As time passed, the dazzling green light on the grass slowly dissipated.

But the faint fragrance still wafts in the field, sweeping away all the previous smell.

Gradually, the villagers in the village also found anomalies, and they continued to gather towards the grassland outside the village.

“It’s Glooms, but what’s the matter with this Fragrance?”

“Oh my God, it’s so comfortable, is this faint fragrance from Gloom? "

"That's the Sweet Scent move. Have all these Glooms mastered Sweet Scent?"

The villagers whispered to each other, and gradually they all knew what happened in the field. Everything could not help but exclaimed.

"Very good, although I have been accustomed to the smell of Glooms, the fragrance really makes people feel more relaxed."

Phyllis, who is wandering in the village, is also here. When she reached the crowd, her gaze saw Aiwen standing in front of everyone.

Then her gaze moved, and finally fell on Vileplume's body, her brows frowned slightly, obviously she didn't recognize Vileplume either.

When she knew that Orange Fruit Village had a large amount of Gloom, she already felt a little unbelievable, and now there is an evolutionary form of Gloom!

It seems that Aiwen is called Lord Oddish, there is no problem at all... Phyllis couldn't help but think of the name Knight called Aiwen that she had inquired about.

Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume, these are indeed the cornerstones of Orange Fruit Village becoming stronger, and Orange Fruit Village can be called Oddish Village.

"It seems we need to increase efforts to purchase Oddish from all over the territory of Lizhi City."

"As long as there is a large army of Oddish, it can completely replace the role of Knight."

Phyllis quickly made a judgment in her heart. Breeding a large number of Oddish is obviously much easier than the Breed Knight team. Of course, this is for Aiwen.

For her, the Daly family itself has a lot of trading channels, and she can rely on the trading channels accumulated by the family to improve her status in the territory.

By intervening in Oddish's purchases, she can also further control the financial rights of Orange Fruit Village and expand her rights from the sale of Berry and medicine to other areas.

Casey Nye~

In the field, all the green light has completely disappeared.

Vileplume stopped dancing and let out a loud roar.

At the same time, you can see that all the Glooms in the field have stopped, and they also raised their hands and shouted.

Aiwen watched the scene quietly, glanced over the Glooms in the field, and found that the reddish-brown flowers on their heads had grown a lot.

The special ceremony mastered by Vileplume not only successfully made the Glooms comprehended Sweet Scent, but also used the natural energy gathered by the ceremony to enhance the strength of the Glooms.

"This is a gift from nature."

Aiwen's face showed emotion, and his eyes looked towards the endless grassland, which is the smell of spring.

Casey Nye~

After finishing the ceremony, Vileplume squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the breath of nature still remaining around the body.

This feeling is very strange, as if you are completely immersed in nature, blending with everything around you.

Gradually, green light suddenly flashed around its body, and countless faint green lights suddenly rose from the grass, floating like countless Tail Glow bugs in Vileplume. Around the body.

Casey Chennai!

Vileplume's eyes suddenly opened, and the invisible energy fluctuations instantly spread out toward all directions!

In an instant, a light green halo with Vileplume as the center radiated from it, and a dome-like green energy circle appeared, causing the area around it to emit light green light!

"This is...Grassy Terrain!"

Aiwen's eyes shrank, a little surprised, and a little clear at the same time.

Vileplume's special ceremony, the prerequisite is to be able to adjust to the surrounding natural energy.

The last time he performed the special ceremony that allowed the Oddish to evolve, relying on Absorb moves to absorb the physical strength of the Mightyenas, so that the Oddish at the critical point of evolution collectively evolved.

At the same time, in his memory, the celebration of Venusaur's Unbelievable Garden requires a Venusaur who possesses natural energy to be able to proceed.

And now, the reason why Vileplume is able to perform a special ceremony is precisely because it has suddenly mastered the natural energy, and at the same time borrowed this ceremony, making its own successful comprehended Grassy Terrain move!

Grassy Terrain is a special kind of field move. The grass type energy condenses natural energy to form a special field. In this field, the physical strength of Pokémon can be recovered a little. The formidable power of the Grass Type move Will also improve!

This is a group state move that integrates recovery and strengthening. It is undoubtedly a huge improvement for Grass Type Pokémon!

It is conceivable that during the battle of Gloom squad, Vileplume will display Grassy Terrain, which will definitely improve the battle strength of Gloom squad.

Even if it is not a team of Grass Type Pokémon, other Pokémon fighting in Grassy Terrain can be continuously healed, and battle strength can also be improved.

In addition to the improvement of combat methods, the effect of Grassy Terrain moves on farming is definitely not better than Rototiller's moves, or even much stronger!

It can be imagined that with the cooperation of Rototiller's moves and Grassy Terrain, grass can grow from the earth in an instant, and the whole earth can be covered with green in an instant!

Casey Nye~

Vileplume and Gloom in the field are also feeling the improvement brought by Grassy Terrain.

Feeling the rich Grass Type energy in the entire venue, they feel comfortable all over the body, and the energy fills the whole body.

After seeing this scene, Petilil also jumped from Aiwen's arms and quickly ran towards the area enveloped by Grassy Terrain.

But when Petilil just ran into the envelope of Grassy Terrain, he saw that the green halo shrouded in the field suddenly turned into a little green light and dissipated.

Petilil: "..."

Casey Nai~

At this time, Vileplume also found Petilil approaching. After a moment of stunned , Said hello happily.

Then its gaze immediately looked all around, since Petilil is back, Aiwen must be back too.

"Vileplume, long time no see, well done." Aiwen walked over from a distance.

After hearing Aiwen's words, Vileplume immediately smiled happily, and at the same time a faint green light flashed on his body, showing the moves he had just understood.

"Well, I saw it."

"This move is called the Grassy Terrain move. It is an extremely rare move."

Aiwen exclaimed, In fact, Grassy Terrain this move is one of the most difficult moves for Pokémon to comprehend.

After all, this is a changeable venue move, and it is also a strengthening and healing move. It is too harsh to understand the conditions that this move needs to meet!

And he wants to teach Pokémon Grassy Terrain the same way. He just heard that using a kind of Items called Terrain Extender, coupled with corresponding similar venues and special learning methods, can be certain Probability is for Pokémon to learn.

So when he first started farming, he actually thought of the Divine Artifact of Grassy Terrain moves, but he could only secretly be greedy without mastering the method of learning moves.

But now, Vileplume is so lucky to comprehended Grassy Terrain, which really makes him so excited!

Afterwards, he also secretly thought about Vilaplume's successful comprehension of Grassy Terrain's moves. In addition to its own innate talent, natural energy and ceremony help are essential, and the comprehension conditions are also very demanding.

Casey Nai~

Vileplume laughed happily, and at the same time, the gaze looking towards Aiwen was full of gratitude and happiness. Without Aiwen, there would be no it.

"Congratulations to Master Aiwen."

The villagers in the distance were also completely surprised by the Grassy Terrain moves displayed by Vileplume.

Although I don’t know the effect of that move, I can feel the power of Grassy Terrain just by looking at him!

In their view, Aiwen must have taught Vileplume this magical move, just like the last time Aiwen made Oddishes evolve into Gloom!

"It's okay, everyone is gone."

"In the future, you shouldn't have to endure the stench of Glooms anymore."

"Thanks for your hard work during this time, and thank you for being able to endure and recognize the Glooms."

Aiwen said with a smile to the villagers who gathered behind him, and Vileplume beside him froze for a moment, and then again It was a bow to these villagers.

Indeed, in this winter, they have gained too much touch and warmth. At this time, they have completely integrated into the Orange Fruit Village. It is also very grateful to these villagers.

"Huh? No, no."

"It should be that we want to thank the Glooms for their protection."

"Fortunately, with the Glooms, we Only then can we survive this winter safely."

"For us, Gloom already exists as a family member, how can we say to bear it!"

"Also From now on... please give me your advice."

The villagers were startled and bowed quickly, and what they said was entirely from their sincerity, but... After the smell is gone, it is indeed better.

Soon, the villagers also slowly dispersed.

Gloom, who has just mastered the Sweet Scent move, has stayed. They still need to continue to exercise methods to control their odor.

"Master Aiwen, is it called Vileplume?"

At this moment, Phyllis walked over with Shinx in her arms, and looked at Vileplume in front of her curiously.

Her gaze always stays on the domineering giant petals on Vileplume's head, feeling that she likes the look of Vileplume very much, there is a hint of domineering in her gentleness, very similar to herself!

"Well, this is the evolutionary form of Vileplume, Gloom." Aiwen also introduced Vileplume to Phyllis.

"Did Gloom evolve?"

"Okay, I have decided. I also want to take a Gloom and let it evolve into Vileplume!"

"According to the regulations of Orange Fruit Village, as long as you get the approval of a Gloom, you can successfully conquer this demon... Well, Pokémon, right?"

Hear Phyllis Aiwen took a look at her with interest, nodded and said: "This is valid for everyone, but only if it is approved by Pokémon."

"Okay, that's it. !"

Phyllis pulled the purple hair in front of her behind her, looked towards the Glooms in the field, obviously looking for a target.

Looking at the purple-haired girl among the Glooms, Aiwen showed a faint smile on her face, looking towards the open wilderness in the distance, she couldn't help but relax.


The mayor of Raul is discussing where the village should be built with the villagers in Persim Berry village.

At this time, on the paper with the location of Orange Fruit Village, several circles have been circled around Orange Fruit Village. They have explored these and are suitable for establishing the location of the village.

"First of all, we must be close enough to Chengguo Village."

"Just like Lizhi City, the future of Chengguo Village will be like the inner city of the city."

"And what we have to do is to build the village in the inner city, at least the outer city connected to the inner city, so that we can get more development opportunities."

Villagers Expressing their opinions, their faces were all excited at this time.

Originally, they planned to stay in Orange Fruit Village, and doing so is equivalent to them giving up the orchard in Persim Berry Village.

But now, with the entire relocation of Persim Berry Village to the surroundings of Orange Fruit Village, they can not only stay in Orange Fruit Village, but also continue to have their own orchard. It is so happy!

Especially for the villagers like Lin Sen who have become members of the patrol team, after they truly breed the demonic beast according to the method of the patrol team, they know how much it costs!

Every day, they need to buy Pokémon food that is rich in nutrients for their demonic beasts. Apart from this, they also buy a healing potion to restore the demonic beast's strength after training. The cost is really not that of normal.

Of course, they can also choose not to breed Pokémon and just let them eat ordinary food, but seeing the rapid improvement of their companions' strength, several people can really stand it!

Now that they have the fruit forest, they can plant the Berry Tree while carrying out patrol missions and the breeding of demonic beasts.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good here." Lauer thought for a while, and pointed to a place slightly away from Orange Fruit Village.

This is a flat land, where the soil is very suitable for planting Berry, but it is too far away from Orange Fruit Village, which makes Raul hesitate.

"It's still too far here."

"If it's just an environment for planting Berry, doesn't Master Aiwen say that you don't need to think about it too much?"

Some villagers put forward their own ideas. The abandoned orchard outside the village was covered with green grass overnight, but they had all seen it.

"Well, it is true."

Raul opened his mouth and finally expressed his approval. He sighed and marked off several places too far away from Orange Fruit Village.

In this case, there are fewer places to choose. To the west of Orange Fruit Village is the location of the abandoned orchard, which is the border of the entire territory, which is obviously no longer suitable for establishing a village.

For the east, facing the Black Forest is the most vulnerable place to be attacked by demonic beasts. In this case, there are only two directions to choose from.

Considering that although the southern side is relatively safe, it still borders the Black Forest, so the northern side of Orange Fruit Village is the most suitable place to build a village.

Furthermore, the northern edge of Chengguo Village is bordered by other territories, and it must also be the center of gravity for the continued development of the Southeastern Territory!

"This is the place."

"Our Persim Berry village will be rebuilt here."

Lin Sen looked at the last remaining on the map In that area, his face was very solemn.

The other villagers also looked at each other, nodded, and all of their faces were filled with excited smiles.

After determining the location, Raul no longer had to blame, and went directly to Fessen, who was in charge of the relocation of the village. The next thing they had to do was to measure the scope of each villager’s farm and finally determine the location of the village. Scope.

In addition to the villagers of Persim Berry Village, the villagers of other villages are also discussing the relocation of the village enthusiastically.

Sure enough, after the village chiefs proposed it, the villagers were all boiled and signed without any hesitation.

Even after hearing that the location of Persim Berry Village had been confirmed, and they had chosen the direction to the north of Orange Fruit Village that they all fancy, they were all anxious.

They can't wait to determine the location of their villages immediately. There are eight villages in total. After others have selected good locations, they will only be able to pick a few places that are very far away from Chengguo Village.


Although the winter has passed, it is still dark quickly.

The sun sets, and the afterglow of the setting sun is scattered on the ground, shining on the grass outside the village.

On the grass at this time, Aiwen hugged Petilil and Phyllis hugged Gloom and walked towards the village.

The setting sun shone on the two of them, pulling out a long shadow, overlapping each other.

"Gloom, please advise me a lot in the future." Phyllis said with a smile to Gloom in her arms.

Casey Nye~

Gloom raised his head and glanced at Phyllis, his face also showed a happy smile.

Meow wu~

Shinx was lying on Phyllis's shoulder and screamed aggrievedly.

The warm embrace originally belonged to it, but now it is occupied by Gloom, and the cat sighs.

"Didn't expect, you kinda like Pokémon." Aiwen sighed aside.

The process of subjugation really went too smoothly. Isn't beauty not only for humans, but also for Gloom?

"Didn’t you say that as long as you treat Pokémon sincerely, Pokémon will treat you sincerely."

"Gloom must have felt my sincerity, so he was willing to follow me, right? ?"

"Of course, I will keep my promise. One day, I will let Gloom evolve into Vileplume."

while speaking, Phyllis will Gloom Lifting it up, the setting sun shone on Gloom's excited face.

"Well, I will."

Aiwen gently nodded, with a smile on her face.

As the two of them moved forward, they entered the Orange Fruit Village for a long time and walked towards home.

As he marched, Aiwen's steps suddenly stopped.

He suddenly thought of a serious problem. Master Ole and Link have lived with Fessen and Suter.

But what about Phyllis?

She is a girl, can't she also live with brawny men like Fessen, right?

But if you don’t live with them, where does Phyllis live?

"What's wrong?" Phyllis asked in confusion when Aiwen stopped.

I heard that Aiwen opened his mouth, and suddenly she didn’t know how to speak, "That...nothing."

After speaking, he continued to face himself again. Go home, and Phyllis follows very naturally, and then arrives at Darby Uncle's house.

And when she came to the door of the house, Felice's figure also had a meal. Suddenly, there was some reaction. Is this Aiwen's home?

"Aiwen, Miss Phyllis, you guys are back."

"Your aunt has finished dinner. Come and eat now."

When the two returned, Darby Uncle had already been waiting at the door.

After seeing the two, I was happy to welcome them into the house immediately, where Aunt Madison has already prepared a sumptuous meal.

After seeing the two come in, little Andy ran over happily, planning to play with Petilil.

After seeing Phyllis, he also said hello very politely, "Phyllis elder sister, you are so beautiful."

children's words carry no harm, I heard After Little Andy's words, Phyllis also showed a sweet smile, took out a candy and handed it to Little Andy, whose eyes were shining.

After that, the five people also sat down around the dining table and started today's dinner.

During the meal, Darby Uncle and Aunt Madison showed exceptional enthusiasm for Phyllis, and they kept asking for warmth from time to time.

When she learned that Phyllis was the eldest daughter of Viscount, the smile on Aunt Uncle's face was even worse.

And Darby Uncle even secretly gave Aiwen a thumbs-up. In his opinion, an expensive patriarch woman followed Aiwen to Orange Fruit Village. This is too obvious!

Aiwen bowed his head all the way to eat, and ignored the winking Darby Uncle. He didn't know how to explain this.

On the other hand, Phyllis was very generous, talking with Darby Uncle and Aunt Madison very naturally, and I don't know if I didn't notice the abnormality, or the expensive patriarch girl is used to this kind of occasion.

It was Petilil who kept looking at several people. Suddenly he felt something abnormal. The leaves on his head could not help but tremble twice, but it couldn't tell what was abnormal.

Soon, in a strange atmosphere, the dinner was finally over.

But what makes Aiwen a little depressed is that Aunt Uncle has already prepared the room for Phyllis, which happens to be next to Aiwen's room.

Looking at the enthusiastic Aunt Uncle, Aiwen had a black line on her face, and after greeted Phyllis with her composure, she returned to her room with Petilil in her arms.

"Tomorrow, I will help Phyllis find a place to live."

"In addition, it is time for me to help out and live, and the construction of the Pokémon breed house will also be required. Do it early."

After closing the door, Aiwen fiercely let out a sigh of relief, calming his beating heart.

But these are what he planned long ago. Now the Pokémon breed house is on the right track. The temporary breed house of his broken wooden house is obviously no longer suitable.

Watching Aiwen leave, Phyllis's mouth was slightly cocked, and then she greeted Aunt Uncle sweetly, and she also hugged Shinx and Gloom and entered the room.

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