Mt. Coronet is Sinnoh’s largest mountain range, dividing the entire continent into two halves.

In winter, Mt. Coronet is full of white snow, and the temperature drops below zero, causing the mountains and waters to freeze and the trees to hang ice.

Lizhi mountain range is a branch of Mt. Coronet, located to the east of Lizhi City, bordering the Black Forest.

The demonic beasts from Mt. Coronet in the Black Forest are the Black Forest entered through the determined mountain range.

At this time, in the determined mountain range, a group of demonic beast machines are moving forward, their eyes are closed tightly, as if they are sleepwalking, the picture is a bit weird.

On a mountain peak, the wizard, who is covered in Black hooded robe, holds black crystal in his hand, and a cloud of pitch black floats beside him.

The whole body is pitch black like a shadow, and Smog-like white hair that keeps tumbling covers most of the face, revealing only a pair of bright blue eyes.

Black's energy kept escaping from the body, covering his whole body in Haze, making it unrealistic, leaving only two blue flashes, spreading outward.

A Rattata came out of the snow, and suddenly his whole body trembled. A blue light flashed in Red's eyes and suddenly fell to the ground.

After a while, the fallen Rattata trembled again, stood up with his eyes closed, and acted like a puppet, crawling towards the east and merging into the beast tide.

This scene is happening everywhere in the determined mountain range, which makes the scale of the beast tide bigger and bigger.

The beast tide all the way to the east, constantly going up and down the mountain, and the heavy snow everywhere can't stop them at all, until it approaches the Black Forest shrouded in gray mist and plunges into it.


Kevin has been guarding the Black Forest defense line.

The demonic beast of Guixu continued to gush out from the Black Forest, turning into a wave of beasts.

Why are there so many demonic beasts...Kevin's face is very ugly, looking towards the gray mist shrouded in Black Forest Sky.

Since the last beast wave appeared, the demonic beasts in the Black Forest have appeared one after another, as if there is no end.

Although the scale of the animal tide at this time has been expected to be very large, this amount is unexpected by the Chief Knight.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. It is really hard to imagine how many demonic beasts will appear in the future!

This batch of beast tides of returning to the market have all fallen, and it should be some time before the next beast tide appears.

When the soldiers in charge of logistics saw this, they immediately began to clean the battlefield and took back the iron arrow on the demonic beast.

Metal is a rare resource in this world. Even if the elite Knight group in Lizhi City, each Knight can only get dozens of iron arrows.

Soon, the Knights returned with iron arrows, leaving the demonic beast corpses all over the ground, gradually being covered by the snow, and disappearing from sight in a short time.

Hurry up, the Knights are taking a break, and no one knows when the next wave of beasts will appear.

Let down the longbow in his hand, Kevin relaxed, drawing the bow dozens of times, even the elite Knight felt strenuous at this time.

But just when he wanted to take a break, a Staraptor in the distance suddenly flew from a distance, and the figure quickly swooped down.

What followed was a rapid horn sound, which represented that the next batch of demonic beasts had left the Black Forest and moved towards the defense line.

"It's really endless!"

The Knights all cursed secretly, and became vigilant again.

Knight standing on the guard tower is constantly looking into the distance, and when he sees the demonic beast in front of him, he suddenly exclaims, "God, what is that demonic beast?"

Kevin also saw the demonic beast approaching, eyes suddenly shrank.

The creature that appeared in front of you was covered in heavy hair, with a red nose and two ivory on its face, moving forward like a hill.

"Piloswine!" Kevin called out the name of the demonic beast, and at the same time groaned: "But why does Piloswine appear in the Black Forest!"

Be aware that Piloswine is A kind of demonic beast that lives in the snow and ice, and Mt. Coronet in winter is Piloswine's favorite place.

The reason why the demonic beasts of Mt. Coronet go down to the Black Forest is because Mt. Coronet is covered with snow and ice in winter, the temperature is low, and food is lacking.

But isn't this environment Piloswine's favorite? Did Piloswine change sex and want to feel the warmth too?

"What happened to Mt. Coronet?"

Kevin's gaze looked towards the direction of Mt. Coronet to the west. A large number of demonic beasts themselves appeared in the Black Forest this winter. It's not normal.

The sudden appearance of Piloswine now made him affirm his own thoughts. Perhaps the gray fog of Guixu Cave is also related to the mutation of Mt. Coronet!

"Catapult, catapult, this kind of demonic beast requires a catapult."

On the line of defense, the commander shouted loudly, facing different demonic beasts, they would There are different ways to deal with it.

Soon, more than a dozen catapults were erected, and the soldiers began to lift stones and fill them into the catapults.

As this large machine took action, a piece of stone was thrown out in a parabola, and smashed toward Piloswine with a howling sound.

Piloswine's moving speed was very slow. The rock hit a Piloswine with a howling sound, and made a roar. Piloswine sank and fell to the ground.

But after a while, some Piloswine who had been knocked down got up again, completely disregarding their injuries, and continued to move towards the defense.

whiz whiz whiz.

The stones continue to whistle in the air and continue to attack.

At the same time, Rhydon once again came to the front of the line of defense.

The formidable power of this move Rock Throw is much larger than that of a catapult. It directly blasted a Piloswine upside down and smashed it heavily on the ground.

With one hit, Rhydon continued to launch Rock Throw attacks, blocking Piloswine's actions, and at the same time launching an attack opportunity for the catapult.

The formidable power of the catapult is pretty good. It's because the accuracy of the head is too bad. If it is a stationary target, it will be easier to operate.

"The power of the demonic beast is really stronger than these siege weapons." A soldier carrying a stone slapped his lips and said with envy.

In the whole Lizhi City, Knights with demonic beasts are a minority after all, and most of them are ordinary soldiers like them.

Another soldier shook his head and said: "In fact, it is not necessarily. After all, the battle of demonic beasts consumes too much energy, and these dead objects can always attack."

"Well, In fact, neither the demonic beast nor the siege equipment is the strongest. The strongest is the demonic beast equipped with siege equipment."

"Perhaps, we will be able to see it soon." One finished moving the stone. The soldiers looked out of the defense line, and the Rhyhorns that could be seen at this time had already acted.

"The catapult at this distance can no longer play formidable power."

"Archer, archer is ready to go, draw the bow, draw the bow for me!"

The commander yelled and saw soldiers holding bows and arrows coming to the front of the defense line and starting to draw their bows.

With a sound, "Let!"

A large number of wooden arrows whistled past in the cold wind and shot towards Piloswine who was approaching.

But when these wooden arrows hit Piloswine, they were all bounced off at once, and they couldn't hurt Piloswine at all.

"No, Piloswine's skin is too thick to shoot through wooden arrows."

"Damn, everyone let the demonic beasts go down, Knight, and the knights also go up, give I take the iron arrow, be careful, and shoot at Piloswine's head!"

The commander commanded loudly, his face was very dignified. In this environment, the ordinary archer does not have much effect, and it must be done by Knight. okay.

The Knights immediately started to act, and the shiny iron arrows were tied to the bowstrings, and they began to aim at the Piloswine that was approaching.

Only these Knights who have undergone special Knight training can use iron arrows to accurately target Piloswine's heads and kill them in one shot!

At the same time, Rhyhorn can be seen coming to the defense line.

It's just that compared to the ordinary Rhyhorn, these Rhyhorn's bodies are covered with ferocious horns.

"Here, the real war machine." Seeing Rhyhorn's appearance, all the soldiers couldn't help but look at the battlefield a few more times.

Even the soldiers present, many have only heard of them, and have not really seen the formidable power of war machinery.

Rhyhorn moved in the expectant gaze of the soldiers, and the ferocious horns on his body glowed with metallic luster during the fast running.

As soon as Rhyhorn and Piloswine collided, after the hideous collision pierced Piloswine's body, a lot of blood spewed out!

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