On the open space outside Orange Fruit Village.

Rhydon is running fast with a white ribbon on his head.

Behind it, there was a group of Rhyhorn at this time, and one of them, Rhyhorn with a bow tie on its head, appeared very conspicuous.

moo moo moo ~

Rhyhorn's figure is running, looking at Rhydon in front of him with admiration.

This Rhyhorn is exactly Phyllis's one. Due to the inconvenience she usually carries, she also entrusts her Rhyhorn to Rhydon for management.

roar roar roar!

Rhydon took the lead and let out a growl.

When it ran past, the ground was quickly ploughed over.

This time, Rhydon's movement is obviously planned, constantly running in the north-south direction.

Soon, one after another neat Rototiller appeared in this clearing, and the Ground was dotted with green light, full of vitality.

"It's really a magical power!"

"With Rhydon, this wasteland can be turned directly into land suitable for farming."

Lord Raul looked at Rhydon, who was constantly running in the field, with a look of wonder in his eyes. It was really incredible.

"Lord Raul, how do you feel about this place?"

Aiwen stood beside Raul with a smile on his face. Rototiller's moves are in this ancient The role of world is really too big.

Seeing this, Mayor Raul is nodded right away, "Thank you for the land."

"A brand new village of Persim Berry will soon be able to relocate to this land. It's established."

After finishing speaking, Mayor Raul also wanted to kneel and bow, and was held by Aiwen, "This is what my lord should do."

"After the land is cultivated, you can start planting Berry first."

"I have already told Firis the Treasurer for the seeds of Berry. You can go to her to buy "

After the explanation, Aiwen left the grassland and walked towards the south of Orange Fruit Village. At this time, Rhydon had already cultivated the area.

At this time on this piece of Rototiller, you can see that the Glooms are doing cleanup work on the Rototiller.

This place is specifically left by Aiwen, who intends to plant Berry Tree here and build his own Berry Fields.

In addition, the southern part of Orange Fruit Village is very close to the Black Forest. Aiwen entered the Black Forest through here and brought the Oddish out of the forest.

By crossing the Black Forest, you will be able to reach the Black Sea shore, so this is also the direction Aiwen plans to focus on in the next development.

Berry Fields also has enough room for development in this direction, and in the end it may even be connected with the Black Forest to establish a natural line of defense for forest rangers!

"It seems it's time to explore the Black Forest again."

"Spring is here, and many materials needed to formulate medicines are also grown."

"Apart from this and the White Apricorn tree, I hope that Berry Tree is still there, and I hope there are more Berry Trees in the Black Forest."

Aiwen's gaze looked towards In the distant horizon, I plan to explore the Black Forest in these two days.

"Casey Nai~"

After seeing Aiwen, Vileplume immediately greeted him.

"Vileplume, thank you very much."

Aiwen touched the flower on Vileplume's head, and then came to Rototiller to check the situation.

Now the weather has completely entered the spring, the warm wind is blowing, the temperature is rising very quickly, and the planting of Berry has begun.

After having a plan to explore the Black Forest, Aiwen intends to leave this land to the White Apricorn tree to prepare for the future Poké Ball production business.


At the entrance of Darby Farm, a wooden Abigail was specially built, and Abigail was filled with Berry's seedlings.

Now it’s the farming season, and you can see villagers coming over to buy Berry seedlings.

In the past, they had to go to Lizhicheng to buy Berry seedlings.

Now they can buy it directly in Orange Fruit Village, and the price is more than half cheaper than usual.

Phyllis sits at the table, carefully supervising the distribution of Berry seedlings by the patrol team members, and records the transaction information on the ledger.

This is the first financial income she is responsible for, and it must be done beautifully.

While recording the accounts, her gaze will occasionally look in the direction of the farm. At this time, Berry seedlings are still being delivered.

In fact, before she came to Chengguo Village, she had secretly discussed with the merchants in Lizhi City who specialized in selling Berry seedlings.

For the future Berry Tree seedlings, Orange Fruit Village will first purchase them in a unified manner, and then sell them to the villagers.

Because it was Orange Fruit Village who bought a large number of Berry seedlings at one time, and the one who needed Berry seedlings was the Earl Aiwen, she had already kept the price low.

But now, Chengguo Village seems to have solved Berry Miao's problem on her own, and all her previous plans have failed.

"In addition, the price is really too low, what exactly is Aiwen planning to do?"

Phyllis’ browses slightly wrinkle, although she doesn’t know where Aiwen got it from These Berry seedlings, but sold at this price, it is completely a loss business!

She also talked to Aiwen about this matter. If she wants to raise the price of Berry seedlings, she can sell them to these villagers at the cost price she inquired about.

But Aiwen had no intention of discussing her proposal at all, just let her do the same.

Speaking of selling Berry seedlings, she also thought of some of Aiwen's past masterpieces.

It's like the profit after selling the medicine, divided into 50% to the villagers of Orange Fruit Village, and for example, buying a large number of immature Berry before the winter.

Apart from this and the Pharmacy Economic Cooperative Project this time, she can clearly feel that Aiwen intends to distribute her own interests to these villagers.

For Aiwen's decision, she really feels very puzzled. For a lord, giving up too much of her own interests will only mess up the finances of the territory!

If Aiwen were not a Potion Master, and had control over the preparation of medicines and the highly profitable Pokémon food, the current territorial finances would have already collapsed.

Don't look at the financial support of Chengguo Village now.

We must know that Aiwen has become the lord of the frontier in the southeast corner. After that, the construction of the castle, the development of the territory, and the formation of the Knight regiment all require financial support.

Phyllis feels that she wants to become Aiwen's financial officer, she will be very tired. She feels that when Aiwen comes back, she must talk to him.


Master Ole is a little depressed recently.

At this time, in Aiwen's temporary pharmacy room, he is preparing Growth potion.

And on the table opposite him, a Petilil is also preparing potions.

He looked straight at Petilil. At this time, in front of Petilil, several Berry were wrapped in green light.

Then I saw Berry in Petilil's green light package suddenly split, the peel naturally fell off, the juice in it naturally flowed, everything was so natural.

I didn't see any movement of Petilil at all. A few Berry's were already processed, and the process of preparing the skilled healing potion followed.

Behind this scene, Master Ole looked dumbfounded. Why does he feel that the level of this Petilil compounding potion is higher than that of him?

Soon, I saw that a bottle of healing potion was prepared and then placed in the sun for the final fermentation.

After preparing the healing potion medicament, Petilil was pleased to patted his hands, and then started the preparation of another medicament.

This time, the Berry that Petilil took out were Wiki Berry and Magost Berry, and then started processing.

He soon realized that the medicine Petilil had prepared was something he had never seen before, and he stared at it seriously.

Petilil's movements are also very fast. He can't understand the special Berry processing method. He can only remember the process of Petilil's preparation of medicine.

Soon, I saw that Petilil successfully prepared a bottle of brown-gray potion, and then drank it directly under his stunned look.

After drinking the potion, Petilil somewhat guilty looked towards the door, and found that it quietly relaxed when the door was closed.

Then it turned its head back and was stunned. It had forgotten. At this time, there was a human uncle in the pharmacy room.

Suddenly I saw Master Ole and Petilil start big eyes staring at small eyes, and the scene seemed a little weird for a while.

"Hello, Petilil."

"The medicine you prepared before...what is it?"

Master Ole’s face He squeezed out a smile and asked in a voice that he thought was gentle.

After hearing what he said, Petilil immediately shook the head, and then pointed to the healing potion in the distance, as if saying that I was drinking a healing potion!

"I'm not talking about healing potion, but the bottle of brown-gray potion." Master Ole took a deep breath and continued to inquire.

This time, Petilil suddenly became vigilant, jumped off the table with his calf, opened the door and ran away.

In the room, Master Ole is a little messy.

He looked at the healing potion he was preparing, and suddenly it didn't smell good.

Forget it, when Aiwen comes back, he must talk to Aiwen about pharmacy.

Thinking that his potion level does not seem to be as high as that of Petilil, Master Ole feels his heart is panicked, and he wants to get more potion preparation methods.


Link has been staying in the Pokémon breed house for this period of time.

Not long after he came here, Aiwen approached him and asked him to manage the Pokémon breed house.

At the beginning, he didn't know what the Pokémon breed house was for. Later, he learned that this is the place where the breed demonic beast is located.

Wild’s demonic beast is the demonic beast, and the tamed demonic beast is Pokémon.

He still agrees with Aiwen's name, so he changed it immediately.

For Pokémon, he himself likes it very much, and the preparation of potions is part of the Pokémon breed house.

This Pokémon breed house includes the reception area in the front and the Pokémon breed area in the back, and there is also a pharmacy room in the Pokémon breed area. The Ole Master also stays here from time to time.

In addition, in the Pokémon breed house, in addition to the healing potion, there are also very special potions called Rock Throw potions and pollen potions.

Master Ole is very curious about these two medicines, and has been studying these two special medicines recently.

Therefore, he did not shirk, and took over the management of the Pokémon breed house. He is usually responsible for the sales of the medicine in the breed house. The salary is also very good.

"ao wu ao wu ao wu~"

In the angle of the Pookémon breed house, a young Poochyena whimpers.

After hearing this Growl, Link smiled and walked over and said: "You snack goods, are you hungry?"

"Wait a moment, I will Get Pokémon food."

Touching Poochyena's soft hair, Link entered the back room of Pokémon's breeding house and took out the bag of Pokémon food.

Afterwards, he poured brown granular Pokémon food into Poochyena's bowl.

After seeing the food, Poochyena immediately jumped on it happily, and began to eat with big mouthfuls, with a look of excitement on his face.

While Poochyena was eating food, Link also came to Poochyena's side to observe Poochyena's injured leg.

This Poochyena didn't know why, but his leg was seriously injured. Aiwen took the terrier dog to the Pokémon breed house after treatment.

For Aiwen's level of treatment, even Ole, who is also the Pharmacist Master, admires it.

The kind of injury where all the bones are broken, no one in Lizhicheng can see it well, but Aiwen succeeded in connecting Poochyena's bones.

ao wu ao wu ~

Poochyena was very happy after eating, making Link's eyes soft.

Really a lucky little fellow... He sighed in his heart, then got up and took a bottle of healing potion, intending to drink it for Poochyena.

ao wu ~

At this moment, Poochyena who was eating Pokémon's food suddenly stopped her mouth and looked towards the door room.

Then, seeing the wooden door opened, Aiwen walked in.

Ao wu ao wu ao wu~

After seeing Aiwen, Poochyena cried out excitedly.

"little fellow, it seems that you are recovering very well." Aiwen responded with a chuckle.

Link also came over to say hello at this time: "Master Aiwen, Poochyena is recovering very well. It shouldn't be long before you can run."

"Well, thank you for your help. Take care of Poochyena."

For Link, Aiwen is very satisfied. It can be seen that he is really good at caring for Pokémon.

And the injured Poochyena was fostered in the Pokémon breed house for Link to take care of. In fact, he was still thinking about testing Link.

Facts have proved that Link is indeed very suitable to become a Pokémon Breeder, and he intends to teach Link to become a qualified Pokémon Breeder in the future.

"I came here this time, but I actually came to see you." Aiwen said with a smile to Link.

After hearing what he said, Link was a little surprised. He didn't know what Aiwen was looking for.

"Well, this is a special potion called Growth Fertilizer."

"As long as the Pokémon of Grass Type absorbs this special potion, it will be able to Improve your strength."

"Now I plan to sell this special potion in the Pokémon breed house. I will explain to you the usage and effects of these potions."

while speaking, I heard a sudden tremor outside, and saw Rhydon holding a huge box in his hands, walking from a distance.

In this wooden box there are a large number of wooden test tubes in which a certain dose of Growth fertilizer is stored.

"Growth fertilizer? A special potion?"

Link was shocked. Without Aiwen's explanation, he knew it was a potion he hadn't seen.

At first, when he saw Rock Throw potions and pollen potions in the Pokémon breed room, he was still surprised by the potions that could help Pokémon improve.

Now, he feels that his receptive ability is much stronger, and he has become a bit accustomed to the various medicines formulated by Aiwen.

"Well, this is a medicine for Grass Type Pokémon."

"Of course, this medicine can also be used for Berry, which can speed up Berry's growth and development. "

"However, this concentration of Growth fertilizer can only be used by Pokémon. If it is used by Berry, it will burn seedlings."

"So you are You should also make it clear when you sell Growth fertilizer, otherwise there may be some accidents."

"Also, this medicine is not for drinking. Just pour it into the ground. Grass Type Pokémon can be absorbed."

"Remember, only Grass Type Pokémon can use this potion. If combined with Absorb moves, the effect can be better."

"By the way, Knight selection will start soon. The past few days Pokémon breed house may be busy. If you are not busy, you can ask Fessen Clerk for help."

Aiwen laughed He explained to Link what growth fertilizer was, and he was still surprised to hear that it was a Grass Type Pokémon or even a potion used by Berry.

It's okay to use it for Pokémon. Although it was rare before, after all, there are Rock Throw potions and pollen potions, but for the plant, he really had to hear about it for the first time.

He can now imagine that his Teacher must be going crazy again after hearing this medicine. He is really worried about his teacher's heart.

During this time, what he heard the most from Teacher was that fortunately he followed Aiwen to Orange Fruit Village, otherwise he would really regret it for a lifetime!


Pete has been a patrol member for some time.

After a period of training, he can finally carry out natural patrol missions like other patrol members.

But his goal is far more than just wanting to be a patrolman, his goal is to become a Knight!

As the Knight instructors came to Orange Fruit Village, their long-awaited selection of Knight finally began.

But after the rules of Knight selection were announced, Pete was a little unhappy, because the most important thing in Knight selection was to test their battle strength!

After half a month, the Orange Fruit Village Patrol Team will hold an open competition. Only the top 16 patrol members in the competition will be eligible for Knight!

The rule of the game is a one-to-one battle method. After the demonic beast of one party loses the combat capability, the battle is over.

Thinking of fighting, Pete couldn't help but look down at Gloom, who was following him, and couldn't help but sighed.

In the patrol team, he obtained the Breed Gloom method, and his Gloom also successfully learned the Absorb move and Sleep Powder move.

But his Gloom is subdued from the abandoned grassland, and his strength is still very weak.

Many of the patrols are members of the Gloom squad outside Orange Fruit Village, and their strength is very powerful.

Compared with these Glooms, his Gloom is really too weak, not to mention the top sixteen, even the top fifty, he has no confidence at all.

How to breed Gloom?

Pete frowned and thought, and as he walked, he suddenly saw himself Captain Peter.

Peter still carries Gloom and Mightyena on patrol missions as usual.

Since Gloom successfully mastered the Sweet Scent moves, he has been able to control his own odor freely.

This made Peter fiercely relaxed. Now when he is patrolling, he can finally bring both Pokémon, Gloom and Mightyena, with him.

In the patrol team, Peter Captain is the strongest, and he knows that Peter Captain is still on the battlefield, and he has very rich combat experience.

Maybe you can ask Captain...Pete took a deep breath and made a decision in his mind.

"Captain, hello."

Peter lifts the head when he heard someone say hello, lowering his head thinking about something, "It turned out to be Pete."

"More Peter Captain's care during this time."

Looking at the Captain in front of him, who is not yet his own, Pete was also a little emotional.

When he was in Chengguo Village, he mocked Master Aiwen as a fool, which was a dispute with Peter.

The current Lord Aiwen has become an earl, and Peter is also the captain of the patrol, the person that Lord Aiwen trusts most.

"Well, you are a member of the patrol team, I should take care of you." Peter nodded was also impressed by this first outsider who became a patrol member.

The two exchanged briefly again, Pete gritted his teeth and opened the mouth and said: "Peter Captain, can I ask, how can I train Gloom?"

After hearing Pete's words, Peter was obviously taken aback, and then shook his head to say with a smile: "Before you, at least ten team members have asked me this question."

Pete startled , I immediately realized that these players must also go for Knight's qualifications, which made him feel more pressured!

"If you really want to improve Gloom's strength, I have a way."

A wry smile suddenly appeared on Peter's face, "Go to the Pokémon breed room. There is a special potion called Growth Fertilizer, which can help Gloom grow quickly."

After hearing Captain's words, Pete's face suddenly changed.

He is also very familiar with the Pokémon breed house, or the villagers living in Orange Fruit Village know it.

The Pokémon food they usually eat for Gloom comes from the Pokémon breed house, but the price is really very expensive.

And this is only the food that Pokémon eat naturally. It is really hard for him to imagine how high the price of the special medicine called Growth fertilizer will be!

But even so, he still plans to take a look at the Pokémon breed house. As long as he can improve Gloom's strength and finally obtain the Knight qualification, these efforts are indispensable.

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