Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 197 Star Crystal, Won The First Place

Mega Scizor's figure suddenly became blurry. Seeing the miserable condition of his companions, Salamence's momentum suddenly decreased, and he seemed to be scared and wanted to fly away.

But how could Scizor give it a chance?

The sawtooth brushed past Salamence's body without stopping at all, and his steps were crisp and clean.

Without any delay.

The most streamlined moves are also the most terrifying!

What's more, Scizor is different today!

A random hit.

It is not easily bearable.


A sharp pain hit Salamence's body, Struggle Spit Up the turbulent Dragon Breath.

Mega Scizor didn't notice it at all.


Swish, swish, swish!

The dark red saw teeth scratched a path of damage on Salamence's body, and Salamence kept roaring.

But the sound is getting weaker and weaker.

After Mega Scizor evolves, energy surges all over its body, so it enjoys the thrill of violent crushing.

The teeth of the pliers open and close, without a single attack. Smack Down!

Salamence was hit so hard that his eyes were blurred, his body seemed to be falling apart, and his counterattack moves became more and more messy.

Can't even hit Scizor!


The exact same scene, just for a moment, after a cold light flashed.


The shocking sound of physical Tackle is extremely impactful.

Salamence fell on the ring, its huge body fell into the distance, and accidentally bumped into its master.

One person and one Pokémon fell out of the field at the same time!

Pu Xing's glasses flew out!

The expression on his face was extremely astonished.

The usual smiling tiger look was long gone, and he felt unusually dizzy and held his head.

the other side.

Salamence's distracted eyes were completely closed, and he lost his ability to fight.

The whole process is incredibly fast.

Not to mention the audience.

Even the referee didn't react.

He was stunned for a few seconds, then quickly walked onto the stage in silence and announced: "Challenger Li Yu has succeeded and has officially entered the special training camp!"

As these words fell.

People finally recovered from their daze.

They all looked at the calm young man on the stage in shock.

A scream sounded from the corner.

Completely sounded the clarion call!

Trainer, who was in the first row and was close, saw clearly the miserable state of the two Pokémon and Uxing, and his scalp felt numb.

But they couldn't describe the complexity and feelings in their hearts at this time, and they could only rush out two rough words: "Awesome!"

There were only a few people at first.

But I don’t know when.

These two words seemed to have magic power, and they quickly spread throughout the hall.


"The boss is awesome!"

"This is our new life!"

"Stop talking, just be awesome!"

The sounds of admiration were like streams, all gathering into a rushing sea, rushing towards the ring where Li Yu stood.


In the end, everyone's voices gathered together like a giant dragon, roaring across the entire battlefield!

Everyone shouted until their faces turned red and their necks thickened.

My voice became hoarse.

But no one stopped.

And under everyone's gaze, Li Yu was seen slowly walking towards the implicated Pu Xing.

Just when people thought he was going to say something.

When he saw the next scene, his eyes widened in surprise.

The cheers were muted.

I saw that Li Yu actually ignored Pu Xing, as if he didn't see Normal and ignored him, and instead squatted down.

Picked up the broken glasses!

[Countdown is over! ]

[drop! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in within the mission time limit, and the rewards will be distributed now! ]

[Star Crystal! ]

After the system finished speaking, Li Yu felt his hands sink, and something was about to appear.

He didn't have time to think too much.

I put it directly into the virtual space without even looking at it.

Luckily he's fast.

No one saw his movements clearly, they just thought he was thinking about something with his head down.

Li Yu's thoughts moved slightly.

He controlled his mental power to explore the star crystal in the virtual space.

[Star Crystal: A special crystal that condenses the power of the stars. It has an ominous effect. Only special Pokémon can absorb part of its power. The energy level cannot be detected! ]

"Special Pokémon..."

Li Yu looked at the star crystal thoughtfully.

The crystal surface is transparent.

But the brilliance is flowing inside, and the stars are shining like miniature planets. Through the refraction of the crystal, the whole crystal is extremely gorgeous.

Li Yu is admiring it.


A figure flew at the speed of light.

It’s Cosmoem!

When Cosmoem saw the Star Crystal, he couldn't walk.

Lie tight on the crystal.

Almost the entire body is embedded in it!

However, its shell is very hard, which hinders Cosmoem's movement. It seems to be tightly attached, but there is still a large gap in the middle of the body.


Before the words were spoken, Li Yu found that he was still facing the battlefield.

rather than virtual space.

The rest of the words were swallowed by him.

He raised his eyelids slightly, swept across the noisy crowd, and left the hall without saying a word.

Li Yu left simply.

A group of people were left stunned in place.

"Just, just leave?"

"Big bosses may all be like this..."

"That's it, I've realized it again!"

“I didn’t expect that the number one ranking for several months would be replaced just like that!”

"Hey, what do you think Pu Xing should do?"

"What else can we do? He's pretty good at least. Although he can't beat the big guy, he can't beat the others. He will definitely have a place in the ranking battle!"

"Indeed, no one will dare to challenge that big boss now."

"Not necessarily, look at Jian Huai and Wen Yuan..."


The speaker followed his gaze.

Jian Huai and Wen Yuan were seen looking at Li Yu's leaving figure, stunned.

Especially Wen Yuan.

The heroic Stephanie's eyes lit up and she didn't look away for a long time.

Li Yu left.

But his influence continues.

The battle against Normal gave the freshmen a strong shot in the arm.

The challenger's chances of success skyrocketed.

And in the stands.

The seven or eight people sitting in a row with Li Yu were dumbfounded when Scizor appeared, and their little eyes were full of panic.

Wait until Li Yu leaves.

One of them looked at a certain friend and gloated: "How are you going to eat from this seat?"


The person who told the lies was questioned face to face, and it suddenly felt like a ball of cotton had been stuffed into his throat.


His companion looked at his constipated face and burst into laughter.

And on stage.

Uxing's Pokémon was taken down for treatment.

And he himself.

The smile that had always been on his face disappeared after this battle.

The name "Smiling Tiger" disappeared.

It was replaced by another title - dog licking.

How do you say this? If you can't beat it, join.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

Li Yu had just left the special training camp when someone was waiting at the door.

"plz follow me."

The girl, dressed in uniform and with a respectful attitude, led him deeper into the town.

After waiting for a few minutes.

I saw a few big words on the door - Special Training Camp!

It’s different from what Li Yu thought.

The conditions here are very good. After entering, there are villas, and the surrounding environment is also very pleasant.

The girl took him to a villa and asked Li Yu to enter the password into the password lock.

Then left.

Wait until you enter the room.

Li Yu didn't have time to observe, but just to make sure there was no one else, he flashed directly and entered the virtual space.

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