"Shinx, wake up..."

In a daze, Shinx felt that someone was calling himself.

I scratched my ears with my claws, but the sound did not disappear, instead it became louder and louder.

"Shinx, I can almost wake up."

Shinx opened his eyes in a daze and saw a silhouette standing next to the bed.

It has doubts and confusion in its eyes, and the long coma has left some fragments of the memory in its mind.

Suddenly, the memory in Shinx's mind was connected, which caused the hair all over its body to explode. This was its normal reaction after feeling the danger.

At this time, its memory still remained at the time it was hunted down. After several escapes, it remembered that it could not hold back and fell.

Humans are humans...Shinx looked towards the humans in front of him again, and one after another Spark suddenly appeared on his body.


Suddenly, Shinx's sight was completely shrouded in Spark, and some of the surrounding suddenly began to shatter, turning into dazzling rays of light, making his sight completely sweet.

huhuhu ~

Lying on a bed, Shinx suddenly opened his eyes.


Shinx's figure quickly retreated to the corner of the bed, still with vigilance in his eyes.

Gradually, Shinx reacted. It turned out that he was dreaming just now, and that dream was too real, making it completely unable to distinguish between reality and dream.

Afterwards, its eyes quickly glanced all around, sighed a little disappointed.

It can't remember how long it has been, the familiar and unfamiliar voice has not sounded, and the vague figure has never appeared again.


At this moment, the wooden door was suddenly opened.

Shinx's ears moved, and he looked over vigilantly and saw a little boy sticking his head out.

After seeing Shinx got up, Xiao Andy pushed the wooden door open and ran in happily, "Shinx, you are awake, how do you feel today?"

"Meow wu~"

Shinx waved his paw listlessly. During this time, it was this human child that he had the most contact with.

"Let me see, I see." Little Andy came to Shinx.

Seeing this, Shinx quickly stood up, then jumped out of the bed, walked back and forth on the ground, indicating that he was really fine.

"It seems to be completely good. It is really very good. After the Aiwen big brother comes back, he will definitely be very happy."

I heard the words Aiwen, Shinx’s The ears moved, and the human whose face it had not seen clearly was named Aiwen.

"Shinx, since you are all right, do you want to go outside for a walk?"

"Hehe, parents are not at home today, we can sneak out and play for a while. "

Little Andy immediately said happily. It has been snowing all this time, and he was really suffocated at home.

Today, the snow in the sky finally stopped and the sun went out. He felt that he could go outside for fun.

I heard it out, Shinx eyes shined, it actually wanted to go out a long time ago, but it didn’t get better before its injury, and it didn’t find a chance.


Without hesitation, Shinx seconded it!

"Then let's go." Little Andy happily ran over to hug Shinx, but was dodged suddenly.

Scratching his head helplessly, Little Andy walked quickly to open the door, and suddenly another beam of sunlight came in.

Shinx saw this, and ran out without the slightest hesitation, Andy saw this and quickly followed along.

Meow wu~

Bathed in the long-lost sunshine, Shinx makes a soft cat Growl comfortably.

Its gaze looked towards all around, as the winter was about to pass, the sun finally appeared in the sky, and the snow in the orchard also dispersed a lot.

Soon, it saw Berry Lin in the distance, hesitated and ran over quickly.

In the Berry forest at this time, Darby Uncle is taking care of the Berry Tree and clearing away the remaining little snow.

Looking at the Berry Tree in front of him, all intact, Darby's eyes also showed admiration.

In the past, even without the invasion of demonic beasts, Berry Tree would have various problems. Frostbite and ulceration were very common.

And this time, he adopted Aiwen's suggestion to clear snow, smoke the orchard, and fill and seal the frozen water.

Now the weather is getting warmer, the snow is melting, and when winter is coming and spring is coming, he finally knows the benefits of doing this. All the trees are intact, which is a miracle.

On the side, Aunt Madison is holding two Cherubis in his arms. During this time, the two Cherubis have been kept at home.

Now that the sun is out, Aunt Madison also hugs them to the sun, allowing Cherubi to absorb the sun and grow.

Starly is standing on a Berry Tree, combing her feathers leisurely, enjoying a rare sunny day.

Suddenly, its gaze looked towards the direction of Berry Lin, and saw a blue figure suddenly jump past.

The one who ran by was little Andy. The little fellow ran a few steps and stood up, panting constantly, as if I couldn't run anymore.

"Damn it, how does Shinx run so fast." Little Andy looked around all around, a little depressed and said: "Really, where did you go."

Shinx's figure runs fast So, after getting rid of the annoying human child behind him, it also relaxed.

At this time, it also looked towards the surroundings, a little at a loss. Unconsciously, it found that it seemed to have ran out of the farm and came to the village.

At this moment, it suddenly saw two villagers with agricultural tools talking and laughing coming by in the distance.

Shinx was taken aback, and those human figures holding weapons could not help appearing in his mind. The hairs all over his body were suddenly exploded, condensing electric current secretly.

"Hey, it's a Shinx, it's so cute."

One of the villagers also spotted Shinx, with a smile on his face.

After that, the villagers suddenly felt for a while in their arms, took out an apple, squatted down with a smile, and threw the apple over.

Shinx was stunned for a moment. It looked at the apple in front of it, and looked towards the two humans again, with a strange look in its heart.

Vaguely, it suddenly heard another human say, "The cold winter is finally over, so good."

The winter has passed...Shinx said silently in his heart In a word, it didn't choose to launch an attack, turned around and ran in the direction of Towards the Sun.

When it came to the grass outside the village, it suddenly paused, looking towards the distance, it saw a human figure walking slowly.

The sun shines on this human head, causing Black’s hair to be dyed with a touch of Saffron...

It stared at the familiar and strange figure in front of him. Then the familiar voice rang in its ears, "Shinx, long time no see."

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