In the farm, Aiwen saw Hunter Knight again.

At this time, Hante is also looking at the Potion Master who has a very high reputation in the Knight group.

The scene of the battle between Orange Fruit Village and the front line appeared in his mind. He slightly nodded and said in a Knight ceremony: "Aiwen Master, we meet again."

"Knight is long, long time no see." Aiwen gestured with a smile.

After the two talked briefly for a while, Aiwen looked towards the wooden boxes that had been unloaded, which contained seven large boxes.

"Aiwen Master, according to our agreement, the ransom for the two gems is here." Johnson is also counting the supplies brought over this time.

Since Aiwen does not have a formal noble canonization ceremony yet, Johnson still calls Aiwen the Master, following the identity of the Pharmacy Master.

Aiwen looked towards a man dressed as steward standing beside Jonson, who was holding a wooden box in his hand.

If he guessed right, this wooden box should contain the gems he needs, and he can't help but look forward to it.

"Hello Mr. Aiwen, I am the steward of Reze Baron. We have met before."

I saw Aiwen walking over, one in a tuxedo, white A meticulous old man with a beard and a full body greeted Aiwen slightly.

"I will release those nobles as agreed." Aiwen nodded, once again made his promise.

Steward is also relaxed when he sees this, and he handed the box over, "Then these gems are yours, Mr. Aiwen."

After taking over the wooden box, Aiwen was in front of Steward's When I called, I immediately saw that there were 8 jewels on each side of the long wooden box, a total of 16 jewels exuding unique rays of light.

Among them, five gems exude the halo of light blue. It is the water stone that Aiwen is very familiar with. As expected, there should be a water stone vein in the hands of Lizhicheng.

"This is..."

Aiwen's gaze was suddenly attracted by one of the stones.

There is a light green halo on the stone, and veins like leaf veins can be seen faintly from the stone.

This is the Leaf Stone that Aiwen has been looking for. The energy contained in it can allow some Grass Type Pokémon to complete the evolution.

Gloom wants to evolve into Vileplume, it just needs this kind of evolution stone.

Originally, when he discovered that there were no Pokémons like Vileplume and Victreebel in the Black Forest, he thought that there should be no Leaf Stone in the Lizhi City area. Didn't expect saw it here.

Slightly suppressing the excitement in his heart, he continued to look at the other stones and found that there was also a Dawn Stone among these stones, the opal-like stone exuding emerald green rays of light.

Aiwen looked towards the remaining nine stones again, but Aiwen suddenly frowned. He could tell at a glance that none of these stones were evolution stones.

But after a while, his brows stretched out again. For these nobles, they didn't know the existence of the evolution stone, but there was no intention to fool him.

After that, his gaze fell on the Leaf Stone again, but unfortunately he didn't get the Sun Stone, but even if it was just a Leaf Stone, this time was a big gain.

Pick up the Leaf Stone and look at it. As a Pokémon Breeder, Aiwen naturally knows how to distinguish the quality of the evolution stone. The quality of this leaf stone is very good.

"Mr. Steward, I like these gems very much."

"Especially this emerald, I don’t know if there is such a stone in Lizhi City, I’m willing Exchange with other gems."

Lifting up the Leaf Stone and playing with it for a while, Aiwen's face showed an expression of love, and then said with a smile to the steward in front of him.

This potion Master actually likes gems... Steward naturally saw Aiwen's expression clearly at this time, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

And after hearing Aiwen’s question, he respectfully said:

"Mr. Aiwen, these are all high-quality gems that the nobles have worked so hard to get together."

"This emerald was purchased from a merchant, and it is even more rare. It should be difficult to find this gem in the city."

"But Mr. Aiwen If you like, I can ask someone to find out. If you find this kind of gem, I will tell you immediately."

Steward's answer is meticulous, first showing that the stones in Aiwen's hands are very high-quality gems. , And then he showed his good intentions, and he was a very shrewd person.

"These gems are indeed very high-quality." Aiwen slightly smiled: "Then find this kind of gems, please."

On the other side, Jonson talked about the two In my eyes, I confirmed Aiwen's preference for gems.

It just so happened that he was still thinking about what Present to give as a gift for the knighthood of Aiwen. Now it seems that a high-quality gem may be a good choice.

Of course, it’s not just Jonson who has this idea. For example, Steward from Rize Baron's family, Mr. Knight Knight, and the others, have this idea in their hearts.

"Mr. Aiwen, did you take us to see Young Master now?"

Steward still has a smile on his face, so it’s like visiting Aiwen’s house. Like a Young Master as a guest.

"Naturally, there is no problem, I think they will be very happy to see you." Aiwen's eyes are slightly narrowed, and the corners of her mouth are slightly curved.


Simon sat quietly in the shade of the tree.

In the orchard in the distance, Sir Belling can be seen pushing a cart.

Each time the cart was returned to a Berry Tree, Sir Belling would shake a large scoop of water from the bucket in the cart and pour it under the Berry Tree.

Looking at the nobleman working in the fruit forest, Simon's eyes were a little surprised.

On that day, after discovering that Sir Belling had escaped, he chased him without the slightest hesitation.

He knows that Sir Belling is a nobleman no matter what, if a nobleman has an accident in his own hands, it will definitely bring disaster to Orange Fruit Village and Aiwen.

Now the nobles have chosen to compromise, or because they control these noble heirs in their hands. If they have an accident, they will surely usher in the madness of the noble Revenge.

When he caught up with Sir Belling, he happened to see that the nobleman was being attacked by a Sneasel.

He didn't think too much, and before he could think too much, he shot, and then fought fiercely with this Sneasel.

In the end, his memory stayed in the scene where his stomach was carried through by Sneasel.

He thought he was dead.

In that situation, he was not sure whether he killed Sneasel, and knew that even if he killed Sneasel, the nobleman in front of him would definitely not save himself.

For an aristocrat who intends to escape, this is really a godsend!

But what he didn't expect was that the very annoying nobleman in front of him chose to carry him back to Orange Fruit Village, which really surprised everyone!

In the end, he naturally survived.

His injury is very serious, everyone in the village is helpless, can only hang him with a healing potion.

But after Aiwen rushed back, this injury was really nothing, relying on Petilil's control of life energy, Simon's injury quickly healed.

After the injury healed, Aiwen suggested that he rest for a while.

But after a brief rest, Simon soon applied to return to the team and continued to serve as the supervisor of Sir Belling.

"The overseer? Actually no need..." Simon clearly remembered what Aiwen had said to him at this time.

"Since he chooses to save you and come back, his labor reform is over. If he really wants to leave Orange Fruit Village, you can let him leave..."

Recalling what Aiwen said, Simon sighed slightly, and then looked towards the nobleman who was still working in the distance. He did change a lot during this time.

At this moment, an Oddish suddenly jumped out of the orchard.

Simon felt tight, but after seeing Oddish, he relaxed slightly and continued to lean on the tree trunk.

In the distance, after seeing Oddish, Bellin also showed a smile on his face, took out a small bag of Pokémon food from his pocket, opened it and placed it in front of Oddish.

After seeing the Pokémon food, Oddish's eyes lit up and he sat on the ground happily, using the leaves on his head to roll up a Pokémon food and put it in his mouth.

After eating Pokémon's food, Oddish's eyes narrowed and his face was contented.

Beiling quietly looked at Oddish, who was eating Pokémon's food, with a smile on his face.

After that, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he suddenly thought of a conversation he had with Aiwen before.

"You said that as long as anyone can get the approval of the demonic beast, he can subdue this demonic beast."

Aiwen heard that without the slightest hesitation, click said with a smile:

"Yes, it is anyone, as long as you can treat Pokémon sincerely, you can naturally."

"Of course, if you dare to betray them... ...Normal people, I will take back their Pokémon, and your words...I will kill you!"

After hearing what Aiwen said, he really froze for a long time, he Looking at Aiwen's serious eyes, I knew that Aiwen was not joking with him.

If he really dares to betray his Pokémon, Aiwen will definitely do what he says. For Aiwen, his heart is always full of inexplicable fear!

"So, do I really have to be able to do it?" Behring asked again in the heart, never leaving the Oddish in front of him.

Casey Chennai.

Oddish quickly finished the Pokémon food in front of him.

Its gaze looked towards the human in front of him who often feeds himself delicious food, his eyes narrowed, and he came to Beilin very affectionately and rubbed his head against his calf.

Beiling’s eyes showed softness, and he touched Oddish’s head, said with a smile: "Go back when you are full."

After hearing his words, Oddish’s Doubt appeared on his face.

If it is usual, the humans in front of it will always pull it and talk for a long time.

At this time, it is the most loyal listener, and will listen to all the humans in front of it.

Oddish was puzzled, but nodded happily, and ran away towards the fruit forest.

"Hey, it seems that I still can't make up my mind."

"If I conquer you and finally betray you, Aiwen will really kill me."

Sir Belling is in a complicated mood. He still does not have the confidence that he can treat a demonic beast sincerely. He is not confident, rather than not thinking.

"Young Master, so you are here."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang in Beilin's ear.

He turned his head and saw the meticulously dressed steward, happily said: "Moses grandfather, why are you here?"

Steward faced Bellin nodded, and then left. After going over, he looked at Young Master wearing Miya pants and the water scoop in his hand, his face suddenly sinking.

Although he knows that Young Master is captured, he will definitely make things difficult for him.

But Young Master is also an heir of nobles, is Aiwen a bit too negligent?

Even if captured, Young Master should enjoy the treatment of a nobleman, not like a fruit grower in this fruit forest to do things like slaves!

Hmph, this Aiwen dared to treat Young Master like this, even if you are about to become a nobleman, do well to bear the anger of Ruize Baron's family... Steward's face is gloomy.

After seeing someone approaching Beilin, Simon in the distance hurried over to check the situation.

As the guardian of Sir Belling, he also bears the responsibility of protection, but he can't let the nobles get into trouble in front of him.

"Are you the one who guards our Young Master?"

"Today I am going to have a good theory with Aiwen-sama."

"In the end, he instructed Yes, it’s your guards who embarrassed our Young Master privately!"

Steward’s tone was very cold. At this time, all my heartache for Young Master Yu and Aiwen’s Rage were vented to the villagers in front of them. Body.

"Moxi grandfather, please don't be angry." Seeing Steward's anger, Sir Belling immediately discovered something was wrong.

He quickly introduced to Steward: "He is called Simon, my life saving benefactor."

Hearing Young Master’s explanation, Steward froze for a moment and looked up and down Simon. , Didn't expect that Young Master would speak for this villager.

"Speaking of which is very complicated anyway."

"Now that you are here, does it mean that Aiwen has been released?"

"There are some things, I'll talk to you in detail when I go back. Anyway, things are not what you think, and not embarrass us."

Steward was silent and nodded, "I Come here now to take Young Master home."

Then, steward looked towards Simon, which means you can leave here, and Young Master won’t need you to monitor it anymore.

Simon opened his mouth, and then suddenly looked towards Sir Belin and said: "Actually, you could leave long ago. Aiwen said that your labor reform is over long ago."

Although there is no Necessary, but he still felt that he should tell the nobleman in front of him.

But who knows, after hearing what he said, Sir Belin nodded said: "Well, Aiwen has already told me about this."

Simon said this. Zi was completely stunned. He looked at the nobleman in front of him in astonishment. Since he already knew that he could leave, why did he stay and work in Orange Fruit Village.


"My Lord, the day for you to become a knight has been set."

"At that time in the Castle of Lizhi , Your Royal Highness will personally confer you a title."

"During this period, I will tell you the process of title conferment and the points that need attention. Please be prepared."

Jonson briefly recounted the ensuing nobility matters.

Aiwen is really helpless at this time. He has no interest in the so-called ceremony at all, as long as he gives him the scepter of identity.

However, for the nobles of this world, accepting the nobility of loyalty to the lord is a very sacred thing and represents a kind of class recognition.

At that time, on the ceremony, all the nobles in the territory will come together to witness the addition of new members to their group.

For him, this is also an opportunity to contact the nobles in the territory. Only with the approval of these nobles can he integrate into the circle of nobles.

Although there are some helpless and cumbersome knighting ceremony, but at the ceremony banquet, all the nobles will give a gift, which is a good harvest.

In addition, if the future territory wants to develop, he will also have to deal with the nobles of the Aspiration City, so it is also very important to get the recognition of the nobles.

After accepting helplessly, Aiwen also studied seriously. The day of knighthood was one week later, and he didn't have much time left.


Outside the Orange Fruit Village.

The eight nobles who were captured at the time have all gathered at the entrance of the village.

After hearing that they could finally go home, some nobles cried with joy. They really didn't want to stay here for a day.

"After I go back, I hope you can all control your own mouth."

"Now Aiwen will soon become the earl of the southeast corner. He is not something you can afford. "

"In addition, in the life of Orange Fruit Village at this time, we are not without gain. I think the experience during this time will definitely help us build a better territory!"


Beiling looked at the noble heirs in front of him, and gave a very serious explanation.

After hearing what he said, the noble heirs suddenly opened their mouths. They naturally knew what the status of the frontier count represents.

It's just that they can't figure it out, why only one winter has passed, and why did that ordinary civilian become the Earl of the Frontier?

Thinking of Aiwen, a chill suddenly appeared in their hearts. Thinking of going against this kind of person, their reason told them that it was very irrational!

"Well, we got it." A nobleman nodded, and then suddenly reacted. Why did this Beilin suddenly speak to Aiwen?

"Remember this time of life."

"When you have your own territory, you will know the benefits."

Lin snorted then took a deep look at the Orange Fruit Village in the distance. Only he himself knows how much he has changed during this period.

At the same time, he has to admit that Aiwen is really a genius. It can be seen that Orange Fruit Village can develop so quickly under his construction.

However, these experiences have become his experience in building his own territory, and he feels that when he builds his territory, he will not necessarily be much worse than Aiwen!

On the side, Steward watched quietly, recalling what Young Master had said before. It seemed that he didn't know what he had experienced, but he did grow a lot.

"Let's go, let's go home."

After taking a deep look at the direction of Orange Fruit Village, Beilin turned and rode on the carriage.

Well, this is a real carriage. The one pulling the carriage is a red horse, which looks very beautiful.

Although most nobles and knights appear on demonic beast carriages, for ordinary people, ordinary carriages are still the main means of transportation.

Since Aiwen prohibits any demonic beasts carrying demonic beasts from entering in his own territory, all the supplies carried this time are ordinary horses.

When it comes to this regulation, even the financial officer Jonson feels a little unreasonable.

Humans have been deeply in their hearts to tame the demonic beast through the demonic beast equipment, but when it comes to Aiwen, taming the demonic beast actually requires the approval of the demonic beast first!

"Demonic beast's recognition, this is indeed the reason why Orange Fruit Village can develop so quickly." Beilin murmured, bright in his heart.

After that, he turned his head and glanced at the direction of Orange Fruit Village again subconsciously, thinking of the Oddish who was living together in the orchard day and night, hoping that it would be well in the future.

But after turning around like this, Behring was suddenly stunned.

On the grass in the distance, an Oddish figure stood quietly.

When he saw his gaze, Oddish suddenly shook the leaf on his head, and ran over happily.


Behring murmured, and then suddenly felt that he was touched by something, and ran towards Oddish also involuntarily.

When he came to Beilin, Oddish stopped and shook the leaves on his head, looking very happy.

"Fool, why did you come here."

"This time, I don't have those delicious foods on my body."

Bei Lin knelt down and whispered to Oddish: "Let’s go, go back, I'm going home too."

After hearing what Beilin said, Oddish tilted his head, I don’t know. Didn't you understand, but didn't leave immediately, but came to him and rubbed his foot with his head.

Looking at Oddish's appearance, Behring opened his mouth, and suddenly he seemed to have made a decision, "Oddish...Will you leave here with me? Come with me... ...Go home."

Behring was a little nervous when he said this.

But what he didn't expect was that Oddish nodded immediately agreed, and immediately fell into his arms.

"It seems that you agreed..." Beilin was taken aback, then his face also showed a smile, "Don't worry, I will take care of you in the future."

Looking at Bellin who came back holding Oddish with a smile on his face, Steward was a bit stunned, but he didn't say anything, but gently opened the curtain.

"Moxi Uncle, please wait for me."

"Before leaving, I have one more thing to do. I will be back soon."

After saying this, Beilin suddenly ran towards Orange Fruit Village with Oddish in his arms, and came all the way to Aiwen.

"What's the matter?"

Aiwen narrowed his eyes, looked at Beilin, and then at the Oddish in his arms, looked thoughtful.

"I want to take Oddish out of here."

"According to the regulations, I am now approved by Oddish, and I should be able to register as a trainee trainer with you! "

Sir Belling looked at Aiwen very seriously. He returned this time just for this!

Although there have been some conjectures, Aiwen was really surprised after Sir Belling really said it. This arrogant nobleman would choose to subdue an Oddish? !

"Have you decided?" Aiwen calmly nodded, and then said with a serious face: "If you betray Oddish, I will really kill you!"

This time, Bei Sir Lin is nodded without fear, coldly snorted and said: "I won't give you a chance!"

He took a serious look at the nobleman in front of him, and Aiwen smiled on his face: "Okay, I promised you, remember your promise today!" Seeing this, Sir Belling showed a smile on his face, and then said very seriously: "According to your rules, I After becoming a trainee trainer, can you also purchase the services of Pokémon feeding house?"

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