"Maybe you can try the method of treating the chaotic state first." Aiwen thought in her mind.

In this era, the understanding of the special state is not comprehensive, especially the chaotic state. This era may be unheard-of.

"Persim Berry and Lum Berry, these two are the most important Berry to dissolve the chaos."

Aiwen directly opened the wooden box in the room. At this time, there are a large number of Berry was stored.

Because it is winter, these Berry are still easy to save. There are more than ten boxes of Berry in Aiwen's room.

Quickly took out Persim Berry and Lum Berry, he used these two kinds of Berry to start the preparation of medicines, and quickly formulated pink and green medicines.

"Tangela, please hold down Rattata, and then feed this to it."

After hearing Aiwen’s words, Tangela stretched out the vine to take the potion in Aiwen’s hand. The other vines stretched out to entangle Rattata.

Ignoring Rattata's Struggle, forcibly opened his mouth, and pink's demixing potion was fed down.

When Tangela loosened the vines, Rattata was still struggling with violent struggle, and no effect was visible.

Aiwen eyes slightly narrowed, and started to prepare other medicines and let Tangela feed Rattata one after another. The final result seemed to be a failure.

"It can't be treated as a normal disorder treatment." Aiwen glanced at Berry beside her, thinking about the way to relieve the Outrage state in her mind.

As one after another Berry was added to the potion bottle, Aiwen's expression was very precious, adjusting the proportion of potions to make it fit Rattata.

Soon, a bottle of light blue potion was prepared by him. This potion not only relieved the chaotic state, but also calmed the mood.

The Outrage state itself is a chaotic state formed by the release of extreme anger, so Chesto Berry that can be used for concentration is needed.

After preparing this potent potion, Tangela did the same to feed Rattata.

This time, when Tangela let go of the vines, he saw Rattata's figure stunned in place, and the gray mist on his body suddenly became a little darker.

Aiwen's eyes were light flashed, and he carefully leaned over to check the situation.

As he approached Rattata, he suddenly saw Rattata open his eyes, and the blood-red appearance of his eyes startled him.

"It works, but it can't get rid of the chaos!" There was excitement on Aiwen's face.

Facts have proved that the bottle of awakening potion for the Outrage state does have some effect on the demonic beast of Guixu, but the effect is very limited.

But even so, it is enough to make Aiwen excited, and if there is an effect, it will prove to be an effect!

Next, he can find a way to adjust the composition of the awakening potion, let it approach the effective potion, and formulate a potion for the demonic beast!

"Tangela, you feed another bottle of wake-up potion to Rattata."

Hearing what Aiwen said, Tangela moved proficiently.

This time, Rattata stopped moving again after drinking the potion.

After a while, I saw little Allard suddenly fell to the ground, without moving for a long time, at the same time the gray mist on his body began to dissipate.

Have you succeeded... Aiwen's eyes narrowed.

But after taking a closer look, his face was dark. It was not that the confusion was lifted, but Rattata was dead.

Aiwen slowly sighed, seeing a Pokémon dying in front of him, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable in his heart.

"Tangela, bury it."

Turning around and walking outside, Aiwen dug a hole in the ground with a shovel.

The gray mist on the lost Pokémon will disappear, at this time it is just an ordinary demonic beast.

Just when Aiwen was digging a hole in silence, Kevin came over and sighed: "Did you fail?"

When he said this, he I also breathe a sigh of relief, so Aiwen can give up studying the demonic beast, right?

Aiwen didn’t answer right away. After digging the hole, he buried Rattata in. Then he said: "Failed, but it is not that absolutely does not have gain."

I heard After Aiwen's words, Kevin was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "What did you find?"

"This is a special mental state." Aiwen recounted his findings.

However, he didn't talk about the chaotic state, only that a kind of wake-up medicine he formulated had some effect on Rattata.

Speaking of awakening potions, Kay In Literature there is a little trance. When they first met, it was Aiwen who prepared a bottle of awakening potions and saved Rize Baron.

"Really effective?" He asked uncertainly.

When Aiwen was nodded again, he felt that his breathing suddenly became a little rush, breathes deeply: "You will wait a moment, I will grab another one."

Go The demonic beasts sometimes cluster in groups and occasionally appear sporadically, among which Rattata is the main one.

Soon, Kevin rushed back with a Rattata and locked it in an iron cage.

Taking advantage of this time, Aiwen has prepared a special wake-up potion, which was fed by Tangela after Rattata brought it back.

This time, Aiwen fine-tuned some pharmaceutical ingredients and added more Chesto Berry.

After drinking the potion, Rattata immediately stopped moving and stood quietly. The gray mist on his body began to dim. This scene completely stunned Kevin.

However, this state did not last long. Rattata returned to its original state again, and the gray mist on his body was surging again, and he became crazy bloodthirsty again.

But even so, it is a great surprise for Kevin, which shows that they finally found a breakthrough to study the fog!

"Aiwen, give you enough time, do you have a way to completely awaken these demonic beasts?" Kevin's voice was trembling.

Aiwen shook her head when she saw this, "I can't guarantee it, but you can try it."

The Chief Knight's face is solemn and nodded, he knows what it means.

With the continuous emergence of the beasts returning to the market, all Knights on the defensive line feel the pressure.

He knows that Knight is still guarding here, not to block the demonic beast from the defensive line, but to hunt down the demonic beast as much as possible.

If they give up their defense prematurely, the Great Beast Tide formed by the constantly gathering demonic beasts will pose a fatal threat to the territory of Lizhi City!

Even if they retreat to Lizhi City, they may not be able to withstand the Mega beast condensed by all the demonic beasts in the Black Forest!

The last time Lizhicheng lasted for two months, how long will it take to support this time? No one knows.

At that time, even if Lizhicheng is really Protect, it will definitely cost a lot of Knight, and this is what Lizhicheng does not want to see!

And now, he seems to have seen another way to fight the Guixu beast tide, that is, to restore the Guixu demonic beast to his senses, thereby eliminating the gray fog!

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