Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 180 Middle Level Dragon Power! Mint, Scope Lens

Even if you vomit blood, even if you are afraid.

It couldn't stop Yulong Heng from being overwhelmed with excitement.

He looked crazily at the mega Garchomp in the sky, this was the Pokémon he had dreamed of!

But mega Garchomp’s next move.

Yu Longheng was extremely shocked.

I saw Instruct Ten Thousand Dragons and the powerful mega Garchomp falling to the ground.

Then, with the dragon Pokémon shivering in the background, he put away his scarlet scimitar, cautiously approached Li Yu, and lowered his head.


Yu Longheng's eyes widened.

I saw a smile on Li Yu's lips and gently touched mega Garchomp's head.

This harmonious scene made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Because only then did he suddenly realize that even though mega Garchomp had the majesty to make Wanlong surrender, he was still loyal to Li Yu.

Everything is just his imagination!

this moment.

Yu Longheng's jealousy of Li Yu reached its peak.


It must be that he has never been so jealous of anyone.

But he understands.

Although mega Garchomp has only released his dragon power and has not yet made a move, it can be seen from his previous performance.

I am definitely not Rival...

Realize this.

Yu Longheng glanced at mega Garchomp with nostalgia, then turned around and left with a sad look on his face.

Little did I know.

Yu Longheng just turned around.

Li Yu then turned his attention to where he was hiding.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Although he didn't know who it was, the other party just used dragon power to detect it, and he noticed it.

A reminder also sounded in my ears at the same time.

[Tip, the detection of external dragon power is detected, which stimulates the accelerated absorption of the dragon spirit liquid, and the dragon power is upgraded to the middle level dragon power! ]

[Middle Level Dragon Power: With long-term guidance, it can strengthen the attribute energy of dragon Pokémon, fill its own shortcomings, and increase the power of Flying Type moves by 20% during battle! ]

"Upgraded two levels at once!"

Li Yu was so happy that he didn't bother to care about the people who were hiding their heads and showing their tails.

He waved his right hand, and a cyan light with blue embellishments enveloped it, like a normal film covering it.

Although it is inconspicuous, it is inexplicably attractive.

He suddenly felt that his right arm covered by the power of the dragon was full of power, it was not like an illusion.

Li Yu's thoughts were racing, his eyes glanced to the side, and he clenched his fists.

A thud.

He pounded hard towards the mountain wall next to him.

The weird thing is.

There is no pain in the arm.

But the mountain wall didn't respond at all.

"It's useless..." Li Yu lowered his head in disappointment.

At this moment.

There was a click.

Rock fragments suddenly splashed out, and Li Yu subconsciously blocked them.

Come to your senses.

I saw a tiny crack opening in the mountain wall.

Although inconspicuous.

But it made Li Yu feel quite happy.

He proved that dragon power can also strengthen physical fitness.

Although not as powerful as Pokémon.

But it's also a little bit stronger than before.

He knew that Middle Level Dragon Power was not as simple as the introduction said.

After all, Psychic has perverted abilities such as Teleport and mental interference. There is no reason why Dragon Power doesn't have other effects.

"Li Yu, what are you doing?"

Mu Qing was a little curious. Li Yu was in a blind spot just now, and the camera didn't even capture what he was doing.


Li Yu walked back to the Valley as if nothing had happened.

The dragon-type Pokémon in the Valley took the opportunity to escape when one person and one Pokémon got along.

As the group that is best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, they cannot clearly see the situation.

The Valley is now empty.

The sense of danger when I first entered the secret realm completely dissipated.

"Tsk, he ran so fast."

Li Yu pouted, a little disappointed.

He originally planned to catch a disobedient one as a companion to Mega Garchomp to test the power of his moves.

It doesn't seem to work now.

Thousands of meters away.


Mega Altaria, who flew some distance away, shook her head and suddenly sneezed.

It turned back in fear.

When he found that the other party was not catching up, he took a breath and quickly fled with his compatriots.

Unprecedented embarrassment.

The secret room in the study of the master of the Yulong family.

"I have already brought it to Heng'er. It will be effective when the time comes."

The head of the Yulong family said solemnly.

The masked man opposite him was wrapped in a black robe, with only a pair of bloodshot eyes exposed.

"Okay, we must not miss this time."

A hoarse voice came out from behind the mask, making the eardrums of those listening hurt.

However, the head of the Yulong family seemed to have been used to it for a long time, and his expression did not change. The two discussed it for a while.

The masked man left.

After he left.

The head of the Yulong family sat there, covering his face.

"What I did...is it really right?"

A dull voice came out from the gaps between the fingers, like gibbering, and the tone was indescribably confused.

But things have come to an end.

There is no room for reversal...

The head of the Yulong family was only vulnerable for a moment before recovering.

Only those eyes were dark and unclear.

in virtual space.

There are only fifteen minutes left in the countdown.

"Ah! Li Yu, there are so many Pokémon mints here!"

Mu Qing was pleasantly surprised.

He waved his hands excitedly and called him over.

He looked closer.

as expected.

There are many caves in the Valley, and in the cracks of the mountain walls, colorful Pokémon mints grow.

Red, blue, purple...


[Calm Mint: After a Pokémon smells this mint, it will have a short-term burst of special attack value, but its speed will also decrease accordingly. ]

[Mild mint: After a Pokémon smells this mint, its special defense value will be increased for a short period of time, but its attack power will decrease accordingly. ]

[Leisurely Mint] [Gentle Mint] [Prudent Mint] [Arrogant Mint] [Bold Mint] [Naughty Mint]...

It can be described as a dazzling array of things.

But Li Yu is used to seeing good things, and this herb with side effects is dispensable to him.

There was no wave in his expression.

The audience before the live broadcast was extremely excited.

My mouth is almost watering.

"Wow, did you stab Mint Mountain?!"

"The Emperor of Europe is so big!!"

"Goddess Li is Goddess Li, and his expression hasn't changed at all. He's so stable. If I had pounced on him a long time ago!"

These mints are worthless in Li Yu's eyes, but to them, they play a huge role in the battle!

Same level pk.

There is even a chance to reverse the situation.

As long as you know your Pokémon's trainer, you will make full use of the mints with corresponding characteristics to change the situation of the battle.

Mu Qing took out a space cloth bag and picked a piece.

Immediately afterwards.

Unexpectedly, he handed the bag to Li Yu.

This made all the male viewers envious and jealous, wishing they could replace him with their own bodies.

"This is?"

"Thanks to you, Xiaofei and I were able to escape this crisis. Otherwise, I might have been out of the game a long time ago. Thank you."

Dragonite also nodded quickly.

Li Yu smiled.

But as soon as his hand took over the bag, he saw Mu Qing blinking at herself.

The brilliance in his eyes is breathtaking.

Li Yu was stunned for a moment.

Saw Cal flashing in the bag.

He became suspicious.

A gentle sweep of the probing technique.

[Scope Lens: A lens that can see weak points, and the moves of Pokémon equipped with it will become more critical! The probability increases by 30%! ]

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