Pius kept guarding in front of the Black Forest.

Feeling the movement in the Black Forest, his face was surprised and wondering what happened in the Black Forest.

Judging from the dynamics, there should be a battle in the depths of the Black Forest at this time.

But the battle location should be at the end of the Black Forest, or even near the cave of Guixu, the depths of the Black Forest are not visible at all.

"What the hell happened?"

"Could it be that Mt. Coronet's demonic beast entered the Black Forest through the determined mountain range, and then it happened with those demonic beasts that were eroded by the gray mist Fighting?"

Pius walked back and forth on the spot, this feeling of not being able to figure out what was happening made the detective Knight very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the battle was over before it lasted long, which calmed Pius' mood a bit.

Tightening the cotton-padded clothes wrapped tightly, he leaned against Mightyena, faintly feeling that one after another cold air was blowing out of the Black Forest, and the weather was getting colder.

ao wu ao wu.

Mightyena arched her master dotingly with her head, and put her soft tail on her body.

A little bit of time passed, Mightyena suddenly heard a faint scream, and Pius was already asleep beside it.

Hey, he is too tired, let him rest... Mightyena gently glanced at Eyelid, turned her head and looked towards the direction of the Black Forest.

Next, it's time for it to warn. This is the tacit understanding between them for so long. When they are warned, there will always be someone who is awake.

Mightyena looked at the Black Forest tightly, watching the white mist appearing in the Black Forest, covering the original gray mist.

It's foggy... Mightyena thought to herself that she had seen this scene and was not surprised, as long as she made sure that there was no demonic beast in the Black Forest...


In the early morning, Pius woke up slowly.

Suddenly opened his eyes, he looked towards Mightyena, who was lying on the ground aside, still looking at the direction of the Black Forest.

Seeing the movement next to her, Mightyena turned back, with a smile on her face, and licked her master's face with her tongue.

"Mightyena, good morning."

Pius felt warm and stood up and greeted Mightyena.

Although he fell asleep accidentally, the problem is not big. He knows that his Old Partner will help him keep the night.

But at the next moment, Pius who looked towards Black Forest was stunned.

There is indeed still fog in the Black Forest at this time, but this piece of white mist is completely different from the gray fog in his impression.

"Has it fogged up?"

"Ordinary fog covered the gray mist?"

Pius’s face showed doubts, faintly He felt something was wrong.

He waited tightly for a while, as the temperature continued to rise, he suddenly saw the Mist in the forest begin to dissipate, and gradually disappeared.

"Wait, the gray mist...the gray mist...the gray mist dissipated?!!!"

Pius' eyes widened slowly, followed by his face There was ecstasy on it, and the gray mist dissipated, which meant that the Guixu beast tide was over!


On the hillside of the temporary camp, Aiwen was a little confused about Froslass's actions.

But just when he wanted to ask anything, he saw something fast approaching in the distance.

Froslass also noticed the anomaly at this time, with vigilance in his eyes, blocking Aiwen's face, there was already energy surging in his body.

"Mightyena, it's Detective Knight!" Aiwen recognized the person and asked Froslass not to be nervous.

"Aiwen Master, the gray mist...the gray mist has dissipated!"

Pius rode up Mightyena quickly, and after seeing Aiwen on the high slope, Immediately shouted.

The gray mist dissipated, the gray mist dissipated, the gray mist dissipated...

Listening to the shouting in her ear, Aiwen was taken aback for a while, and then her face was also exposed. Smile.

They fought the gray fog for so long, and finally it's time to end.

Gradually, the Knights in the camp heard Pius’s shouts, and they ran over from the camp, all with uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

Pius Knight Mightyena came to the camp, fiercely took a breath, "The gray mist dissipated, dissipated."

The whole camp was quiet for a moment, and then burst out After enthusiastic cheers, a large number of Knights yelled and ran to tell.

Aiwen and Froslass stood quietly outside, also sincerely relieved.

At this moment, those Knights flocked to Aiwen one after another, and then they saw several Knights lifted up in Aiwen's bewildered gaze.

Knight threw Aiwen into the air to express his excitement and gratitude in this way.

Froslass was taken aback, and quickly floated to Aiwen's side, and when he saw the smile on Aiwen's face, it was taken aback.

next moment, it suddenly felt its body sink.

When it reacted, it found that it had been pulled into its arms by Aiwen, and was constantly thrown up as Knight cheered...


"So, are you worried about the gray mist?"

Still on the high slope, Aiwen said to Froslass who was sitting next to her.

After Froslass was silent for a moment, he was gently nodded and hesitated for a moment. It described the events in the Black Forest again.

Aiwen listened quietly, and even guessing and asking, finally figured out what Froslass wanted to say.

When Froslass went to the Black Forest to surprise herself, Aiwen was both worried and moved.

Froslass then fought with Staraptor and Sneasel, and after Froslass urged the Ghost Type energy, it suddenly got out of control and broke out!

After speaking, Froslass looked towards Aiwen worried, afraid that he would blame himself, and that Aiwen would be afraid of himself in that state.

"It turned out to be like this. Thank you really, Froslass."

Froslass was taken aback and heard Aiwen continue to say: "I, Knight in the camp, determined The leaders of the city, all of us will be grateful to you!"

"If you hadn't come to us, the tide of beasts returning to the market at this time would certainly not end so easily, and we might all die. "

Froslass looked past, and Aiwen smiled: "Froslass, thank you for coming to us. It's nice to have you."

At this moment, Froslass is completely Stunned, the jewel-like eyes were gleaming, twinkling.

It can be seen that Aiwen's words are from the heart. He really doesn't care about his situation, which makes Froslass' heart moved.

"As for the loss of control, I feel that as long as you don't stimulate the Ghost Type energy, you will be fine." Aiwen continued to comfort.

"Even if you are really out of control, please trust me, trust Petilil, trust your friends, we will wake you up!"

"Of course, we too I believe in you, so... there is nothing to be afraid of."

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