boom~ boom~.

The battle in the field continues.

With the arrival of Aiwen, Rhyhorn, Mightyena and Tangela played a very strong battle strength in the battle.

Although it doesn't mean to change the occupation, it still makes the Knights feel relieved and have some respite.

"The 11th Regiment of Lizhicheng is here to support."

"Call your Rhyhorn back to rest first, we will take your place!"

At this time, Hunt rushed to the battlefield with the Knight regiment, facing Josh on the front line.

At the same time, you can see that the two hundred Rhyhorns have rushed out of the defense line, lined up in front of the defense line, and rushed up!

Seeing this scene, the commander did not hesitate, and immediately let the demonic beast in front of him retreat.

These demonic beasts have been fighting for a long time, and they really need to take turns to take a break, otherwise they might really have lost a few comrades in the bloody melee!

wū wū wū wū wu wu wu ~

The retreat horn sounded in the field.

Seeing this, Rhyhorn in the distance retreated and let the supported Rhyhorn take his place.

"At this time, Rhyhorn used Rock Throw!"

Raul took the place of the commander and launched a command on the Rhyhorns in the field.

I saw that the supporting Rhyhorns were divided into two teams, one of which greeted them and resisted the demonic beasts that attacked.

The other part of Rhyhorn stopped in place, and the Rock Type energy continued to condense, turning into a Rock Throw and smashing towards the demonic beast in the distance!

bang bang bang!

The demonic beasts of Guixu poured a blockbuster, and the Knights who watched the defense line were stunned.

"All these Rhyhorns have learned Rock Throw?" A Knight opened his mouth, wondering if he was dazzled.

It is really a whole team of Rhyhorn using Rock Throw moves together, this picture is too shocking!

"Sure enough, it was Aiwen..." Kevin sighed in relief, looking at the Rhyhorns in the field with a bit of shock.

The learning method of Rock Throw moves combined with the auxiliary medicine, has really cultivated so many Rhyhorns who know Rock Throw moves in a short time!

The biggest weakness of the Knight regiment until now is the lack of long-range attacks, which can only rely on Knight's bow and arrow assistance.

Now that the Rhyhorns have mastered the Rock Throw moves, their attack methods have been greatly improved, and their strength has also been greatly improved.

It's like a battle in the field, relying on the cooperation of the two teams of Rhyhorn, the biggest wave of beasts in this period of time is also slowly suppressed.

Looking at the Knight regiment joining the battle, Aiwen breathed a sigh of relief, no longer distracted to observe the battlefield, and looked towards the distance.

There, a seriously injured Mightyena was snatched back, and a Potion Master was putting a healing potion in his mouth.

But Mightyena's injury is really too serious, and relying only on the healing potion can't stop Mightyena's constantly flowing blood.

At this time, you can't rely on potions... Aiwen sighed, picked up the treatment box on the ground and walked over.

"I am Potion Master Aiwen, leave it to me here." After walking over, Aiwen said directly.

Seeing this, the Potion Master in front of him didn't immediately give up, but frowned at Aiwen. Obviously he didn't know Aiwen, the Potion Master who suddenly appeared.

"Give Mightyena to Aiwen Master." At this moment, Kevin from a distance rushed over.

Hearing what the Chief Knight said, Potion Master was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something, his eyes slowly widened, Potion Master?

Without time to pay attention to the Potion Master in front of him, Aiwen came to Mightyena's side and immediately checked.

Due to drinking a lot of healing potion, the breath of Mightyena is fairly stable at this time, but excessive blood loss is still a big problem.

Take out the bandage in the treatment box, Aiwen quickly bandaged Mightyena to prevent Mightyena from losing too much blood.

Afterwards, he touched Mightyena's body, and the complexion slightly changed. As can be seen from Mightyena's twisted foot, his foot should be broken.

This step, you need to set Mightyena's bones first.

Otherwise, even if Mightyena is cured at that time, this foot may also be lame.

Fumbling with both hands on Mightyena's body, Aiwen began to sculpt Mightyena's bones with his hands.

At this time, Mightyena was in a coma, still with a trace of pain on her face.

But as the bones realigned, the pain on Mightyena's face immediately disappeared, and the frowns also relaxed.

Then Aiwen gestured to Petilil, who was nodded, and the leaves on his head emitted green light, making the green light envelop Mightyena's wound.

As the green light merges into Mightyena's body a little bit, it is obvious that Mightyena's breathing has become well-balanced.

After seeing this scene, Aiwen sighed in relief, Petilil’s life energy is really useful, and the healing effect is outstanding.

"Is this all right?"

The Potion Master was a little dazed. Aiwen's treatment method was completely different from that of the ordinary Potion Master, and he couldn't understand it at all.

His gaze looked towards Mightyena's feet, at which time the twisted feet had returned to their original form.

"Well, it's okay." Aiwen smiled and took a bottle of healing potion for Petilil to drink.

While using the healing leaves to condense life energy, Petilil will also consume a certain amount of physical strength and energy, which needs to be constantly replenished.

"Really okay?" Detective Knight said with a trembling voice: "Mightyena's legs..."

"When Mightyena wakes up, she needs to lie in bed for a while. Time, you can go down to the ground at that time."

After hearing what Aiwen said, Investigator Knight suddenly sat on the ground, as if all his strength had been hollowed out, and he muttered, "very Good, very good."

Patted on Knight's shoulder beside him, Aiwen walked towards another injured demonic beast with Petilil.

Kevin glanced at Mightyena on the ground, and then at Aiwen in front of him. He shook his hand with excitement. His Highness did not see the wrong person!

In the following time, Aiwen checked all the injured demonic beasts in the field and rescued a seriously injured Rhyhorn.

The battle in the field is also over.

The newly-arrived Knight regiment showed great strength.

The simultaneous Rock Throw moves impressed all the Knights present.

After the battle was over, Knight had already started to inquire about Rock Throw's moves.

They are not difficult to guess that these Knights must have mastered the learning method of Rock Throw moves, which makes them very excited.

But in the face of these Knights' inquiries, the Knights of the Knight regiment chose to keep them secret.

The learning method of Rock Throw moves is of great importance. Without the command of the team leader, they are all impossible to impart such secrets privately.

This also makes the Knights feel a sense of superiority, they have already walked in the forefront of all the Knights!

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