After accepting Phyllis' allegiance, Aiwen came to Daley Baron's house.

He held Petilil in his arms, and Sir Enzo who came out to greet him couldn't help but shrink his neck.

At this time, Petilil is no longer a panacea in his eyes, but a poison with a terrifying Toxic.

"Earl Aiwen, welcome to you." Sir Enzo showed a cordial smile on his face.

Aiwen said little by little: "Take me to see Daly Viscount."

After hearing his words, Sir Enzo repeatedly said yes, leading Aiwen towards the manor. go.

Looking at Aiwen walking fast in front, Sir Enzo also secretly gave his elder sister a thumbs up.

Phyllis was in a good mood and said to Enzo: "When father is cured, I will follow Master Aiwen to the southeast corner of Lizhi City."

En Sir Zuo was obviously taken aback when he heard this. He looked at his elder sister, then at Aiwen walking in front of him, and muttered to himself, is this too fast?

Soon, Aiwen came outside Daly Viscount's room, and at this time, he could hear the coughing from time to time outside the house.

Sir Enzo saw this and hurriedly went over to open the door. Daly Viscount in the room was sitting on the side of the bed, taking a glass of water from the waiter's hand and handing it to his mouth tremblingly.

The attendant next to him wanted to help, but Daly Viscount stopped him. He didn't think he couldn't do it even if he wanted a glass of water.


Sir Enzo yelled softly after entering the house.

Daly Viscount looked over, un'ed lightly, and then another cough sounded.

"Master Aiwen, please."

Nodded, Aiwen walked in with Petilil holding Petilil to Phyllis nodded.

When Petilil entered the room, the leaves on his head suddenly moved, and his eyes looked all around, seeming to feel something.

On the other hand, Daly Viscount also heard his son talk about Aiwen's identity.

When he heard that Aiwen was now the earl of the southeast frontier, his eyes were also surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect Aiwen to be so young, and his title was even higher than himself!

"Unfortunately, my body is unwell, so I didn't participate in your ceremony." Viscount regretted.

During this period of time, he has been recuperating and handing over the family affairs to the eldest daughter. In fact, he hasn't asked about outside affairs for a long time.

"Sir Father, don't worry, Earl Aiwen will definitely heal you." Sir Enzo was comforted, and then he looked towards Aiwen who was standing at the door.

At this time, Aiwen also felt Petilil's abnormality.

I saw the leaves on Petilil's head exuding a faint green light, which is the surging of life energy.

Apparently, Petilil felt the fluctuation of life energy in Daly Viscount's room, which made Aiwen a little concerned.

After a while, Petilil suddenly looked towards the study room connected to the back room, indicating that what he felt should be there.

At this moment, Aiwen suddenly felt a chill on her shoulders.

Froslass is still invisible to Aiwen's side and reminds Aiwen at this time that it also feels something.

"Master Aiwen, did Petilil feel anything?" Phyllis also noticed the anomaly, and she looked towards the study location and asked.

"Well, Petilil did find something."

"My Petilil is very sensitive to some energy, which may have something to do with Viscount's condition."

Aiwen thought for a while, Petilil and Froslass have mastered life energy, and the other is Ghost Type Pokémon.

He can basically confirm that something containing life energy must be hidden in Viscount's room.

The things that contain life energy are divided into two situations.

Like Petilil and Froslass, one produces life energy, the other devours life energy.

If it is the former, Viscount lives by this kind of item that contains life energy, and his body should get better and better.

But in the latter case, this thing will continuously absorb the life energy in Viscount's body, which is somewhat similar to Viscount's current situation.

Of course, these are just his speculations. Perhaps Viscount is just life, and it has nothing to do with the possible existence of items that contain life energy.

"It's related to father's condition?" Phyllis showed a look of shock on her face. After a little hesitation, she saluted: "Please also Master Aiwen to find that thing."

Aiwen gently nodded, but did not act immediately, but looked towards Viscount on the bed, this is the opponent's place after all.

In the face of Aiwen's questioning gaze, Daly Viscount fell silent and did not immediately respond to Aiwen.

"Aiwen Master, is my father poisoned?"

At this moment, Sir Enzo asked. In his opinion, Aiwen itself is a poisonous aspect. The Master.

The last time Aiwen formulated the terrifying Toxic, the whole determination of Johto was unsolvable, which made him very firm in his ideas.

"Well, almost."

Aiwen gently nodded, making Sir Enzo and Phyllis both complexion greatly changed.

But after hearing what Aiwen said, Daly Viscount remained silent.

Sir Enzo pushed his father a bit before Daley Viscount came back to his senses.

After seeing this scene, Aiwen was also in contemplation. It seems that what is really hidden in Daly Viscount's study?

"Before this, I will try Help Daly Viscount for a treatment."

"If my treatment is effective, then my guess should be correct! "

At this moment, Aiwen suddenly spoke, bringing joy to the faces of the two elder brothers and sisters, and Sir Enzo quickly stood up and gave up his position.

Aiwen came to Daly Viscount's side, and then took out a strengthened healing potion and handed it to Daly Viscount for a drink.

Daly Viscount took the potion and took a look, then drank it in one gulp.

Suddenly, Viscount felt a comfortable flow of energy flowing in his body, when his face improved slightly.

After watching this scene, Sir Enzo was overjoyed and quickly asked about his father.

"cough cough cough, it's better."

Daly Viscount nodded, then shook his head again.

Sir Enzo immediately knew what he meant by father, and apparently this medicine could only relieve him.

"Petilil, Aromatherapy." At this moment, Aiwen suddenly said.

Afterwards, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, a comfortable fragrance radiated out, making them feel unexplainably comfortable.

Immediately afterwards, I saw energy waves emanating from the leaves on Petilil's head, which is the life energy it masters.

When these life energies approached Daly Viscount, they slowly merged into his body and began to heal his injuries.

Under the nourishment of life energy, Daly Viscount suddenly felt that his body had undergone some changes, as if the dry Ground was nourished by rain.

Slowly, Daly Viscount squeezed his fist, feeling the long-lost sense of strength.

After that, he tried to stand up, stood up very easily, and took a step forward, Daly's whole body trembling.

Although the whole body is still a little weak, compared to before, Viscount's whole body shivered with excitement, and he could feel his body improving!

In the field, everyone who saw this scene opened their eyes in surprise. This kind of change is really something other Potion Masters have never done!

"It really worked!"

Sir Enzo's face was ecstatic, and he finally saw hope!

As long as his father gets better, the family can continue to grow stronger!

"It's the man I like."

"Even if he is not a lord, he can also benefit the top of this world by relying solely on this magical healing method. !"

Phyllis has a happy smile on her face. She has always been very confident in her own vision. She has never missed the decision she made since she was a child!

"It seems that it is really an excessive consumption of life energy."

At this time, Aiwen also made a judgment from the appearance of Viscount. There should be something to absorb Daley. Viscount's life energy.

"Father, how do you feel?" Sir Enzo hurriedly came to Father and asked about the situation.

"Quickly, very well."

"I can feel my body getting better."

Daly Viscount laughed heartily, although The body is still weak, but as long as there are signs of improvement, there is hope.

Sit on the bed again under the support of Sir Enzo, Viscount excitedly said: "Master Aiwen, can my illness be completely cured?"

Feeling how many people were present With a scorching gaze, Aiwen nodded and said: "I can't make a judgement until I fully understand the cause of Viscount."

After a circle, Aiwen spared the problem again. For Daly Viscount He also felt very curious about the secrets of the study.

"Cough cough cough, please come to Aiwen Master."

This time, Daly Visitcount didn't hesitate anymore, facing Aiwen nodded.

Obviously, compared with my own life, the secrets in the study are not so important anymore.

Moreover, he turned out to be like this because of something in the study, which he didn't expect.

Now, he also has trust in Aiwen, and also hopes that Aiwen will find the thing as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to feel at ease.

"Sir Enzo, come and have a look in the study with me." Aiwen nodded, facing Sir Enzo on the side.

Since he knows what secrets may be in the other party's study, he feels that it is better to get the Viscount son, so he can avoid suspicion.

Watching Aiwen and Enzo enter the study, Daly Viscount's cloudy eyes closed, and then slowly sighed.

After entering the study, Petilil felt it carefully, but stopped when they came to a wall with a sea view on it.

Petilil looked at such a wall with doubts on his face. In its induction, that life energy came from behind this wall!

"Secret Chamber!"

Aiwen knew it well.

There really seems to be something hidden in Viscount's study.

After watching this scene, the two noble heirs, Sir Enzo and Phyllis, also reacted at this time, and couldn't help looking at their father.

Daly Viscount was suddenly sighed, and then he turned to steward nodded and told him to leave the room first and not let other people in.

After that, he stood up tremblingly, and Sir Enzo ran over to support his father.

"cough cough cough ~"

"There is indeed a secret room, which hides a secret of our family."

"If there is no today I will also find the opportunity to tell you the news."

With the help of Sir Enzo, Viscount walked slowly towards the wall where the nautical chart was hung.

After hearing what he said, the three people present were all taken aback, and then they saw Daly Viscount let his son take down the nautical chart.

Then he clicked a place on the wall, and the wall suddenly sank, revealing a diamond-shaped groove.

Finally, Daly Viscount untied a Black crystal pendant from his neck and placed it in the diamond groove.

With the insertion of the black crystal, the entire wall trembles suddenly, and finally moves slowly, finally revealing a passage leading to the underground.

"Let's go."

Viscount said, and with the help of a surprised Sir Enzo, he entered the tunnel.

"Master Aiwen, let's go in together." Phyllis came to Aiwen and said.

Aiwen gently nodded and enters the secret path with Phyllis, but he always feels something is wrong and can't tell.

Soon, after entering the secret path, they came to the secret room.

A chill keeps coming from Aiwen's shoulder, this is Froslass' secret warning.

As long as there is any danger, Froslass will immediately protect Aiwen, so that he does not have to worry.

After arriving in the secret room, Sir Enzo lit the oil lamp, which allowed Aiwen to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze was attracted by a statue in the room up ahead, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The whole body is pitch black like a shadow, and Smog-like white hair that keeps tumbling covers most of the face, revealing only a pair of bright blue eyes.

Aiwen just glanced at it and recognized that this is the legendary Mythical Pokemon Darklei, the legendary existence called the nightmare god!

"Father, what is this statue?"

Phyllis also asked at this time. She had read the demonic beast classics in the family's collection, but she had never seen such a demonic. beast.

"This is the Spiritual God our family believes in." Viscount glanced at Aiwen and explained to his children.

After hearing Viscount's words, Aiwen's eyes flashed, and there was only one Spiritual God whom Lizhicheng believed in, and it was Azelf.

But Daley Viscount’s family believes in Darkley. Does this mean that the ancestors of Daley Viscount’s family came from other places?

Aiwen's gaze continued to scan and found that besides the statue, there was a large collection of books in this secret room. Apart from this only had a wooden box.

Wow, wow~

At this time, Petilil also looked towards the wooden box, indicating that the thing it sensed was in the wooden box.

Daly Viscount didn't explain much about Darklay with his sons, but looked towards Aiwen and followed his gaze towards the wooden box in the secret room.

Without much hesitation, Viscount came to the wooden box, and then took out the previous black crystal pendant, inserted it into the groove, and opened the wooden box.

Suddenly, bursts of light blue rays of light were printed in the eyes of everyone present, and there were a lot of gems in this wooden box!

Obviously, these gems are the heritage left by the entire Viscount family, but at this time they are fully displayed in front of Aiwen!

"Master Aiwen should know that our family was born by a merchant."

"These gems are left by the family elder. We have also squandered some of them one after another. This is the rest."

"Next, I will trouble Aiwen Master to help find the ominous thing."

After hearing Viscount's words, Aiwen gently nodded and came to Mu Check in front of the box.

He glanced briefly, and suddenly felt a little shocked in his heart. All of the wooden boxes were actually water stones!

A whole box of water stones, which made Aiwen wonder whether the Daly family had dug a whole vein before? !

However, this quantity of water stones is difficult to breed in the Normal place, unless it is possible in the sea that contains the most Water Type energy!

As for the sea, does Daley Viscount’s family lived by the sea before, or from other continents... Aiwen kept an eye out for herself.

At this moment, Petilil was already rummaging in the Oak box, and soon it came out carefully holding a purple red bead.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are on this purple red bead. Is this the bead that contains Toxic?

"This is...Life Orb?"

Aiwen looked up and down the purple red beads in Petilil's hands, and suddenly thought of the origin of this bead!

This is a bead condensed by life energy. According to legend, this bead can absorb the life energy of the user and convert it into a certain mysterious power!

It is precisely because Life Orb has the power to absorb life energy.

So this bead until now is regarded as unknown, and the process of exchanging life energy for power is also called a demon contract!

In the subsequent research, the researchers also slowly solved the secret of Life Orb.

When Pokémon is carrying Life Orb, after consuming a certain amount of life energy, it can increase the formidable power of the moves by 30%!

The 30% increase in strength is not visible at low levels, but at the later stage of the Master or Elite level, the strength gap is too big!

Of course, in addition to the effects of the Items in Life Orb, the stored life energy is also very precious energy!

Although Petilil can also condense life energy, the quality is far from the energy in Life Orb, and the purity is too different.

As long as the life energy in Life Orb can be channeled out, Pokémon, who has absorbed this life energy, can definitely improve its strength!

If Petilil can absorb this life energy, the quality and purity of the life energy it condenses will definitely be improved a lot.

This Life Orb is really a big improvement for Petilil who can control the life energy. He already has some training plans.

Aiwen was a little excited, and then looked towards Life Orb again.

Obviously, Daly Viscount's body is getting worse and worse because of the life energy absorbed by this Life Orb.

Although it doesn’t matter if you don’t use Life Orb in a short period of time, the consumption of life energy is still huge under accumulated over a long period of time!

"Aiwen Master, do you recognize this bead?" Daly Viscount asked as Aiwen kept looking at the purple red beads.

This Life Orb must be taken away no matter what... Shaking his head calmly, Aiwen said: "I have to study it to make a judgment."

"However, this energy is very similar to the gray fog on the front line. Both can erode human life and are a very dangerous thing."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Daly Viscount's face changed. For a moment, if he is not seriously ill, he is also eligible to participate in that kind of meeting.

He naturally knows what the gray mist means. At the same time, he also heard that Aiwen became an earl because he solved the battle on the front line. It is no surprise that Aiwen knows about the gray mist.

But it was exactly that, he knew the danger of this gray mist, and the purple red bead in front of him contained similar energy!

"Aiwen Master, many thanks for helping us find the source of this unknown."

"I hope Master can take this bead away, unlock the bead’s password, and prevent It continues to shed unknown."

Daly Viscount quickly made a decision. He was able to detect that Aiwen wanted this purple red bead.

In this case, regardless of whether the bead is the source of unknown origin, he intends to give it to Aiwen in order to pull in their relationship.

While speaking, his eyes fell on his children, showing appreciation.

Although I don't know how much they paid to invite Aiwen, they are undoubtedly doing very right this time.

Regardless of whether his illness will eventually recover, the family must be handed over to his children, and Aiwen is undoubtedly a very good target.

As long as they can win over the young frontier earl, even if he really passes away, the Daly family can continue to be in their hands.

When thinking about this, Daly Viscount couldn't help but glanced at his daughter a few more times, his face showed thoughtful.

"Then I will be welcome."

"I am really interested in this purple red bead."

"Perhaps through it, I Can completely solve the secret of the gray mist."

Aiwen nodded, then took the purple red beads from Petilil's hands and put them in his treatment box.

After finding the unknown, their purpose of coming to the secret room this time has also been achieved.

But when she saw the Darklei statue and the books in the secret room, Aiwen was still a little bit sad.

After all, this involved a legendary Mythical Pokemon, and he faintly felt that there was a big secret hidden in these books.

Unfortunately, Daly Viscount has no intention of letting Aiwen stay here any longer. With a burst of light coughing, he said that he is not feeling well now.

"Father, I will take you back to rest first." Sir Enzo worried.

With regret, Aiwen left the secret room with a few people and returned to Daly Viscount's room.

After harvesting Life Orb, Aiwen was also very happy, letting Petilil use life energy to heal Daly Viscount before leaving Viscount's house.

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