Although it is not far from the light yellow city to the blue city, at the speed of the cruise ship, it will take half a day.

Because of the early relationship between anger, Caesar and Mei are not very energetic.

Therefore, Caesar directly asked for a luxury warehouse, holding Mei to make up for sleep......

As for Du's call, it was as early as Caesar's expectation, but now Caesar said that he didn't want to pay attention to Du that guy.

Although, it shouldn't be a bad thing this time...

Light Yellow City, the center of the elf, Du looked at the address book that was directly hung up, and fell into a mess in the wind. How unpopular is he...?

Didn't even get any communication...

In any case, Du can't think of it, it's all because of the timing of his contact...

Perhaps, for a righteous youth like Du who is walking on the road of fighting against evil forces, he will never know what it means to sleep late?

As time passed, after more than two hours of sleep, Mei and Caesar both got up, but they seemed to have forgotten about Du's existence...

"Caesar, what are we going to do in Azure City?"

Ma Yi hugged Caesar's arm and asked, Caesar has always decided where to go, but at critical moments, Mei was always curious about what Caesar thought.

"It's not going to Zhanlan City, it's just a stopover somewhere!"

As a seaside city, Azure City has almost no attraction to Caesar.

He doesn't challenge the alliance, gymnasium or something, whether it is necessary or not, as for the scenery?The most important thing in this world is the miracle of nature!

"Let's go to the Whirlpool Islands"

From Caesar's mouth, a name spit out.

"Whirlpool Islands?"

Hearing this, Ya Yi frowned. She always felt that the name was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

"Didn't you see it on the Internet a few days ago, the so-called Vortex Islands Competition"

Seeing Mei's confused look, Caesar reminded him with a smile!


With a clapping of palms, Ya Yi looked like she remembered it.

"Is that the competition that water trainers must participate in? Although it is not as good as the league, it is quite famous~!"

The Vortex Islands Contest is also well-known among the trainers.

Of course, powerful trainers simply look down on such local competitions...  

However, the location of the whirlpool islands is somewhat special, which is very suitable for the growth and training of water elves. There are a large number of water elves trainers staying here all year round.

This also leads to the fact that the gold content of this game is actually very good.

In particular, the trainers who aimed at the masters of the water system believed that the Vortex Islands Tournament was one of the indispensable competitions.

"Are you interested in that?"

Having said that, in Mei's opinion, Caesar is not the kind of person who is interested in local competitions, or rather, Caesar prefers to stay in the wild, rare among human beings, and get along with powerful wild elves rather than elves. .

"I have no interest in that game"

Shaking his head, if Caesar specializes in water, he will naturally not miss the opportunity to play against a large number of water elves, but unfortunately, he is not.

He is the whole department.

And...with the Heavenly King-level elf in his hand, he doesn't need such gold plating at all...

"The point is not the competition of the whirlpool islands, but the whirlpool islands are very suitable for training water elves."

Caesar said with a serious face.

This is his purpose.

For trainers, how to become stronger is an eternal theme.

Caesar was no exception.

From the king, the breakthrough to the championship, the time required for 2.3 is definitely not short.

Even Caesar could do nothing about this inevitable excess.

But Caesar, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, has nothing to do with you, so he naturally sets his eyes on the quasi-kings. When he comes to the Whirlpool Islands, it is Yao's special training for the prince penguin.

Try to let him break through the king level and evolve into an emperor penguin! (Emperor Naboo)

"I see"

Nodding, Mei understood Caesar's purpose.

As the Electric Shock Beast will break through the Heavenly King level and evolve into Electric Shock Beast, the Prince Penguin and the Fire Monkey will also need to make breakthroughs and usher in their final form.

.................................To be continued ................................. ............

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