li Yu suddenly found that the temperature of the space had increased inexplicably.

He looked in surprise.

At this time, Scizor was surrounded by a circle of flames.

It seems that a small amount of success has been achieved.

There was a beeping sound.

A beep sounds!

[Congratulations to the host, Scizor absorbed part of the Fire Type power released by the lava fossil, and the Fire Type content in the body increased by 8%! ]

[Dip, Fire Type content reaches the requirement, triggers a reminder! ]

[After Scizor's Fire Type content is increased to 20%, you will have a chance to obtain the Volcarona skill! ]

Scizor stood up.

The flames surrounding him were instantly withdrawn by it.

Deep in the yellow pupils, there was a flash of red light.

"here you go!"

Li Yu praised it, but he didn't expect that the lava fossil was only part of the energy released, which enhanced Scizor's Fire Type.


The most important thing is that Scizor is now qualified to be a champion.

Absorb energy and get twice the result with half the effort.

Excellent understanding.

What surprised him the most was the last system prompt. After the Fire Type content was increased to 20%, Volcarona's skills could continue to be activated!

Only 2% difference!

It's just a matter of time.

Li Yu was excited and wanted Scizor to show off the power of Fire Type.

But I saw that there was no vacancy in the virtual space.

Rows of fruit trees in the south, rivers formed by the Sea of ​​Origin.

Various props, food and energy blocks placed in the north.

The east and west sides are where Pokémon conduct their daily activities, and now the behemoth Lugia has joined them.

The virtual space seems pitifully small.

Li Yu sighed.

Thoughts moved slightly.

He and Scizor appeared in the hotel's training room at the same time.

Go to the control station and set the mode to Fire Type.

The next second.

The iron rings hanging from the ceiling burned into fire rings of different sizes.

The walls at the front and back of the training room are retracted.

The space decreases and the temperature increases.

There are also flames on the wall that look like real ones, and on the opposite side is a confrontation machine that is set to a resistant mode.

A virtual Pokémon that is completely black and made of special materials.

"Scizor, use Flame Charge!"


The timing device starts!


Scizor's flames burst out of his body and directly covered the black and gold armor. Then his whole body was wrapped in flames and he charged towards the virtual Pokémon in the distance!


The body covered in flames directly penetrated the virtual Pokémon.

Terrifying flames soared into the sky!


It is said that water and fire are invulnerable, and the millions of dollars spent fighting virtual Pokémon were penetrated and became shattered.

Li Yu saw this and said happily: "He is indeed a strong melee fighter!"


Scizor fluttered its wings and flew back, looking excited.

next door.

Ling Yiyi, who lives on the top floor, was recuperating.

It was still sleeping when it was awakened directly by the roar that shattered its eardrums.

Sitting up suddenly.

He looked around in horror: "Earthquake?"

He didn't even have time to put on his slippers and ran out directly.

But halfway through.

Only to find that there was no movement at all in the hall.

The ground no longer shakes.

Everything seemed like his illusion.

Ling Yi frowned strangely and looked at the next door inquiringly.

He went back to the bedroom again.

Carefully put your head against the wall.

I vaguely heard the movement next door. Without saying a word, I immediately went out and rang the doorbell opposite.

When he saw it was Li Yu who opened the door, he was stunned for a moment.

He forced himself to hold back his surprise, his face turned green and white, and he said in a trembling voice: "Li Yu, are you okay?"

"What can happen to me?"

Li Yu asked back.

She glanced at him, closed the door and left without caring.

The shocked Ling Yi remained where he was.

A few seconds later.

Only then did he react and quickly dialed the electronic screen.

"Sister, I saw Li Yu..."

Zhejiang city center.

The antique-style building of the Fossil Museum stands here.

Look from afar.

It looks like a huge stone with uneven tops, which are actually designed to absorb the heat cast by the sun.

Operate solar power system

The most novel thing is.

The entrance door of the Fossil Museum is very special and is clearly a cave.

There is an endless stream of people visiting.

People kept coming.

Li Yu followed the flow of people, showed the electronic ticket purchase code to the staff, and entered along the Cave.

[drop! ]

[Sign-in location: Southern Zhejiang Fossil Museum! ]

[Hey, check-in at Samsung location was successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - resurrection capsule! ]


The words fell.

A white capsule-like object the size of a goose egg appeared in the palm of his hand.

Li Yu stopped.

He quickly turned his palms over.

Send the resurrection capsule into the virtual space first.

There are too many people coming and going here, so it’s hard to protect them all from being seen.

He wasn't relieved until the capsule disappeared.

Continue to look at the system introduction.

[Resurrection Capsule: Put Pokémon fossils in a capsule and pour a solution that meets the conditions, and the Pokémon will be revived. ]

[Note: The resurrection cycle depends on the activity of Pokémon fossils! ]


Li Yu's head felt swollen when he saw it, and the joy of being able to resurrect the fossil was somewhat diluted.

"No wonder it's so outrageous. It's only a three-star sign."

he sighed.

After all, it’s too much to ask for.

How to collect solutions that meet the conditions?

In addition, the most important thing is that the resurrection cycle is actually uncertain!


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