In the temporary laboratory, Petilil is preparing medicine.

For a long time, it has been helping Aiwen prepare medicines. At this time, it has been regarded as a skilled worker.

Take Sitrus Berry aside, and Petilil, who is a Grass Type and masters life energy, can clearly feel the energy contained in it.

It closed its eyes and felt it silently, and then processed the medicinal materials according to the method Aiwen gave it.

Add these materials to the pharmacy bottle in order, while it feels the energy change in it, Normal proceeds to the next step.

As time passed, the energy contained in the medicinal materials was perfectly integrated and turned into a bottle of light blue medicine.

Looking at the potion in front of him, Petilil's round eyes narrowed, revealing a look of intoxication. This feeling is really wonderful!

He held the potion and sniffed it with his nose, "It's really too fragrant, it smells better than Gloom's Sweet Scent!"

Thinking of this, it Suddenly it was startled.

During this time, Gloom has been doing Sweet Scent training, and of course it is also doing it secretly.

But no matter how it is trained, the effect seems to be bad.

Gloom relies on Sweet Scent, which he learned by transforming his odor into aroma, what about it?

It was originally fragrant, is there any possibility that it can be transformed into fragrance?

But now, after seeing the bottle of potion in front of him, it shook the head's healing leaf, and suddenly had a new idea.

Can I produce Fragrance with the same flavor as the medicine through the treatment of leaves?

huhuhu ~

Petilil's eyes flickered, and he felt like he had discovered the correct way to open Sweet Scent!

It raised its head cautiously and glanced at Aiwen who was also preparing the medicine in the distance, and quickly lowered his head with a guilty conscience and looked towards the medicine in front of him, try?


In the courtyard.

Today’s experiment is over.

The final experiment results are still the same as before.

The demonic beast that was eroded by the gray mist did restore the sanity for a short time, but the gray mist still lingered.

Aiwen doesn't have much to do with this, and can only redo the preparation of the medicine.

Looking at Aiwen entering the laboratory again, Petilil did not follow you in this time, and glanced all around.

Cherrim is still wrapping herself in the purple petals, while Tangela is using Ingrain to comfortably absorb the nutrients in the soil.

It is Gloom. Even if he has mastered the Sweet Scent moves, he still works so hard. Under its control, the smell on his body has really disappeared completely.

No more hesitation, Petilil leaned forward and asked Gloom again to learn the secret of Sweet Scent.

Gloom is not careful, and repeats it generously, but it feels that Petilil is doing useless work, because there is no smell on it...

So, time flies. Quickly, another few days have passed.

During this time, Petilil was also very busy. In addition to preparing medicine, he was learning Sweet Scent moves.

In order to figure out why the potion has that kind of magical Fragrance, it even secretly drank two bottles of Aiwen's potion.

Of course, this is because it vaguely asked if normal Pokémon would have trouble drinking the potion. After hearing that there was no major problem, he drank it with confidence.

At this time in the yard, Petilil recalled the process of preparing the medicine, while training according to the learning method Aiwen taught Gloom.

Gradually, Petilil felt the energy flowing in his healing leaves.

These energies are constantly surging according to its control, and with its mental shock, it suddenly rushes out of the body and spreads towards all around.

At this moment, Petilil felt a little in a trance, until he smelled a familiar medicine Fragrance, it gradually came back to his senses.

I tried to smell it again, Petilil's big eyes opened wider. Did he successfully learn the Sweet Scent move?

Petilil is really happy, but after taking a look at the laboratory, he feels a little frustrated. After all, Aiwen didn't let him learn Sweet Scent.


What is really afraid of.

As the wooden door opened, Aiwen's figure walked out of it.

Petilil backed away with a guilty conscience, and his chubby little hand waved in the air, why the smell is still so strong.

After Aiwen came out, she saw Petilil moving constantly, and she was a little confused.

Taking a few steps into the yard, Aiwen suddenly felt her energy shocked, and the exhaustion caused by long-term research suddenly disappeared.

What happened... Aiwen was also a little dazed at this time, she just glanced at Petilil, and her spirit suddenly improved?

But at the next moment, he felt wrong, one after another Fragrance, a medicine he was so familiar with, floated in the entire yard. Obviously, it didn't float out of the medicine.


Aiwen looked towards the lovely Pokémon in front of him again.

At this moment, Gloom and Cherrim, who had come out of Aiwen, were also surrounded.

Gloom also found the strange Fragrance in the yard, but it clearly did not belong to it.

Hearing Aiwen's call, Petilil clenched all over, and then, like a kid who had done something, he leaned his back against the wall and bowed his head.

"Is this really what you did?" Petilil's actions have explained everything.

Petilil nodded, suddenly regretted the training of Sweet Scent secretly.

But at the next moment, Petilil suddenly felt like he was being picked up, and kept spinning in circles in the air. In front of him was Aiwen's smiling face.

"Petilil, congratulations on your comprehended Aromatherapy move." Lifting Petilil above her head, Aiwen was very excited.

Petilil was taken aback, didn't he learn the Sweet Scent moves?


A group of Pokémon gathered around the wooden table in the yard.

Aiwen finally got to know the whole process of Petilil learning Aromatherapy moves.

When I think of Petilil's complaint that he will not let it learn Sweet Scent's grievance expression, Aiwen somewhat didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

In fact, he did not teach Petilil to learn Sweet Scent moves, simply because Petilil can't learn Sweet Scent moves!

So, even if Petilil is trying hard to learn, if he tries hard to teach, all this is useless.

After hearing this answer, Petilil was stunned. It wanted to say that it had learned it, but thought that this was not a Sweet Scent move, and immediately fell silent.

At the same time, it was a little moved in his heart. It turned out that Aiwen didn't stop it from learning the Sweet Scent moves, but it couldn't learn it by itself. It really blamed Aiwen.

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