Immediately afterwards, an illusory tail appeared, and the transformed Aqua Tail suddenly whipped towards the Sharpedo.

Sharpedo's eyes were dazzled.

He fell into the stagnant water, looking half-dead.


The fleeing crowd paused for a moment, looking at the young man and Greninja beside him in surprise.

Inexplicably, I felt a little safer.

But this is just the beginning.


More and more Sharpedo and Carvanha flowed into the hotel along the current.

People who escaped the tsunami screamed in panic.

They looked at the tens of thousands of Tentacruel and Sharpedo with pale faces, and endless despair began to spread among the crowd.

This situation.

Everyone is like a turtle in a urn.

On the contrary, the hotel has become the biggest obstacle, restricted by the terrain.

They are even more unable to hide.

"It's over, it's really over..."

Someone sat down in the water and splashed all over. He didn't care that he was soaked all over and couldn't help but close his eyes.

As if accepting his fate.

Some people's legs and feet were so weak that they fell straight down while climbing the stairs.


Rolling down the stairs.

The people behind him screamed in surprise and pushed to get away.

But in such a crowded situation, there is no room at all.


Several people were knocked down and rolled down the stairs together.

A Tentacruel rushed into the hotel, its eyes lit up, its body exploded, and it swam towards them excitedly.

Ruby above her head shines brightly.

In this environment, it seems extremely permeable.

They were about to die here.

Shocked Growl merged into one

Some people didn't even dare to look, so they quickly turned sideways and covered their eyes.

The next second.

"Greninja, Water Pulse!"

A clear young voice sounded.

Under this situation, there was no panic at all, and there was a sense of calmness and calmness.

People turn around subconsciously.

The young man who had just defeated Sharpedo was seen standing behind Tentacruel, and Greninja beside him immediately moved.

The speed is amazing.

No one could clearly see its movements, almost forming an afterimage.

in a blink.

There was a crash.

The surrounding water seemed to be summoned by Normal, all filled with energy, and even the Sharpedo tribe on the edge was affected.

The water surface trembled endlessly, and a large ripple appeared like fish scales!

Before everyone could react.

It was like a torpedo exploding.

Instantly bombarded Tentacruel's body.


Tentacruel's eyes widened, he suddenly stopped moving forward, and was blasted out of the water by Water Pulse.

If this move were used by an ordinary water Pokémon, it would probably be a mediocre move that raises ripples.

But with Greninja possessing the Kyogre gene, the effect of this move is comparable to detonating a concussive bomb in Underwater.

If it weren't for the limited water in the Ground.

It must be able to create waves several meters high in an instant.


The oscillating fluctuations continued, reaching a peak in an instant, and a large area of ​​water on the ground was lifted up to a height of nearly two meters!

The surroundings suddenly became empty.

The Tentacruel group and the Sharpedo group are in the center of the shock zone.

The uniform was shaken and dizzy.

I couldn't tell the direction for a while.


There was a crisp sound of glass breaking.

People looked blankly at the end of the corridor.

I saw that the window over there was also affected by the shock, cracked directly, and the glass shattered all over the floor.

"Greninja, rush out of the cave."

Li Yu made a decision immediately.

Upon hearing this, Greninja didn't hesitate at all, surrounded Li Yu with defense, and one person and one Pokémon rushed out of the window.

See this.

People also woke up from their confusion.

Stunned, he couldn't think more.

Seeing Li Yu leave, they all suddenly realized and began to show their Divine Abilities.

Those who have water-type Pokémon are released directly, and those who don't have to help each other, moving some items such as wooden boards, and assisting in floating.

In short, try every means to escape from the hotel.

After all, the Sharpedo tribe and the Tentacruel tribe were only temporarily knocked out.

They don't want to run away now.

That would really mean being trapped in a hotel and facing a life-or-death situation.

Ten minutes have passed since the tsunami broke out.

Alliance support finally arrived.

Su Luoluo and others flew in the sky, looking at the doomsday Normal Zhejiang, and quickly started rescue.

This time.

They carry a large number of Flying Pokémon.

Since it was uncertain whether the tsunami would erupt again, all means of transportation, including airplanes, were stopped.

Countless BiDiao and Fearow rushed down.

Even Skarmory, Golbat, Murkrow, Delibird and other Pokémon were brought over.

Although their body length is limited.

But it can still accommodate a few people.

Among this.

Charizard and Dragonite are the only two.

plays the biggest role.

After a while, dozens of people were taken to a place far away from the sea, avoiding the attacks of wild water Pokémon.

Surolo and several Elites are responsible for protection.

Once they discover the presence of a water group, they will launch an attack to stop them.

The explosions of various skills are endless.

Under their leadership,

Trainers gradually recovered their physical strength and entered the battle Contest Condition together.

The situation began to ease.

the other side.

Greninja and Li Yu jumped into the water.

Due to the impact of the tsunami, the water surface in southern Zhejiang was already four to five meters deep at this time.

Puyi enters the sea.

Seeing the shadowy black figure under the water, Li Yu was startled and his brows raised severely.

"It looks like the hotel being surrounded by wild Pokémon is not an exception."

He jumped out of the water.

I saw many people hugging the floating wooden boards and moving with the current.

at the same time.

Li Yu also found a fragment that looked like a ship plank floating on the left side, and quickly ordered: "Greninja, swim over."

Greninja quickly climbed onto the ship's plank.

Li Yu makes it Protect Underwater to prevent wild Pokémon from sneak attacks.

Suddenly, a mighty Skarmory in Soaring in the sky swooped down and attacked Splash's Feraligatr on the water.

Li Yu looked up.

I saw a familiar and beautiful figure.

There are several people in the sky who are also quickly harvesting wild Pokémon under the water.

It is they who attract most of the danger, otherwise these Trainers soaked in water would not be able to escape.

As time went on, more and more people surfaced.

And those who have not yet appeared are not fleeing to higher ground.

Just dead.

Li Yu is not far away.

A middle-aged man lay on the drifting object, looked up at the sky, and murmured bitterly to himself: "Southern Zhejiang... can it be worse?"

It turns out that it can.

Originally, with Alliance's rescue, southern Zhejiang began to restore order.

But just when everyone thought they had escaped.

Suddenly, a white light shot into the sky from the shore.

After the white light dissipated.

When they saw who was coming, they all screamed in terror.

A giant Tentacruel, as big as a tall building, appeared!

Everyone was shocked by the sight before them.

Temporarily lost the ability to speak.

This Tentacruel is so big that even from a thousand meters away, its body can be seen clearly.

I'm afraid even the largest Wailord in the world can't compare with it.

In a blink of an eye!

The giant Tentacruel came riding the waves.

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