Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 165 Terrifying Explosion, Key Stone Obtained

All the energy in the world, with Lugia as the center, is concentrated on his palms.

The wind takes shape in mid-air, and is transformed into dozens of Twisters by wind blades as thin as the eye of a needle. The whole process only takes half a second.

Immediately, a deafening shock wave erupted in mid-air.

Wreaking havoc on the airflow path of Soaring in the sky.

Leave a trail of traces.

Under cover of clouds.

Lugia's eyes became dark Cianwood, as if they were saturated with the energy of the blue sky.

Wait until the energy is gathered to a certain level.

Qualitative change begins.

A thick cyclone emerged from this. With the huge "container" with a wingspan of nearly five meters, the vortex became stronger and stronger.

From an initial diameter of half a meter it gradually expands.

The sound of thunder sounded.

The entire southern Zhejiang is shrouded in visions of heaven and earth!

Watching the changes in the coastline and sky, countless people were stunned.

The body trembled involuntarily.

Just unrivaled Nature Power!

The eyes of several Elites flickered.

With their high strength, they can naturally detect the huge changes in energy behind the clouds.

That is an area that none of them can touch!

What exactly is it?

This doubt appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

Regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, strong or not, they all had a sense of exploration into the existence behind the clouds.

But beyond that.

More thanks.

Compared to the giant Tentacruel, this unknown existence protected Zhenan from being destroyed.

People looked at Soaring in the sky pleadingly.

Hope rekindled in his eyes.

The originally dead city seemed to be restarting again.

next moment.

Under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes, they saw that the soaring in the sky that was supposed to be peaceful was already rendered by various strange energies.

Energy gathered, various colors were intricately intertwined, and the terrifying airflow vortex that finally condensed to the top even surpassed the size of Lugia, giving birth to powerful cutting power.

At the center of the giant colorful vortex is Lugia.

A dark color flashed across Li Yu's eyes.

He discovered through telepathy that even Lugia seemed to be unable to control his energy.

This unprecedentedly massive Aeroblast exceeds its physical limits.

"call out--"

The whirlpool explosion with a whistle roared towards Tentacruel under the sea. Dodge had no effect on such an attack.

The giant Tentacruel seemed to know this, and his eyes were full of horror.

The previous Power Trip is completely gone.

Wherever the huge whirlpool goes.

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions continued to appear, not only weakening but becoming more intense.

The destructive power is shocking.

Like a fire burning.

Keep going strong!

Lugia controls the direction of the air vortex, and the giant Tentacruel will adjust if there is even the slightest dodge.

The vortex is like a huge spindle filled with blades.

Not to mention hits, even if it is scratched by the edge, the damage caused is unimaginable.

What is even more confusing is that the layer upon layer of wind blade attacks continue uninterrupted.

Even if you use defensive skills such as Protect, you will still be damaged by the wind blade after the skill effect ends.

The results are nothing more than two.

Shattered to pieces or split into two pieces.

It seems to be doomed.

Finally, the spindle hit hard!

Strong air pressure is pressing towards the sea area of ​​southern Zhejiang.

There was an extremely harsh Sonic Boom in the air, which was already overwhelming.

Accompanied by the roar of the wind, the sea level suddenly dropped and the surge receded, forming an arc-shaped concave surface.

The entire body of the giant Tentacruel is exposed!


The two collide!

The world fell into silent silence for a moment, as if everything ceased to exist and there was no sound.

The only thing people in Zhenan City can hear is their own heavy breathing and violent heartbeat.

The world seems to have been pressed on pause.

Gathered in this moment!

After people's hearing recovered, they immediately heard the explosion that shook the earth!


It was like an atomic bomb exploding, and the light blinded people's eyes.

The sight was terrifying and grand.

Countless giant water columns exploded from the sea, as if they could reach the sky.

For a moment.

The water column dispersed, forming a downpour.

The entire southern Zhejiang is hidden in the hazy clouds, and you can smell the water vapor in the air with every breath.

In the shock just now, only a few people could stand firmly on the spot. Everyone staggered and fell, or fell on the drifting objects they were stepping on, or fell into the water.

Even the Trainer and several Elites riding the Flying Pokémon were chased by the shock wave Soaring in the sky.

Escape desperately.

For example, Fearow, a furry bird Pokémon such as an eagle, lost its hair and turned into a bald bird in the blink of an eye.

Until ten minutes later.

The pouring rain stopped and people could see clearly in the distance.

But at this time.

Neither the unknown being nor the giant Tentacruel seemed to be anywhere to be seen.

The sea in the distance was calm and calm.

It was as if everything that had happened before was an illusion.

Everyone was stunned and stood in a daze on the water for a long time. Someone suddenly uttered a curse word.

"Damn it, uncle!"


The citizens of southern Zhejiang seemed to have been awakened from normal, and curses were everywhere!



"You're so fierce!"

"wdnmd, my eyes have been opened today!"

experienced this horrific incident.

Even the best-mannered people can't help it.

Everyone was shocked.

Until an hour later, people floating on the water were still eagerly discussing what existed in the clouds.

After all, the more mysterious something is, the more curious it is.

Not to mention when this mysterious existence was still extremely powerful.

Rumors began to break out.

Even the government cannot control the direction of public opinion.

People are saying that the one who saves Zhenan is a being that is higher than the current peak of known strength.

The popularity of speculating about legendary Pokémon remains high.

After this footage spread through Overheat search, even people in other cities were extremely shocked.

Countless heated discussions surround southern Zhejiang.

The subsequent reconstruction of southern Zhejiang is also starting rapidly, because the destructive actions of the giant Tentacruel were stopped by a mysterious presence.

Working for the government and Alliance saves a lot of time.

The citizens of southern Zhejiang are extremely grateful for this.

Some people even began to carefully worship that unknown existence...

Li Yu took advantage of people's dazed expressions and used Teleport to directly arrive near the sea.

after the explosion.

After letting Greninja forcefully disperse the mist, he saw the giant Tentacruel body lying across the sea, like a small island.

And on its head, a scar completely cut off Ruby on the right side of its head.

Separate Ruby from it.

Even its stinging mouthparts had been chopped off in half.

Blood flooded the coastline.

The dead can no longer die.

Li Yu was surrounded by Greninja's water mass and reached Ruby cut out from the middle of the giant Tentacruel.

The palm of his hand slowly touched it.

The moment of contact.

[drop! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in task within the time limit, rewards will be distributed now! ]

[Trainer Key Stone! ]


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