Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 188 Debris Flow Breaks Out, Special Training Camp

He was about to put away the 'Pollution Stone' when he suddenly noticed that the stone moved slightly, as if it was alive!

This shocked both humans and Pokémon.


Riolu screamed even more urgently.

Mewtwo heard it.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he had just noticed Riolu Minimize now.

Looked it over.

He quickly looked away again.

The attitude is much better than when Lucario was in his form. Although he is still indifferent, at least he is not completely ignored.

After the ‘pollution stone’ moved.

As if he noticed that he was noticed, Normal pretended to be dead and lay down where he was.

Look at it.


Li Yu was immediately laughed out of anger.

But unconsciously, the mood slowly returned to normal.

The effect of the coldness in his bones gradually minimized.

When the green planarian heard the human's sneer, it trembled slightly, which was reflected on the pollution stone.

Even it trembled.

If Li Yu doesn't know what's going on, he will really turn into sand.

I saw his palm open and he quickly grabbed the 'pollution stone'.

The next second!

The ‘Polluted Stone’ seemed to sense the approaching aura and wanted to run away.

But Li Yu is one step faster.

When it was squirming desperately, I caught it.

at the same time.

The familiar sound sounded in my ears again.

[Zygarde Cube detection prompts that a core cell has been found, please host collect it as soon as possible! ]

"Core cells??"

Li Yu opened his eyes wide, this answer was completely unexpected.

He turned over the back of the 'Polluted Stone'.

Sure enough, I saw a green planarian the size of an index finger curled up at the bottom of the 'pollution stone', so it moved.

The ‘pollution stone’ also moved accordingly.

Just as the green planarian was about to run away, he felt a force restraining him inexplicably.

This power was unfamiliar yet familiar to him.

But there is a sense of closeness.

The green planarian had never felt this way before, and it unconsciously forgot about Struggle.

After waking up.

Realizing that he was being watched, he immediately closed his eyes.

That look.

It's like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water and breaking the can.

Li Yu stretched out his fingers, gently picked it up with one hand, and put away the 'pollution stone' with the other hand.

He was about to open his mouth.

There was a sudden boom.

All the bones that had been broken by Shaymin collapsed to both sides.

Before Li Yu could react.

The feeling of weightlessness comes immediately!

Li Yu's eyes darkened.

I stepped on the air and felt like I had fallen into a pit.

Dragon Tomb was shaken.

The strange phenomena on the horizon are rolling more violently, and the twisted air currents are causing this caged land to be on the verge of being shattered.

Soaring in the sky seemed to turn into countless fragments.

This was the last scene Li Yu saw.

Wait until he falls completely into the ground.

Followed closely by Pokémon such as Shaymin, Greninja, Mewtwo, and Riolu.

There's Shaymin and Mewtwo.

Even though they were falling rapidly, they quickly stabilized and were pulled together by the energy.

In total darkness.

It seems that time has lost its meaning.

I do not know how long it has been.

Li Yu landed slowly under the protection of Psychic.

After looking around again, he was stunned.

A dangerous dark cave...

"Could it be!"

Li Yu quickly stood up and walked towards the outside of the cave, where he saw the familiar light curtain at the entrance to the secret realm.

"We've really reached the entrance!"

He was confused.

The waterfall restricted area and entrance of Dragon Tomb are far apart.

How did he get sent here?

at this time.

A loud bang spread, accompanied by a booming sound, as if something was rolling out.

Then there was a loud noise of fear from behind.

Under the live broadcast lens.

The audience was shocked on the spot, and the barrage went blank.

At this time, the mountain torrents in the distance surged down, accompanied by Rock Throw and mud, rushing downwards with a rumble.

Wherever it went, it mixed with the land and turned brown, spreading everywhere.


Three words popped up in Li Yu's mind.

The mountain torrent poured down with a roar, with such fast speed and fierce momentum, it was like a flood that had burst the embankment, boiling and filling the sky!

Muds and rocks flowed down.

Not to mention the trees and rocks, even the lower mountain peaks were swallowed up. The two Trainers who were hiding in the valley and thought they were safe ran away in panic.

One of them slapped his head.

Suddenly remembered something.

A large eagle was summoned to lift the two of them up and protect them from the mudslide.

Saw this scene.

The live broadcast viewers also breathed a sigh of relief.

have to say.

In a crisis, many times people’s brains short-circuit.

Otherwise, the person would not have forgotten that he had a Flying Pokémon.

The roaring mudslides broke down the surrounding trees, like wild beasts eroding every inch of the land.

The source is the waterfall in the restricted area.

The original huge depression suddenly disappeared, and the real restricted area lost the 'pollution stone' and completely sunk underground.

As for the waterfall, a pseudo-restricted area, the water flow had to spread to both sides.

In an instant, everything was taken over.

The debris flow in the secret realm of Dragon Valley was caught off guard.

The audience's hearts were just entangled, even though due to the special nature of the Dragon-type secret realm, most of the Trainers who came here had Flying Pokémon.

But even so.

Just in case.

What's more important is that due to the sudden mudslide, the resources in the Dragon Valley Secret Realm are completely gone.

Yulong family.


The head of the Yulong family let out a dull roar and covered his head in pain.

Others were also pale and had trembling lips.

Especially the elder from before, who was obviously outside, but he seemed to feel the same thing. He had experienced the mudslide Normal, and his hair was wet and stuck to his forehead.

The outstretched index finger is crooked.

Not lifted yet.

There was a bang.

The whole person fell backwards, feeling so out of breath that he fainted.

The Yulong clan was noisy and in chaos.

But the wise head of the Yulong family in the past just sat on the chair blankly without saying a word.

The whole person was completely desperate.

neither knows.

All the plans of the head of the Yulong family were ruined.

He was not even in the mood to care about his son in the secret realm.

He has been in charge of the secret realm for many years, so he naturally knows about the existence of Dragon Tomb.

This is also a secret that has been passed down by the Yulong clan for many years.

And that horizon vision.

It is the result of many years of deliberate accumulation by the head of the Yulong family.

The distance has completely changed.

Summon strange beasts.

It's only one step away.


At this critical moment, it was actually destroyed because of a ridiculous mudslide...

He sneered.

Not only laughing at myself, but also laughing at fate.

Looking up, a tear fell down the outline, and a voice came from the dark hall, vaguely: "I don't accept it, I don't accept it..."

Naturally, Li Yu didn't know that he accidentally destroyed the evil force's lair.

At this time, he had already left the secret realm.

Just about to rush back to Beijing.

He had just received news that a joint special training camp organized by major universities was about to begin.

Professor Li asked him to participate.

The special training camp is of a special nature and is inseparable from the subsequent qualifying competition.

Li Yu also wants to strengthen the training of Pokémon, especially the tacit understanding with Riolu and Haunter.

I agreed without hesitation.

When he was flying to the Airport on Garchomp, he didn't notice the green figure flashing slightly under his backpack.

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