Gloom has worked very hard during this time.

Every day Aiwen will set aside some time to teach him how to train Sweet Scent moves.

With the aid of Gloom perfume, Gloom has already felt a little bit of a way to turn odor into aroma.

Sweet Scent...Gloom meditated the name of this move in his heart, stimulating the Grass Type energy in his body.

Gradually, a smell similar to Gloom perfume appeared on Gloom, and it drifted out quietly.

Gloom's nose twitched, and an expression of surprise appeared on his face for an instant. It seemed...successful?

It quickly remembered the previous feeling, and once again became familiar with the use of Sweet Scent, for fear that it would accidentally forget this feeling.

Petilil and Cherrim, who were also in the courtyard, also smelled this faint Fragrance, and immediately gathered towards Gloom in the field.

Cherrim has always maintained a cloudy form, speaking of which the snow is endless, and the sun has not appeared for a long time.

Petilil quickly ran to Gloom and asked it to cover up Sweet Scent's moves again.

Smelling the Fragrance wafting from Gloom, Petilil showed envy on his face. In fact, he also wanted to learn Sweet Scent's moves.

But I don’t know why, Aiwen, who has always responded to it, did not agree when he heard that it wanted to learn Sweet Scent.

However, this sweet Fragrance does not seem to have any battle strength. If it weren't for Gloom to control the odor, he would not train.

But the fragrance smells really comfortable, it really wants to learn more and more.

Perhaps, I can follow Gloom to secretly learn Sweet Scent moves...Petilil's big eyes turn.

Actually, every time Aiwen teaches Gloom, he listens to it. Now I will ask you to learn Sweet Scent's Gloom. The feasibility is very high!

In the room, Aiwen still doesn't know the careful thoughts of the Pokémon in Dao Academy. He is focusing on preparing the awakening potions in his hand.

After confirming that there is Ghost Type energy in the gray mist, he focused on joining Berry who is treating Ghost Type injuries.

In Ghost Type's moves, there is a trick Confuse Ray, which can make Pokémon fall into chaos, which is a very good reference point.

After some adjustments, the effect of the awakening potion he formulated has become better and better, allowing the demonic beast to break free from the chaos to a certain extent.

But the gray mist is the tarsus maggots, lingering, even if it is suppressed, it will still grow again after a while.

The life energy of the demonic beast is like a candle to the gray fog. As long as the candle is not burned out, the flame will never go out, as long as a fire star will reignite!

"Damn it, what can I do to get rid of the fog completely..." Aiwen frowned, feeling that she was in a dead end.

The premise for the gray mist to dissipate is that Pokémon's life energy is exhausted, but when Pokémon's life energy is exhausted, they will die. It is better to kill Pokémon directly.

It seems that we still have to start with the gray mist itself. Aiwen is thinking hard about Calm Mind, how can he completely eliminate the dead air?

Thinking of this, Aiwen couldn't help but think of Ghost Type Pokémon. Then the question is, how can we completely kill a Ghost Type Pokémon?

"No clue..." Aiwen sighed for a long time.

After that, he left the house and walked towards the courtyard, intending to see the situation of the few Rattata that were closed with the demonic beast of Guixu.

Perhaps the breakthrough can be found in the process of gray mist eroding the demonic beast, apart from this there is also the reason why the demonic beast equipment can prevent the erosion of the gray mist.

When he came to the yard, Aiwen's nose twitched twice, and suddenly he smelled a faint fragrance, some of which looked like Gloom perfume, but a little different.

"Gloom, have you learned Sweet Scent?" Aiwen said joyfully in surprise.

When Gloom saw Aiwen coming over, he was immediately nodded happy, and at the same time he used the Sweet Scent move.

Because Gloom turned the odor on his body into aroma, the odor of rotten eggs mixed with various garbage on his body disappeared.

"You did a great job, so you don't have to worry about hurting Mightyena them in the future." Aiwen touched Gloom's head in praise.

Gloom wants to learn the Sweet Scent moves, all for the sake of Aiwen and Mightyena. Aiwen said that he was not moved by this is completely false.

After praising Gloom, Aiwen didn't see Petilil's small dodge eyes, and went to a far place to check the demonic beast of Guixu.

A large number of demonic beasts gather together, and the gray mist on them will continue to escape, gradually connecting into a piece, covering an area.

At this time, a corner of the courtyard has been shrouded in gray fog, and it has become a forbidden area in this area!

Tangela is guarding these demonic beasts at this time, and Tangela, who can control the vines far away, is very suitable for this job.

Come over and say hello to Tangela, Aiwen observes from a long distance.

At this time, the skin of the few Rattata who did not wear the demonic beast equipment had become dull.

According to Aiwen's understanding, when Pokémon is eroded, it starts with the hair on the body, followed by the whole body, and finally goes mad.

On the other side, Rattata wearing a demonic beast outfit, his hair is also duller, which means that even wearing a demonic beast outfit will be corroded.

However, Rattata wearing a demonic beast is only corroded on the surface of his body, but he does not fall into chaos, nor does he carry gray fog on his body.

"Does the gray fog exist in the soul?" Aiwen couldn't help being taken aback by her sudden guess.

If this is the case, then things become troublesome.

The soul is the most complicated. Even in a world as developed in the previous life, the study of the soul is not deep. This is a field that humans have not set foot in.

"Maybe we can find a Pokémon of Psychic Type or Ghost Type..." Aiwen tried to come up with a feasible solution.

First use the potion to get Pokémon out of chaos and suppress the gray mist in the body.

Let Psychic or Ghost Type Pokémon expel the fog again. This is a good plan.

But whether it is Psychic Type Pokémon or Ghost Type Pokémon, they are very rare, especially in the ancient times.

Find a Pokémon of Psychic Type or Ghost Type in a short time, and then breed them to have the ability to clear the fog, which is completely impossible.

But if you don't rely on the power of Psychic Type or Ghost Type Pokémon, how can you fight the gray mist that erodes the soul? Use potions or items?

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