Xiaoguang had a hint of embarrassment on her face, and when everyone was talking, she couldn't get in at all.

Xiaobu moved to Mei and Touko's side.

Xiaoguang took the initiative to say hello, she wanted to know what happened...


Yayi and Touzi looked at each other and told Xiaoguang what happened in detail. The two of them couldn't get involved in this matter. Fortunately, nothing happened, so they chatted with Xiaoguang.

After the two women's explanations, Xiaoguang understood what had happened.

I don't hear the fog anymore.

"Why is it happening like that....."

At the same time, I am also a little helpless. This matter is only a small matter for others, but it is a big matter for Xiaoguang. There were originally three elves, and now there is only one left...

Looking at the dull grass turtle, Xiaoguang shook his head.

She doesn't really like being in this grass turtle...

...........................To be continued ................................. .................

Chapter [-] Finding

Chapter [-] Looking for Chapter [-] Looking for. "Roar~!!!!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from outside the room.


The sudden loud noise startled Xiaoguang.

Involuntarily screamed.

The others were also taken aback by the sonic attack, and looked at Xiao~guang speechlessly...


When he came back to his senses, Xiaoguang blushed a little, this was obviously the voice of a certain elf, but he was taken aback...-

"Let's go out and see"

Dr. Yamanashi shook his head slightly, but he understood Xiaoguang's behavior now.

After all, she's just a fifteen-year-old girl who hasn't touched the elves yet.

Everyone walked out of the institute one by one.

Outside, I saw a huge fossilized pterosaur with a gray body, falling on the ground, exuding a fierce aura, which is a terrifying aura belonging to a carnivore elves.

It even made Xiaoguang, a newcomer feel frightened.

"Sorry, Doctor, it's my fossilized pterosaur"

In the previous research institute, Caesar wanted to say it, but he didn't have the opportunity to say it now.

After that, Caesar walked towards the fossilized pterosaur.

This is obviously news.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and Caesar began to use the ability to communicate with the fossilized pterosaur.

"Is that so..."

After a while, Caesar nodded slightly, his face a little ugly...

"Doctor, the fossil pterosaur said that he has circled around here, but he has not found the round penguin and the little fire monkey"

Tell the news to Dr. Yamanashi, and the rest is up to Dr. Yamanashi's judgment.

Anyway, this matter has little effect on Caesar, just do your best.

"Is that so..."

Hearing this, Dr. Yamanashi also frowned.

He didn't even doubt Caesar's words. That family was already famous for its superpowers, and it was no secret that spiritual communication...

Xiaoguang looked surprised.

Curiously looked at the fossil pterosaur, then looked at Caesar.

After knowing that the fossilized pterosaur was subdued, she was not so afraid anymore.

If it was wild, she would have run away by this time.

But I still didn't dare to get too close to the fossilized pterosaur. The ferocious appearance of the fossilized pterosaur did make some little girls afraid.

"Well...Caesar, do you think it's possible that those two little guys ran to your floating island?"

Dr. Yamanashi was silent for a while before asking.

Fossil pterosaur's eyesight and speed are not weak. As an ancient overlord, this ability is still amazing.

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