"Sure enough, something happened."

"There are obviously more secret whistles in the city than before."

"Is it still Is it related to the affairs of Ruize Baron, or the disappearance of the slum?"

Aiwen walked on the flat stone road in the street, taking a look at the street vendors who were babbling on the street from time to time.

The slum disappearance case, he has heard from Aunt Madison many times.

It has been two months since the disappearance case was discovered. At first, all the people who disappeared were vagrants, who had not caught the attention of the slum residents.

It wasn't until the slum residents disappeared one after another that this aroused everyone's vigilance, but even so, there are still people missing at night every time.

The most memorable thing for Aiwen is the accidental disappearance of a child from a poor family.

Just time it takes to eat a meal, the child sleeping in the back room is mysteriously missing, and the adults eating outside found no abnormalities at all.

At that time, only a torn and messy doll was left on the spot, making people wonder if the child was playing a temper with the adults and ran away.

Because of this incident, Aunt Madison told them more than once not to run around.

At that time, Aiwen disappeared suddenly, and Aunt Madison thought that Aiwen had disappeared too, and was very frightened.

Mysterious missing child, as well as torn up dolls... Thinking in his mind, he hastened a little faster, and soon came to the Potion Master contact point.

This time, the shop owner was obviously more enthusiastic than before, and he was greeted.

"Is there any potion for sale again." Boss Hawker smiled.

At the same time, he grumbled in his heart, remembering Link's previous explanation, no matter what the Aiwen Potion Master sold, he bought them all.

"Yes, I have some medicines for sale here, and there is another commission that requires the help of the boss." Aiwen directly stated his purpose.

"It's easy to talk about it."

When there is a big business coming, the smile on the owner's face is even better.

After Aiwen finished speaking, he passed the list of materials to the store owner.

"Let me see... these auxiliary materials are not rare, we have them here."

"en? Four different demonic beast toxins, Mr. Aiwen, you want to prepare poison "

The shop owner scanned it again, his eyes fell on the final material, and he was surprised.

Although I don't know what kind of medicine Aiwen is going to formulate, the demonic beast toxin is too obvious. This thing is used to formulate poison.

"Do you have these materials here?" Aiwen did not answer directly.

Seeing this, the shop owner glanced around, and then said: "I think I need to inform Link Potion Master about this matter."

"These demonic beast poisons are in Lizhicheng is a strictly controlled thing. We need some special methods to get it."

Listening to the shop owner, Aiwen eyes shined and secretly thought came to the Potion Master contact point. The business on the facade, this kind of secret business is also accepted.

After Aiwen did the same, the store owner immediately asked Xiao Er to invite Link.

Without letting him wait too long, Link came in a hurry. After seeing Aiwen, his face immediately burst into a smile.

This Aiwen not simple ...... The words of Teacher came to his mind. Behind Aiwen, there is probably a Potion Master who is not inferior to his own Teacher.

"Didn't expect, you will collect the demonic beast toxin."

"This thing is controlled, but we have it in the hands of the Potion Master. Otherwise, how do we research the antidote. "

Link said with a smile: "I should be able to get these materials. Fortunately, the other materials are just the toxin on the demonic beast, but they are rare materials and expensive."


Aiwen relaxed, took out the healing potion and gold coin from the backpack, "I don't need too much venom, so please buy back as much as possible."

"Okay Just leave it to me." Link nodded, walking outside.

He won't just run away with the money... Seeing Link's movements, Aiwen's heart burst, and after looking at the fruit shop in front of him, he calmed down again.

This fruit shop is still there, and these healing potions are still there, so the other party will not run away directly.

Of course, he also kept a hand on Link, but he reported to the other party the simplified version of Toxic's Recipe material, mixed with many other materials.

After the poisonous material of Oran Berry was available, he asked the other party to collect 4 kinds of demonic beast toxins. Even if the other party knew these materials, it was impossible to formulate Toxic potions.

"Mr. Aiwen, you can go and sit in the house."

"Since Mr. is also a Potion Master, please treat this as your own home."

The shop owner’s gentle said with a smile led Aiwen to the back room.

Entering the room, Aiwen was taken aback for a moment, and saw that there were a large number of potion-making instruments in the room at this time.

Some instruments seem to be quite advanced. Help Potion Master can analyze the composition and pharmacology of the medicine. Apart from this there are many medicine materials.

After a brief scan, Aiwen saw some auxiliary materials for the preparation of Toxic medicines, including some very rare Berry.

This is a good place to prepare Toxic potions... Aiwen thought about how to borrow this place.

Without letting him wait too long, Link hurried back.

"Aiwen, see what I got?"

"Croagunk, Beedrill, Roselia, and Weepinbell's venom, exactly four kinds."

Enter the store , Link couldn't wait to take out four bottles of purple venom potions and shook them.

These are indeed the poison of Poison Type Pokémon... Aiwen breathes a sigh of relief. Although there is no Pokémon which is particularly poisonous, it is not bad.

Especially Weepinbell and Roselia are Pokémon with two Attributes of Grass and Poison, and their toxins are very compatible with the Grass Type Pokémon of Petilil.

"The four toxins cost a total of 10 gold coins."

"This is the result of my long bargaining. Believe me, there is no cheaper price than this."

"In addition to these four demonic beast toxins, we have other materials in our store. I will get them for you now."

"Poisonous weeds...poisonous weeds...have, value One Silver Coin poisonous weed, after the discount, 90 Copper Coin, and this, after the discount..."

Lin Ke kept talking, but he didn’t find it, and every time he reported it For the price of a material, the face of the shopkeeper next to him is black.

"Well, these materials are worth a total of 22 Silver Coins. After the discount, they will be 19 Silver Coins and 80 Copper Coins."

After calculating the final price, Link will The bag with all the materials was returned to Aiwen, apart from this there were 3 gold coins and 20 Copper Coins.

After that, he handed over 19 Silver Coins and 80 Copper Coins to the store owner, clapping his hands to make a posture of successfully accomplished.

"Troubled Link and the shop owner." Aiwen took over the materials and gold coin.

He then took a gold coin from it and handed it to the shop owner, "According to the rules, a commission fee for 1 gold coin."

Is a kid who knows the rules... the shop owner He took a gold coin with a big smile, and then fiercely glared at Link who wanted to say something, "The rules are the rules!"

"Boss Hawke, I want to dispense the medicine directly here. Is it okay?" Aiwen interrupted quickly looking at the two Leer's appearances with each other.

"Okay, there is no problem." The shop owner once again showed his signature smile. After hesitating, he gritted his teeth and said: "Free."

Thanks to the shop owner, Aiwen He gave Link a grateful look, and then entered an independent medicine preparation room under the guidance of the shop owner.

This pharmacy preparation room is located on the ground floor of the shop. There are bright oil lamps in the dark room to provide light. There is no extra layout except for the equipment.

Aiwen is satisfied with nodded. In fact, the environment is still secondary. The most important thing for Potion Master is privacy. The owner of this shop has done it perfectly.

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